Anti Govt Protests in Iran - Dec 2017 | Page 12 | World Defense

Anti Govt Protests in Iran - Dec 2017

Indus Falcon

Dec 28, 2017
206 22 0
Those who claim that these protests are being fueled from outside, need to look at Hassan Rouhani's election promises, and how many of those he has fulfilled.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
24,465 1,293 0
Nikki Haley: Iranian regime is 'now on notice'

Washington (CNN)US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley warned Iran on Friday that no government can legitimately deny human rights, adding that the regime is "now on notice."

Haley's comments come as the United Nations Security Council met to discuss Iran after the US requested an emergency session amid protests in the country.

"Human rights are not the gift of governments, they are the inalienable rights of the people themselves," Haley said. "The Iranian regime is now on notice, the world will be watching what you do."

She added: "Freedom and human dignity cannot be separated from peace and security. When the rights of the people are denied, the people rightly resist. If the concerns are not acknowledged, then peace and security are inevitably threatened."

Haley said that "in the end, the Iranian people will determine their own destiny," and she reiterated US support for the protesters.

"And let there be no doubt whatsoever, the United States stands unapologetically with those in Iran who seek freedom for themselves, prosperity for their families and dignity for their nation," she added.

A representative from Iran was also present at Friday's meeting.

The US has been vocal in its support of the demonstrators and offered harsh condemnation of the Iranian government, including a tweet from President Donald Trump that called the Iranian regime "brutal and corrupt."

For its part, Iran has accused the US of "grotesque" meddling in social media to incite unrest -- and thus tampering with Iranian affairs, according to a letter sent to the UN on Thursday.

Haley said earlier this week that the US wanted emergency meetings in New York and in Geneva at the Human Rights Council to discuss the Iran situation.

Russia scoffed at the idea.

A tweet Tuesday from the Russian mission to the UN raised the idea of the Security Council meeting about protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.

Russia's deputy foreign minister has called the US proposal "harmful and destructive."

Differences in opinion between the US and Europe over how to address the situation in Iran may also manifest themselves during the emergency meeting on Friday.

"The United States has spoken clearly and unequivocally," Vice President Mike Pence wrote in a Washington Post op-ed Wednesday. "Unfortunately, many of our European partners, as well as the United Nations, have thus far failed to forcefully speak out on the growing crisis in Iran. It's time for them to stand up."

While the US and its European partners -- including the United Kingdom, France and Germany -- all fundamentally support the right of Iranian demonstrators to peacefully protest, they disagree in their analysis of where the situation on the ground is headed and over the strategic value of ramping up the rhetoric publicly, sources have told CNN.

Uncertainty over how long the protests will continue has prompted European countries to collectively take a much more cautious approach to what it says publicly than the US.

CNN's Elise Labott contributed to this report


Nov 19, 2017
330 12 0
What’s Next for Iran After Protests? 4 Elements to Watch
Fred Lucas/ @FredLucasWH / January 05, 2018 / comments

People demonstrate in Tehran, Iran, on Dec. 31. (Photo: DPA/Picture Alliance/Newscom)
After backing the protesters standing up to the Iranian dictatorship, President Donald Trump will decide next week on whether to again waive sanctions—part of the Obama-era nuclear deal he has long criticized.
“In terms of signing a waiver later in January, the president hasn’t made a final decision on that,” @PressSec says.​
The peaceful uprising, which began in late December in the city of Mashhad, has spread to cities such as Tehran, Qom, and Shiraz.
The protesters objected to the Iranian government concentrating much of the windfall from the $100 billion in unfrozen Iranian assets—resulting from the U.S.-led multilateral nuclear deal—to expand regional influence in the Middle East instead of dealing with domestic economic problems. Among the reported chants was “Leave Syria, think of us.”
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Here’s what experts say could be next as the Iran drama unfolds.
1. What Else Can or Should the U.S. Do?
“Trump and Pence have been very good with rhetoric in comparison with the failed Obama approach of saying nothing in 2009,” Michael Makovsky, president of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, told The Daily Signal.
“But the administration needs to pivot beyond rhetoric,” Makovsky continued. “Iran wants to clamp down on demonstrations. They might win this round, but the administration can raise the cost. The administration is playing defense if they are playing at all.”
That doesn’t mean combat boots on the ground, Makovsky said. Rather, it means providing money, advisers, and perhaps even weapons to groups opposing Iranian expansion in the Middle East. He added that the U.S. should push for a “loose confederation” of groups to make up a government in Syria—replacing the Bashar Assad regime being buttressed by Iran.
“The Reagan doctrine was about supporting anti-communist forces,” Makovsky said. “The Trump administration should take a page from Reagan’s book about raising the cost of Soviet expansionism.”
Other experts are more cautious about direct involvement, but all agree on the need to increase dissent internally in Iran against the ruling Islamic regime.
Even as the Iranian regime seeks to block social media, the U.S. government should continue promoting their message on Radio FARDA, said Jim Phillips, senior research fellow for Middle Eastern affairs at The Heritage Foundation. Radio FARDA is the Iranian branch of the U.S. government’s Radio Free Europe, which was used to help fight Soviet Union censorship during the Cold War. It broadcasts from the Czech Republic.
Phillips said the U.S. should also impose more sanctions on the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps, the elite division of the military charged with protecting the Islamic Republic system and carrying some political power.
2. End of Regime?
The protests prompt speculation about whether this is the beginning of the end of the government’s rule that first began with the Islamic revolution in 1979. That’s not yet likely, Phillips said.
“I doubt the regime will crumble from this protest but it will weaken the foundations of the regime,” Phillips told The Daily Signal. Noting the failure of the larger 2009 protest, he added, “Unless there is a big increase in the number, it’s not likely to succeed.”
The government crushed student demonstrations calling for freedom in 2003. After a disputed presidential election, the even larger “green movement” began in 2009, with protesters demanding free and fair elections.
Still, the new protests have another dimension missing from the previous protests that involved mostly young, urban, and educated Iranians.
“The difference with this one is that it’s centered on the rural poor. Up to now, that has been the pillar of support for the regime,” Phillips said. “That’s where much of the Revolutionary Guard is pulled from. So, perhaps, down the line, the Revolutionary Guard will not be as dependable.”
Eventually, the government is doomed, but the timing is unpredictable, Phillips said, drawing a historical parallel.
“With the Soviet Union, once the people’s loyalty to an idea was shattered, the government had to fall back on coerced repression,” Phillips said. “When that happens, a regime’s days are numbered. I just don’t know the number.”
3. What Happens to the Obama-era Nuclear Deal?
The 2015 U.S.-led multilateral nuclear deal with Iran lifted sanctions on the regime in exchange for a temporary halt in development of nuclear weapons. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, included Britain, Russia, China, France, and Germany.
In October, Trump announced the United States would not exit the deal entirely, but would decertify it under the terms of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, or INARA, by asserting the deal isn’t in America’s best interest.
While the Iran deal was never a treaty ratified by the Senate,critics say the 2015 INARA law, sponsored by Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., helped codify in a congressionally-passed law that would otherwise be an executive action easily overturned by a future president.
Next week, by Jan. 12, Trump must decide whether to renew temporary waivers to U.S. sanctions against Iran—waivers he has previously issued.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was unclear about the president’s intentions when asked about the waivers on Jan. 2.
“We certainly keep our options open in terms of sanctions,” Sanders said. “In terms of signing a waiver later in January, the president hasn’t made a final decision on that, and he’s going to keep all of his options on the table in that regard.”
More than likely, Trump will continue the waivers, said Behnam Ben Taleblu, senior Iran analyst for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
“This [support for the protesters] should not be mixed with a debate about pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal,” Taleblu told The Daily Signal. “The decision on granting another waiver comes up next week. I expect he will waive. Even before the nuclear deal, the U.S. could impose non-nuclear sanctions. They can continue non-nuclear sanctions now.”
With that waiver should come action from both Trump and Congress, Taleblu said. He said Trump must continue to show the will to support protesters, call for Congress to make changes to INARA to make it stronger, and put pressure on European allies to demand that Iran change its behavior.
4. Will the Global Response Change?
Many experts agreed the bulk of European allies and the United Nations offered a muted response, even as the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Canada have criticized the Iranian regime.
“Europeans are trailing far behind because they are less concerned about security and ideas and more concerned about business and commercial interests,” Taleblu said. “Canada has been more responsive than Europe.”
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said this week, “Canada will continue to support the fundamental rights of the Iranians, including freedom of expression.”
French President Emmanuel Macron called for the Iranian government to show restraint against protesters, but later followed up with comments accusing the governments of the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Israel with usingrhetoricthat “would lead us to war.”
France at least seems to be saying more than most European allied, Phillips said. He said U.S. leadership is likely needed.
“Washington needs to do more to pressure Europe. Most of Europe has glossed over the Iran regime’s abuses and concentrated on commercial priorities,” said Phillips. “Europeans operate under the misconception that trade will help open up the country, but it won’t evolve into a European-style democracy.”


Dec 5, 2017
283 9 0
Nothing will happen the most violent clashes are in Kudish populated areas where PJAK terrorists (PKK of Iran) are fighting against Iran Forces. Seems payday has come, Iran has always denied that Kurdish terrorists are present on its territory.



Nov 19, 2017
330 12 0
Actually ur thinking Regarding Kurdish terrorists but reality is protests are going strong in all parts of country , Do u know what happened yesterday in tabraiz ? What happened yesterday in west tehran? and on thursday night in mashhad and Isfahan ? These all Are Big cities !

The main force behind the protest is that poor people have nothing to lose , Just yesterday Sunni Imam of iran supported these protests , Inflation is really high in iran I can give u example of 1 loaf of bread = 1.3$ And in pakistan its 0.65$ , this is just one example there are numerous u name it , Plus there was some yarana of 13$ each member to 33 million population and now Government have stopped it , Dollar is 4400 tomman and 1 euro = 5360 tomman.

Another thing is that most voilent protests are in the under developed regions of iran , Corruption is all time high , Many Ayatullah's have empires and ordinary people have nothing just imagaine u r family of 5 members and only guy who earns money ur salary is 150$ and u haven't got pay from last 4 months just imagine , Moral corruption is separate thing.

And the fear of speaking against the supreme leader has gone , Even if these protests die but this current system wont survive more than 10 15 years , One thing which matters utmost is what will happen after death of current supreme leader.

In 2009 there was bloodshed of 28 people in tehran next day It was announced all is ok now but this aint happened till now , Rouhani is good guy but TOOTHLESS he has nothing in his hand.

As for protests wait 2-3 days more these next days are important.


Dec 5, 2017
283 9 0
poor people have nothing to lose

If you follow my posts you will read that from the beginning I posted links of militant and separatist Azeris, Kurds and Arabs,
made no difference between ethnics.
I contacted also progresssive Iranians in Europe, who are strict against all foreign intervention and provocation.
The societies of Iran and Turkey are too proud to let foreigners intervene. This happened at the Gülenists coup in Turkey, the majority of poor people defended the democracy. Result 300 martyrs and 3000 injured.


Nov 19, 2017
330 12 0
If you follow my posts you will read that from the beginning I posted links of militant and separatist Azeris, Kurds and Arabs,
made no difference between ethnics.
I contacted also progresssive Iranians in Europe, who are strict against all foreign intervention and provocation.
The societies of Iran and Turkey are too proud to let foreigners intervene. This happened at the Gülenists coup in Turkey, the majority of poor people defended the democracy. Result 300 martyrs and 3000 injured.
Let the 2 3 days pass I will tell u another thing , And for sure when the protests started no foreign power was involved in these protests and they are bigger than 2009 ones .