New Ukraine Mobile Ballistic Missile System «Korshun-2» to be presented to the public in Kiev at XI International Trade Fair ‘ARMS AND SECURITY’ 2014.
Maximum range «Korshun-2» of fire is 280 km for the export version and 350 km for the Ukraine Army version. Minimum range is 50 km.
The complex will use a promising cruise missile, developed on the basis of «Korshun» to destroy ground targets, the newspaper writes, «Ukraine Industry.»
Very important is the point that the Ukrainian missile complex «Korshun-2» comply with the limits imposed by the regime of the Missile Technology Control (in agreeing with him the country owning the Missile Technology can not sell outside of missiles with a range greater than 300 km, and the mass of the missile payload must not exceed 500 kg).
New Ukraine Mobile Ballistic Missile System «Korshun-2» to be presented in Kiev | Defence blog