The Department of Defense successfully tested a hypersonic glide body in a flight experiment conducted from the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauai, Hawaii, March 19 at approximately 10:30 p.m. local time (HST).
The U.S. Navy and U.S. Army jointly executed the launch of a common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB), which flew at hypersonic speed to a designated impact point.
Full read: Department of Defense Tests Hypersonic Glide Body
Related (and expanded) content below:-
The U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy, in cooperation with the Missile Defense Agency, have conducted their first joint test launch of a new hypersonic warhead in the Pacific. The two services plan to eventually deploy this common hypersonic boost-glide vehicle on top of land-based and submarine-launched missiles, respectively.
A launch took place at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii at approximately 10:30 PM local time on Mar. 19. A ground-launched rocket booster propelled the Common Hypersonic Glide Body vehicle, or C-HGB, to the desired speed and altitude, after which it "flew at hypersonic speed to a designated impact point," according to a Pentagon statement. The announcement did not say how fast the vehicle flew or how far, but hypersonic speed is defined as being above Mach 5 and the Pentagon said that the new weapons could enable the Army and the Navy to quickly "strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away."
Full read: The Army And Navy Have Conducted The First Joint Test Of Their New Hypersonic Weapon
Launch photo:-
Notice the 'cone' at the top? It contains C-HGB vehicle. Like this:
Photo taken from following link: Raytheon to develop control systems of U.S. Army’s new hypersonic weapon system
Launch footage:-
Points to be noted:-
Confirmation in the following link: DefPost
Confirmation in the following link: DefPost
NOTE: The similarities in hypersonic weapon design for sea and land variants provide economies of scale for future production (the C aspect of HGB). Refer to the first link provided above.
Confirmation in the following link: Dynetics Technical Solutions Wins Us Armys Priority Strategic Hypersonics Program
Hypersonic weapon systems achieve [and retain] hypersonic speeds through extended periods of time in endo- atmospheric conditions, and are not to be confused with traditional ballistic missile re-entry vehicles (RV) in [Terminal phase].
Photo taken from following link: US military successfully tests new hypersonic glide body: video
The U.S. Navy and U.S. Army jointly executed the launch of a common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB), which flew at hypersonic speed to a designated impact point.
Full read: Department of Defense Tests Hypersonic Glide Body
Related (and expanded) content below:-
The U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy, in cooperation with the Missile Defense Agency, have conducted their first joint test launch of a new hypersonic warhead in the Pacific. The two services plan to eventually deploy this common hypersonic boost-glide vehicle on top of land-based and submarine-launched missiles, respectively.
A launch took place at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii at approximately 10:30 PM local time on Mar. 19. A ground-launched rocket booster propelled the Common Hypersonic Glide Body vehicle, or C-HGB, to the desired speed and altitude, after which it "flew at hypersonic speed to a designated impact point," according to a Pentagon statement. The announcement did not say how fast the vehicle flew or how far, but hypersonic speed is defined as being above Mach 5 and the Pentagon said that the new weapons could enable the Army and the Navy to quickly "strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away."
Full read: The Army And Navy Have Conducted The First Joint Test Of Their New Hypersonic Weapon
Launch photo:-

Notice the 'cone' at the top? It contains C-HGB vehicle. Like this:

Photo taken from following link: Raytheon to develop control systems of U.S. Army’s new hypersonic weapon system
Launch footage:-
Points to be noted:-
- This configuration is Army’s ground-launched Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW).
Confirmation in the following link: DefPost
- Another configuration is Navy’s sea-launched Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS).
Confirmation in the following link: DefPost
NOTE: The similarities in hypersonic weapon design for sea and land variants provide economies of scale for future production (the C aspect of HGB). Refer to the first link provided above.
- C-HGB vehicle is/was developed by Dynetics Technical Solutions.
Confirmation in the following link: Dynetics Technical Solutions Wins Us Armys Priority Strategic Hypersonics Program
Hypersonic weapon systems achieve [and retain] hypersonic speeds through extended periods of time in endo- atmospheric conditions, and are not to be confused with traditional ballistic missile re-entry vehicles (RV) in [Terminal phase].

Photo taken from following link: US military successfully tests new hypersonic glide body: video
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