BBC to revise ban on depiction of Prophet Mohammad
Albeit briefly, the BBC showed images of the magazine’s controversial cover portraying the prophet during their coverage of the Charlie Hebdo attack. (Courtesy: Question Time)
The BBC is set to revise its editorial guidelines that ban the depiction of the Prophet Mohammad, the Independent reported.
BBC journalist David Dimbleby revealed in this week’s edition of “Question Time” that it was the organization’s policy not to show any images or depictions of the prophet.
However, the Independent reports that the guideline has been removed, possibly revoking a formal ban.
“This guidance is old, out of date and does not reflect the BBC’s long-standing position that program makers have freedom to exercise their editorial judgment with the Editorial Policy team available to provide advice around sensitive issues on a case by case basis,” a BBC spokesman said.
“The guidance is currently being revised.”
This change in policy comes after Islamist gunmen stormed satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, known for its controversial covers depicting the prophet and other religious figures, killing 12 people, including four of its editors and cartoonists.
Albeit briefly, the BBC showed images of the magazine’s controversial cover portraying the prophet during their coverage of the Charlie Hebdo attack.

Albeit briefly, the BBC showed images of the magazine’s controversial cover portraying the prophet during their coverage of the Charlie Hebdo attack. (Courtesy: Question Time)
The BBC is set to revise its editorial guidelines that ban the depiction of the Prophet Mohammad, the Independent reported.
BBC journalist David Dimbleby revealed in this week’s edition of “Question Time” that it was the organization’s policy not to show any images or depictions of the prophet.
However, the Independent reports that the guideline has been removed, possibly revoking a formal ban.
“This guidance is old, out of date and does not reflect the BBC’s long-standing position that program makers have freedom to exercise their editorial judgment with the Editorial Policy team available to provide advice around sensitive issues on a case by case basis,” a BBC spokesman said.
“The guidance is currently being revised.”
This change in policy comes after Islamist gunmen stormed satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, known for its controversial covers depicting the prophet and other religious figures, killing 12 people, including four of its editors and cartoonists.
Albeit briefly, the BBC showed images of the magazine’s controversial cover portraying the prophet during their coverage of the Charlie Hebdo attack.