military exercises | World Defense

military exercises

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    Baltic States are the territories of geopolitical games

    The large scope of military exercises which NATO conducts today is not only a signal to its opponent, Russia, but also the attempts of the Alliance to keep interest of its member states and justify its existence. Such political and military organization like NATO cannot work without reforms and...
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    NATO in action in the Baltic States

    Since 2014 NATO has paid special attention to its Eastern flank. The Alliance demonstrates its interest with the intensifying military activity in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – all of them former Soviet republics. The Alliance permanently increases its presence there. NATO has managed to find...
  3. TheBalticWord

    Baltic States at the epicenter of military exercises

    Baltic States at the epicenter of military exercises | The Baltic Word The Baltic States have become the scene of NATO military actions especially aimed at provoking Russia and Belarus. At the end of September, this year’s largest military exercise “Sword 2020” will take place in...