2 Wounded in Shooting Outside French Mosque
Thursday, 27 June, 2019
Two people were shot and wounded outside a mosque in Brest, western France, on Thursday, police said.
Brest Prosecutor Jean-Philippe Recappe said the gunman opened fire as people left the mosque in the city’s Pontanezen neigborhood.
It was not immediately clear whether the shooting was religiously motivated, a settling of scores, or motivated by other unknown factors, Recappe told Reuters.
Public broadcaster France 3 reported the gunman was on the run.
Thursday, 27 June, 2019
Two people were shot and wounded outside a mosque in Brest, western France, on Thursday, police said.
Brest Prosecutor Jean-Philippe Recappe said the gunman opened fire as people left the mosque in the city’s Pontanezen neigborhood.
It was not immediately clear whether the shooting was religiously motivated, a settling of scores, or motivated by other unknown factors, Recappe told Reuters.
Public broadcaster France 3 reported the gunman was on the run.

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