By Euronews with Reuters• last updated: 27/09/2019 - 19:09
Protesters gathered outside the United Nations in New York with 'Free Kashmir\" signs as Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed the 74th session of the General Assembly on Friday.
REUTERS/Mark Kauzlarich
Protesters gathered outside the United Nations in New York with 'Free Kashmir" signs as Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed the 74th session of the General Assembly on Friday.
Khan warned there would be a "bloodbath" when India lifts its curfew in disputed Kashmir and that any all-out conflict would have consequences far beyond its borders.
It came after India last month removed the decades-old autonomy in the part of Kashmir it administers.
On Thursday, some people in Pakistan's portion of Kashmir were reportedly preparing to storm the line of control (LOC) — a ceasefire line agreed with India that is one of the most militarised frontiers in the world.
"We are all waiting for the United Nations ... to see if the world can help us. Otherwise, we will try to break the LOC border," Habib Urhman Afaqi, the president of the Jamaat-e-Islami political party for the district of Kotli near the LOC, told Reuters.
He said tens of thousands of men around the region were organising themselves by word of mouth and social media.
"We are preparing people, emotionally, and collectively we will be ready to fight on September 27," Afaqi said.
However, Reuters could not verify whether this would take place or not.
Demonstrators hold 'Stand with Kashmir' protest outside UN
Protesters gathered outside the United Nations in New York with 'Free Kashmir\" signs as Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed the 74th session of the General Assembly on Friday.

REUTERS/Mark Kauzlarich
Protesters gathered outside the United Nations in New York with 'Free Kashmir" signs as Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed the 74th session of the General Assembly on Friday.
Khan warned there would be a "bloodbath" when India lifts its curfew in disputed Kashmir and that any all-out conflict would have consequences far beyond its borders.
It came after India last month removed the decades-old autonomy in the part of Kashmir it administers.
On Thursday, some people in Pakistan's portion of Kashmir were reportedly preparing to storm the line of control (LOC) — a ceasefire line agreed with India that is one of the most militarised frontiers in the world.
"We are all waiting for the United Nations ... to see if the world can help us. Otherwise, we will try to break the LOC border," Habib Urhman Afaqi, the president of the Jamaat-e-Islami political party for the district of Kotli near the LOC, told Reuters.
He said tens of thousands of men around the region were organising themselves by word of mouth and social media.
"We are preparing people, emotionally, and collectively we will be ready to fight on September 27," Afaqi said.
However, Reuters could not verify whether this would take place or not.
Demonstrators hold 'Stand with Kashmir' protest outside UN