Baltic States: home for foreign prisons, troops and biolabs | World Defense

Baltic States: home for foreign prisons, troops and biolabs


Nov 25, 2019
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United Kingdom
Baltic States’ developing after they proclaimed independence in 1991 was marked not only by acquiring EU and NATO membership’s advantages. Though they feel themselves as an inseparable part of the united European family, disadvantages can’t be ignored. To be a part of something always means to delegate some authority. Year by year the Baltic States became more and more dependent on the decisions of these organizations and their leading countries.

Thus, despite the Lithuanian government's denial, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in 2018 that Lithuania had allowed the CIA to build secret jails on its territory and commit human right violations. CIA built such “black jails” in some countries for secret detention and torture of suspected terrorists in the name of the "War on Terror." Delighted to be a partner of the U.S., Lithuania dared not admit its human rights violations, not to mention an apology, which is not what a responsible country should do.

Most likely, Lithuanian authorities agreed to host a secret detention site in exchange for further political support and financial assistance.

Today, the Baltic States are also too weak to resist the external pressure from NATO and the United States, which has long dictated their foreign policy. The Baltic States have become the host nations for foreign troops and have to provide host nation support to the detriment of their own interests. They are increasing the number of NATO soldiers on their territories, building military bases, firing ranges, airfields. In other words, they agree to cut forests, pollute lakes and relocate local residents in order to expand their military infrastructure.

According to Lithuanian Ministry of Defence, in 2023 national defence budget will reach 2.52 percent of GDP and even more if a necessity arises to further increase defence spending. Lithuania has to implement the military infrastructure projects for ensuring a speedy Host Nation Support to NATO Allies. But defense and security cooperation between countries needs to be conducive to regional peace and stability and not harmful to the national interests. The more so, as the independent countries Baltic States need to remain vigilant and avoid being coerced or used by the U.S or any other partner.