Baltic States at the epicenter of military exercises | The Baltic Word
The Baltic States have become the scene of NATO military actions especially aimed at provoking Russia and Belarus.
At the end of September, this year’s largest military exercise “Sword 2020” will take place in Latvia.
Approximately 1000 Vidzeme Brigade bodyguards and soldiers, representatives from the Lithuanian Armed Forces Volunteer Defense Forces and the NATO Extended Presence Battle Group will take part in the training. They will carry out the tasks over a wide area, covering seven counties. The urban environment, forests and meadows will become a battlefield. Outside the landfills, ammunition and combat simulations will be used. Collective training will train operations in hybrid threats, as well as improve command management capabilities.
In addition, several other NATO military exercises will take place in the Baltic States during this period.
Operation Steadfast Pyramid 20 – begun in Latvia will continue through September 11, NATO explaining:
“An Exercise Study focused on further developing the abilities of commanders and senior staff to plan and conduct operations through the application of operational art in decision making based on the ACO Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) and utilizing a complex, contemporary scenario.”
Operation Steadfast Pinnacle 20 is scheduled for Latvia from September 13-18, explaining:
“An Exercise Study focused on further developing the abilities of commanders and senior staff to plan and conduct operations through the application of operational art in decision making based on the ACO (Allied Command Operations) Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) and utilizing a complex, contemporary scenario.”
Operation Ramstein Guard 10 20 is scheduled for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania from September 20-24.
“The NATO Electronic Warfare Force Integration Program is a means to exercise the NATO designated regional elements of NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence System conducted through the CAOCs (Combined Air Operation Center) while also including some national systems and assets. It is designed to train Air Command Ramstein and subordinate units on the reporting/coordination requirements while exposing them to a wide variety of EW (electronic warfare) tactics and techniques in a controlled environment,” NATO officials said.
From September 1 to 10, joint war games by an infantry brigade of the Baltic Armed Forces and the 41st Field Artillery Brigade of the U.S. Army will take place in Estonia. This is the first live firing exercise by U.S. artillery outside their permanent bases in Europe.
In a statement the Russian embassy in Washington said it considers the use of multiple launch rocket systems by U.S. armed forces during the exercises in Estonia to be provocative and extremely dangerous for regional stability,
The objective, according to the organizers of the exercises, is to test NATO’s defense capabilities against possible attacks on European soil. However, despite the official narrative, the provocative nature of the tests is truly clear.
It is obvious that military tensions have erupted in the Baltic States. Recently NATO planes that would be used in the exercises were intercepted unexpectedly by Russian fighters while flying over the border area.
It is known that Aleksandr Lukashenko accused the U.S.-led West of attempting to destabilize the country, including by deploying NATO forces close to its borders. In addition, Lukashenko put his troops on high alert and started his own military exercises, understanding NATO’s maneuvers as a provocative and threatening measure, not only against Russia, but also Belarus.
Any military provocations along Poland-Lithuania-Belarus borders with could lead to an uncontrollable escalation from all sides.
Exercises like the above go on at all times near the borders of nations on the U.S. target list for regime change.
From now through year end 2020 U.S.-led NATO military exercises will be held in Turkey, France, the UK, Kosovo, the Mediterranean Sea, Spain, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Poland and Norway.
It’s obvious that instead of prioritizing cooperative relations with the world community, NATO (U.S.) is preparing for a serious military conflict.
Baltic States at the epicenter of military exercises | The Baltic Word

The Baltic States have become the scene of NATO military actions especially aimed at provoking Russia and Belarus.
At the end of September, this year’s largest military exercise “Sword 2020” will take place in Latvia.
Approximately 1000 Vidzeme Brigade bodyguards and soldiers, representatives from the Lithuanian Armed Forces Volunteer Defense Forces and the NATO Extended Presence Battle Group will take part in the training. They will carry out the tasks over a wide area, covering seven counties. The urban environment, forests and meadows will become a battlefield. Outside the landfills, ammunition and combat simulations will be used. Collective training will train operations in hybrid threats, as well as improve command management capabilities.
In addition, several other NATO military exercises will take place in the Baltic States during this period.
Operation Steadfast Pyramid 20 – begun in Latvia will continue through September 11, NATO explaining:
“An Exercise Study focused on further developing the abilities of commanders and senior staff to plan and conduct operations through the application of operational art in decision making based on the ACO Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) and utilizing a complex, contemporary scenario.”
Operation Steadfast Pinnacle 20 is scheduled for Latvia from September 13-18, explaining:
“An Exercise Study focused on further developing the abilities of commanders and senior staff to plan and conduct operations through the application of operational art in decision making based on the ACO (Allied Command Operations) Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) and utilizing a complex, contemporary scenario.”
Operation Ramstein Guard 10 20 is scheduled for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania from September 20-24.
“The NATO Electronic Warfare Force Integration Program is a means to exercise the NATO designated regional elements of NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence System conducted through the CAOCs (Combined Air Operation Center) while also including some national systems and assets. It is designed to train Air Command Ramstein and subordinate units on the reporting/coordination requirements while exposing them to a wide variety of EW (electronic warfare) tactics and techniques in a controlled environment,” NATO officials said.
From September 1 to 10, joint war games by an infantry brigade of the Baltic Armed Forces and the 41st Field Artillery Brigade of the U.S. Army will take place in Estonia. This is the first live firing exercise by U.S. artillery outside their permanent bases in Europe.
In a statement the Russian embassy in Washington said it considers the use of multiple launch rocket systems by U.S. armed forces during the exercises in Estonia to be provocative and extremely dangerous for regional stability,
“A rhetorical question is – how would the Americans react in the event of such shooting by our military at the U.S. border?” the embassy added.“Russia has repeatedly proposed to the United States and its allies to limit training activities and to divert the exercise zones from the Russia-NATO contact line,” the text reads. “Why do this demonstrative saber-rattling? What signal do the NATO members want to send us? Who is actually escalating tensions in Europe? And this is all happening in the context of an aggravated political situation in that region of Europe [in Belarus].”
The objective, according to the organizers of the exercises, is to test NATO’s defense capabilities against possible attacks on European soil. However, despite the official narrative, the provocative nature of the tests is truly clear.
It is obvious that military tensions have erupted in the Baltic States. Recently NATO planes that would be used in the exercises were intercepted unexpectedly by Russian fighters while flying over the border area.
It is known that Aleksandr Lukashenko accused the U.S.-led West of attempting to destabilize the country, including by deploying NATO forces close to its borders. In addition, Lukashenko put his troops on high alert and started his own military exercises, understanding NATO’s maneuvers as a provocative and threatening measure, not only against Russia, but also Belarus.
Any military provocations along Poland-Lithuania-Belarus borders with could lead to an uncontrollable escalation from all sides.
Exercises like the above go on at all times near the borders of nations on the U.S. target list for regime change.
From now through year end 2020 U.S.-led NATO military exercises will be held in Turkey, France, the UK, Kosovo, the Mediterranean Sea, Spain, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Poland and Norway.
It’s obvious that instead of prioritizing cooperative relations with the world community, NATO (U.S.) is preparing for a serious military conflict.
Baltic States at the epicenter of military exercises | The Baltic Word