I feel important again; thank you so much.
(Unless you're being sarcastic, which means that I'm being sarcastic too :*)... unless you're not, then neither am I)
Oh, I really was not being sarcastic -- I would not have written so much when a sarcastic joke could fit in a few lines, really.
I wrote it all because I really used to be uncaring about the world. I thought it was completely boring and that it made no difference if I as a person took interest or not. So I can actually understand your original question -- it feels distant and too huge to impact. In my lack of giving a fuck, I was also pretty easy to influence.
But then life happened and diverse things that impacted me directly were thrown my way. At first I thought, oh whatever, I can manage even with that. And yet a lot of people around me were like, "We will not take this crap", and explained very clearly how it makes no sense and is just unfair and on how many levels it's wrong.
And that's the thing, that was the first step when I realized how freaking absurd the world and its politics could be. No more were the injustices abstract concepts -- they pissed me off. Not only were they hurting people, but the only thing to explain it was greed and opportunism from the government. Which sucks.
You could also say it's selfish because it started from something that affected me. I see it more as a starter point -- like if you would be standing in a crowd and daydreaming by yourself, and suddenly someone pushes you and then the world starts to come into focus.
When you do that and you find out every absurd and unjust thing happening, usually, it makes you a bit more peeved than not. Arguments that before I would have agreed on because of my lack of interest and knowledge now appeared to my eyes as disingenuous, intellectual shortcuts or just some absurd things that the media had thrown to the people for them to bite on.
The funny thing is, protesting in the streets was a wonderful experience with the crowd and the people on the sidewalk and in their houses talking to us and cheering us on. To just walk in a crowd and to feel the energy -- I guess it would be like a marathon feeling, if I was fit enough to know how a marathon would feel like. It carries you. As much as I had not a care about the world before, I could feel a very strong connection to the people around me.
The stupid thing though is that a group usually has to militate so hard for a cause, they try to put pressure on the representatives, they try to rally the people to their cause, or just to at least make them open their mind a little bit so that they would stop demonizing the protesters. Because if nobody of the population hears you out, then they will believe the propaganda, it's harder to win the fight. And so you spend months and years fighting to make one little thing right, and during this time the government makes many stupid laws and fucks a lot of things up, and I'm barely exaggerating.
I'm not asking you to go extreme and fight for all the injustices of the world. I mean, you can. Go right ahead if you want. But you don't have to. All you have to do is be aware. Be aware of when people use your name and your silence or whatever to further their agenda.
Just... knowledge sometimes is power. The more you know, the less likely you are to fall for lies and smoke screens, and thus the less likely you are to be manipulated. At this point, it would already make a difference, because every single person has an impact on the people around them.
It has nothing to do with following sports or not.
You can spend your life thinking that it doesn't matter, that you don't matter. But it does, and you do.