Arab Failure, Iran's rise in 2015 | World Defense

Arab Failure, Iran's rise in 2015


Nov 29, 2014
1,042 14 0
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Ever since events in Syria in 2011. Region has seen an unusual struggle. Primarily one between Arabs and Iranians. But also an internal Arab affair has left Arabs without a decisive, united policy in nations that matter. Let's summarize quickly a very generic representation of events over past 4 years:

-Large demonstrations in Syria
-Egyptian Revolution
-Civil war erupts in Syria
-MB elected in Egypt
-MB overthrown in Egypt
-Civil war in Libya
-ISIS takeover of Mosul province in Iraq
-Ongoing war in Iraq , largely Iraq and it's Shia militias making gains currently
-Egypt declares Hamas terror organization
-Coalition against ISIS
-Continued Arab war on MB
-Houthi takeover of Yemeni capital
-Houthi visit to Iran for agreements in economic field, political and possible arrangement for Iranian naval base in Yemen
-King Salman takes throne in Saudi Arabia, tries to reconcile Turkey, Qatar , UAE and Egypt (Unclear what these meetings will produce)


Now we can come to conclusion that whoever is leading Arab front is doing an abmysal job. Let me tell you why, Syrian opposition is weak and unable to make strategic gains. Iraq , Iran and it's allies will regain Mosul in 2015 and afterwards these Shia militias will go to support Assad.

It's very possible that Iraqi government will regain Iraq in 2015. This means more fighters for Assad but also possible Iraqi militia threats against KSA. Assad regime will try making gains in certain areas of Syria but won't attempt complete takeover. Iran and Houthis may make moves in Aden and Iranian military presence in Yemen will increase. Then Iran and allies will focus on Bahrain and try igniting some revolt. Now you can see how this is shaping up, Iran is successful on all fronts and is able to strategize in urgent manner. Something less likely but possible, is possible Houthi/Shia Saudi population conflict with Saudi Arabia. I can't predict how this might play out . But its very possible and rhetoric about such thing is very common.

The reason why Arab 'axis' is a failure is both because they're anti-Islamist stance and reliance on foreign nations. When these regimes continue to antagonize, persecute and use majority of their resources to clamp down on Islamists it only causes divisions in Arab society and further empowers Iran. Arab world doesn't seem to care about this because certain Arabs in this region are infected with virus of arrogance.

For 2015, I predict that Iran will become more established. And I really see Yemen as being interesting arena. That could cause regional conflagration. Saudi Arabia may be in danger later this year. Although this is less likely if Arab regimes reconcile with islamists. If they don't, reliance on other regimes won't help. Arabs are trying to play double game of weakening islamists in some areas but strengthing them slightly in other places. This game doesn't work.

What are your predictions for 2015? Will Saudi Arabia see chaos? And if it does how will Sunni Arab world respond to it? Considering that regimes like current Egyptian one are anti Islamist and pro-Assad, I can't see how anyone expects these regimes to be able to save the day.

Please give your opinion, don't give me meaningless empty rhetoric though. Or unrealistic nationalist emotional response.


Nov 29, 2014
1,042 14 0
Palestinian Territory, Occupied

Look at these retarded anti-Hamas articles Saudis are still writing! Even though we ended ties with Iran expecting Arab world to unite under Sunni axis! You people have no shame I'm tired of you! Muslim Brotherhood should reject every approach from Saudi Arabia and criminal Sisi regime for reconciliation. I don't trust any of them at all. These two faced people want us to die for protecting their regimes and in return once they weaken Iran's allies theyll return to persecuting the MB.

I'm sick and tired of sick these games from bediou Arabs and Um al Khiyanaah(Egypt). Muslim Brotherhood should not even consider helping them and only consider it if Iran and it's allies have attacked Saudi arabia militarily. Saudi arabians and Um al Khara(Egypt) need to see some suffering and chaos in order to be cleansed from their backstabbing qualities and order for their arrogance to be shattered. I hope houthis try reclaming Yemeni territory from Saudi Arabia this year. Blood needs to spill in UAE, Saudi and Egypt for this Muslim Ummah to end it's arrogance and betrayal of Muslims.


Feb 6, 2015
40 0 0
It seems like the last 4 years have seen the Middle East in more conflicts and turmoil than any other period in the 21st century. The evens of 9/11 just really placed the region under the microscope of the international media and life has not been the same since especially for people in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.


Nov 28, 2014
929 11 0
United Arab Emirates
Iran raiseD:-D Are you being serious? Iran is in deep shit internally, politically, economically and so on. Its true that the so called Arab spring has resulted in destruction and instability to the some of the countries you named but that doesn't mean Iran is better that those countries. You need to read Iran's internal news to see for yourself. Not to mention that Iran's economy is crumbling and went significantly down in the past two years and still to this day.

If Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar want to cause havoc inside Iran by arming and supporting the opposing political factions and minorities who seek independence like the Balush and Ahwazis then Iran will break down in matter of days. Not because the GCC aren't doing what Iran is doing by supporting terrorists organization means that we are in a weak position but there is something called the war of attrition that currently being adopted by GCC.


Nov 29, 2014
1,042 14 0
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Iran raiseD:-D Are you being serious? Iran is in deep shit internally, politically, economically and so on. Its true that the so called Arab spring has resulted in destruction and instability to the some of the countries you named but that doesn't mean Iran is better that those countries. You need to read Iran's internal news to see for yourself. Not to mention that Iran's economy is crumbling and went significantly down in the past two years and still to this day.

If Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar want to cause havoc inside Iran by arming and supporting the opposing political factions and minorities who seek independence like the Balush and Ahwazis then Iran will break down in matter of days. Not because the GCC aren't doing what Iran is doing by supporting terrorists organization means that we are in a weak position but there is something called the war of attrition that currently being adopted by GCC.

They can handle war of attrition, you aren't bankrupting them anymore then they are bankrupt now. Don't believe GCC has capability to arm anyone in Iran. Arming is mostly done through CIA as in Syria's case with FSA.