FSAF SAMP/T | World Defense



May 18, 2020
22 0 0
FSAF SAMP/T (from the French Famille de Sol-Air Futurs Sol-Air Moyenne-Portée / Terrestre- Ground platform for a ground-to-air missile) is a new generation ground-to-air missile system developed by the European consortium Eurosam formed by MBDA Italy, MBDA France and Thales. It uses the Aster 30 missile, also used in the naval environment in the PAAMS system, and equipped with a range of 100 km for the interception of aircraft and 25 km for that of missiles. The batteries consist of launchers with a variable number of missiles from 8 to 48.

test shots made in the south-west of France and in the Quirra range in Italy have given good results and, given this, the Italian Army has purchased 6 missile batteries, each of which - unlike those French - is equipped with 4 launchers called MLT (Terrestrial Launch Module), which are installed on 4 Astra 8x8 trucks, each able to carry and launch eight ASTER30 missiles and which performs the function of TEL (Transporter Erector Launcher). To the 4 MLT are added several other elements, always installed on the same trucks Astra 8x8, a module of engagement called ME (Module for Engagement) that performs the function of command control and computer, and is equipped with a computer MAGIC5 (Modular Architecture for Graphics and Image) and two consoles MARA (Modular Architecture for Real-time Applications) identical to each other, one used for the surveillance and identification of tracks, while the other is dedicated to the control of the shooting sequence, in case of failure of one console the other can perform the functions of both.

There is then a radar and identification module (MRI) equipped with a multifunctional 3D radar band X Thales Arabel, having a range of discovery of about 60 km, but that in cooperation with external radar and focusing the beam, can follow tracks even at 120 km and engage them up to a distance of 80 km. The radar is also equipped with an IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) Mod. 4 and 5, while the MRI connects to the ME by two optical fiber cables, in order to avoid any kind of electronic interference.

In turn the ME is connected to the MLT launchers, by means of a VHF radio link that allows you to place the MLT up to 10 km away, or with a fiber-optic cable, to avoid the possible electronic jamming, but in this case the positioning distances between ME and MLT are much smaller.

There is also a terrestrial charging module (MRT) to refuel and charge missiles to MLT launchers, an electric generating module (MGE) that powers both the MRI and the ME. To these elements common also to the French departments, in the Italian batteries is added a command module (MC) that manages all the flow of information between the missile battery and the other elements of air defense, such as AWACS aircraft, radar from other missile or discovery systems,but it also provides to control the deployment on the ground of the various vehicles that make up the battery and to take care of both the logistical support, as well as the nearby ground-type and anti-aircraft defense (e.g. by means of Stinger-type shoulder-mounted missiles). Finally, there is a series of vehicles dedicated to technical support and maintenance, both mechanical and electronic.

The SAMP/T, in Italy, replaced the anti-aircraft batteries based on the HAWK system that were assigned to the 4th Rgt. Missiles Contraerei of Mantua. The Italian Army is considering adding anti-ballistic missile capabilities to the SAMP/T system, given also the plan to strengthen the Italian army implemented by the government.



Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
SAMP/T Next Generation News and Development - Italian Armed Forces 01/22