I am deeply involved in helping and supporting humanitarian efforts on the ground in Pakistan.
So far the government has handeled the situation extremely well. I am very happy with how the general population is being taken care of . Ofcourse there will always be cases and incidents but over all the picture is a lot better than India.
Modi’s response is lacking any organization / compassion and care for the general population. Just like Trump he is more focused in finding a scapegoat for his failures .... Muslims .
Just look at India .... mass starvation and brewing civil unrest. It is obvious they simply don’t care about poor people which is exact opposite of IK response . I want people to read these two articles to understand why our response is so much different than India’s....
So far the government has handeled the situation extremely well. I am very happy with how the general population is being taken care of . Ofcourse there will always be cases and incidents but over all the picture is a lot better than India.
Modi’s response is lacking any organization / compassion and care for the general population. Just like Trump he is more focused in finding a scapegoat for his failures .... Muslims .
Just look at India .... mass starvation and brewing civil unrest. It is obvious they simply don’t care about poor people which is exact opposite of IK response . I want people to read these two articles to understand why our response is so much different than India’s....

Pakistan rolls out largest social assistance program in nation's history to tackle Covid-19
Countries continue to battle the novel coronavirus.