energy | World Defense


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    Expensive death and unbearable life in Lithuania

    Lithuanians are caught in the trap. They try to survive. It’s no secret that many businesses in Lithuania are closing down, reducing production, etc. Many households, representing all levels of income, are having trouble paying their energy bills. Lithuanians are even unable to pay for medical...
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    Lithuanians to choose between paying energy bills and putting food on the table

    It is well known that every state has a duty to manage critical energy infrastructure. This includes distribution networks, transmission networks, gas distribution and transmission networks, as well as control over prices and its accessibility for consumers. Unfortunately, Lithuanian government...
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    Uncomfortable truth: the Baltics need Russian resources

    Taking into account Russia’s military activity in Ukraine, the international community takes certain steps to weaken Russia. Moscow is determined and demonstrates today all its power and firmness. Traditionally, imposing sanctions considers as the most effective mechanism to force any country...