All the people here who are following developments around the world specially related to defence have clearly noticed various nuclear plants in Iran and other stuff getting blown up again and again specially in past ten days. These are clearly the result of Israel and USA cyber attacks like they did few years ago in form of STUXNET. They seem to be back on track and using Cyber Warfare to cause the damage for which until few years ago you needed to carry out a physical attack or sabotage to achieve that.
Therefore either we I mean Pakistan could try to keep our eyes shut and simply choose to ignore the threat of cyber warfare which if not now, will be knocking on our doors soon or we could establish our own dedicated agency which does following jobs.
@Khafee @Mastankhan @Signalian
Therefore either we I mean Pakistan could try to keep our eyes shut and simply choose to ignore the threat of cyber warfare which if not now, will be knocking on our doors soon or we could establish our own dedicated agency which does following jobs.
- Cyber Warfare
- Cyber Defence
- Helping other Government agencies and private companies in establishing their cyber wings and how to secure their data and protect themselves from cyber attacks.
@Khafee @Mastankhan @Signalian