BJP in India, RSS in the US: The American Sangh’s affair with Tulsi Gabbard | World Defense

BJP in India, RSS in the US: The American Sangh’s affair with Tulsi Gabbard


Aug 22, 2019
356 10 0
Let me post a comprehensive introduction to who is THE PRINCESS OF RSS IN USA - TULSI GABBARD.

Tulsi Gabbard and
The Rise of Hindu Extremists and supporters around the world

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TULSI GABBARD WAS BORN ON 12 APRIL 1981 to Mike and Carol, in the US territory of American Samoa.

TULSI GABBARD IS NOT OF INDIAN ORIGIN, but identifies as a Hindu.

She was the fourth of five children. The family moved to Hawaii in 1983 to be close to Chris Butler who set up Science of Identity Foundation (SIF), a splinter group of the “Hare Krishna sect” that Gabbard follows. SIF had vast influence over Gabbard's life, including over her education.

Her father is the Hawaiian state senator Mike Gabbard. Tulsi got Married in 2002 and got divorced 4 years later.
Tulsi ran for Hawaii’s state house of representatives as a Democrat. When she won, in November 2002, Tulsi became the youngest woman ever elected to any US state legislature. Her election coincided with support from Hindutwa Indian Diaspora that pitched in considerably to financially support her election campaign from all over US.

The difference between Hindu Religion and Hindutwa Extermist Ideology of RSS/ HSS/ BJP
It is pertinent to note the fundamental difference between The Hindu Religion as followed by common Hindus including none other than Mahatama Gandhi himself, the ultimate leader of modern India and its complete opposite as in Hindutwa Extremist Ideology of RSS/ HSS/ BJP and the likes of VHP and sister organisations that follow extremist militant and expansionist views that believe in Greater India is for Hindus only and the minorities must convert to Hinduism or become outcasts and "fair game" for the majority Hindu population.

The perfect analogy that immediately comes to mind is The Nazi Hitler ideology of religious and ethnic cleansing. The other ironic analogy that fits modern Hindutwa rise and its ideology can be found in the same difference between the ordinary Jews as in the Jewish people in general and their completely radical off shoot in Zionist Jews with extremist and expansionist ideology.

That Tulsi Gabbard has chosen to adapt, follow and garner support from Hindutwa Extremist leadership and followers of RSS/ HSS/ BJP etc in USA is more than a cause for concern.

How Tulsi Gabbard's rise in Politics coincides with support from RSS/ HSS/ BJP Hindutwa Extemists in USA
After her election in 2002, Tulsi decided to enlist in the Army to Dove-tale her career in politics with the right credential in Army. So in March 2003, she enlisted in the Army when the US went to war against Iraq. From 2004 for the next 12 months, Tulsi was in Iraq as a medical administrator. In 2008, Tulsi deployed to Kuwait for 12 months as a military-police officer.

In May 2011, Tulsi had ran for Huwaii second congressional seat. In August, Tulsi won the primary. It was, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser explained, “an improbable rise from a distant underdog to victory.” Her rise coincided with a surge in donations from the American Sangh i.e. HSS/ RSS/ BJP Hindutwa Extermists in USA.

An Aunt of Tulsi, Sina Gabbard, claims that she herself asked father of Tulsi, Mike during the 1990s if his family was Hindu, he “vigorously denied” it and “emphatically and categorically stated, ‘No, that’s different.’” The first time she heard of Tulsi being a Hindu, Sina said, was after she had won the state primary in the 2012 congressional election. “There was this whole campaign to suddenly publicise herself as the first Hindu candidate for national office.”

When she won a seat in the US House of Representatives in 2012, she made history as the first Hindu ever elected to the chamber

The newspaper India-West noted that Gabbard was a “disciple of Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa”—Chris Butler—but her connection to the SIF never came up in the race

On 6 November, Tulsi Gabbard won the general election. The Hindu American Foundation HAF immediately trumpeted her victory. “Gabbard is an incredibly inspiring leader whose political rise is a testament to the greatest ideals of American pluralism,” Aseem Shukla, a co-founder of the HAF, said. When she took the oath of office, on 3 January 2013, she used the same copy of the Gita that her parents gave her as a child. She was just 31 years old.

At the outset of her first term, she joined the House India Caucus—a coalition of representatives who support pro-India policies. She now co-chairs the body.

She was assigned to the house committees on armed services and foreign affairs. Her party awarded her a powerful vice-chair position at the Democratic National Committee. For the next few years, her political career skyrocketed. Senior Democratic leaders, such as Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, praised her as an “emerging star” with “extraordinary political talent.”

Her star appeared to dim when she defied the party leadership at the height of the 2016 presidential election. The establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton, was competing against the progressive senator Bernie Sanders. Members of the DNC were prohibited from endorsing candidates, so Tulsi resigned to back Sanders. In Hawaii, some saw it as a calculated move. “Tulsi made a name for herself as progressive but could continue to vote against refugees, to support Modi, and to go on Fox News parroting Trump talking points.”

Outside of Washington She has positioned herself as a Maverick within her own democratic party. She has repeatedly undertaken trips to meet controversial heads of state—Modi in December 2014, Egypt’s Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in November 2015 and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad in January 2017. After the Syria trip, she began denouncing “regime-change” wars.

Tulsi Gabbard Visits India to meet RSS/ BJP Extremist Hindutwa Leadership
She has visited India only once—in 2014, on the personal invitation of Narendra Modi.

Yet she did meet him four times between 2014 and 2016. In the first meeting, in New York in September 2014, she seemed to demonstrate a degree of fondness exceeding typical diplomatic courtesy.

In a media statement Gabbard said that she and Modi discussed “several issues our countries have in common, including how America and India can work together to help combat the global threat posed by Islamic extremism.” Then, the first-term congresswoman gave the newly elected prime minister a gift. “I wanted to give him something that was meaningful to me,” she later said at an HAF event. “I gave him my personal copy of the Gita that my parents gave me. … The copy of the Gita that I kept with me through both of my deployments to the Middle East, that I would crawl under my sleeping bag in my cot in my tent in Iraq and shine my flashlight and read it late at night when I was done with my day, and the copy of the Gita that I took the oath of office on.”

Tulsi Gabbard's marriage with Husband Abraham was attended by India’s acting ambassador to the United States at the time, Taranjit Sandhu.

Also at her wedding was one Ram Madhav, who was then a BJP spokesperson and is now a national general secretary of the party. Prior to his appointment as party spokesperson a year earlier.

Madhav had served as the national spokesperson for the RSS for over ten years. Madhav took the stage to convey Narendra Modi’s personal greetings on marriage as well as gifts for her.

Madhav told the Washington Post in February 2015. “We are changing the contours of diplomacy and looking at new ways of strengthening India’s interests abroad, they can be India’s voice even while being loyal citizens in those countries. That is the long-term goal behind the diaspora diplomacy.”

Gabbard emerged on the US political scene at a pivotal moment for the Sangh’s aspiration to see Modi as the Indian prime minister. Since 2002, Modi and the RSS had both grown increasingly controversial in the United States, facing protests by academics as well as censure by the US government.

Modi stood accused of complicity in the anti-Muslim pogrom that had taken place in Gujarat, while he was the chief minister of the state. Even by conservative estimates, the pogrom took over a thousand lives. Afterwards, he was denied a visa to the country. The greatest diplomatic triumph for the American Sangh was rehabilitating Modi’s tainted reputation in the United States. Gabbard played a significant part in that project.

Gabbard's rise in US politics came out of nowhere, and is inexplicable until one considers how Sangh donations gave her a leg up when she was a virtual unknown. Donor names provided in filings to the Federal Election Commission, which I collated with lists from Sangh websites and promotional materials as well as media reports, reveal that hundreds of leaders and members of such groups gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Gabbard in the formative years of her congressional career.

Asperations of Tulsi Gabbar - Backed by American Sangh, Sky is the limit
Recently, Gabbard hoped to make history in the 2020 election by becoming the first female president. On 2nd February 2019, Tulsi Gabbard announced her candidacy for president. She was a dark horse in the race. She was lagging in the Democratic primaries—internal elections to choose the party's nominee for the presidency—and had to battle high-profile contenders such as Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. She has since chosen to withdraw her candidacy.

Her support base, aspirations and a spiritedly ambitious campaign does however lifts her stature to become a probable candidate for secretary of state. She has in the past, taken a back seat to strategically increase her political stature, an example of which was her decision to resign from DNC to enable herself to back Bernie Sanders against Hilary Clinton.

Tulsi Gabbard has had the complete backing of the powerful and wealthy Indian American Diaspora that has contributed Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars running in the millions since 2012 to her election cause simply because she works for and defends Indian Extremists Interests in RSS, HSS, BJP, VHP and their other offshoots.

The minorities in Indian diaspora are not willing to forget the support Tulsi Gabbard has from the extremist persecutors of minorities human rights. Therefore, she often faces their protests as being “THE PRINCESS OF R$$.”


Aug 22, 2019
356 10 0
"Tulsi Gabbard might look nice posing for photos with Muslims or wearing a hijab, but she's on a mission to eradicate Islam."
Excerpt from interview with a former campaign assistant to Gabbard.



Aug 22, 2019
356 10 0
The RSS loves Tulsi for the same reason Islamists love Ilhan Omar.
What a lame excuse and obnoxious analogy, lol, and to think that RSS also loves Nazis for the same reason too D:-D

The thing about defending Gao Rakshak Murderers, racial supremacists and the likes is that the more you defend them, the more you sink in the quagmire of lies, exposing your deceit even further, lol.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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"Tulsi Gabbard might look nice posing for photos with Muslims or wearing a hijab, but she's on a mission to eradicate Islam."
Excerpt from interview with a former campaign assistant to Gabbard.

These bhakts are retards, sooner or later they shoot themselves in the foot. Wait for it.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard drops House re-election to focus on presidential bid
OCT. 25, 2019
By Nicholas Sakelaris

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Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard speaks to reporters following the Democratic primary debate in Detroit on July 31. File Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo

Oct. 25 (UPI) -- Four-term Hawaii congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is giving up her House seat to focus on her White House bid.

Gabbard said late Thursday she will not seek re-election next year.

"I will not be seeking re-election to Congress in 2020, and humbly ask you for your support for my candidacy for President of the United States," she said in a statement titled, "Mahalo, Hawaii."

"Washington, our country, and the world is in dire need of aloha," she added, using the famous Hawaiian greeting.

Gabbard said her experience as a U.S. soldier in the Middle East, combined with time on the House foreign affairs, armed services and homeland security committees, have prepared her for the presidency.

"At this time when our country is so divided, and our world is moving ever closer to a nuclear holocaust, a time when we may be sucked into another even more disastrous war in the Middle East, and tensions with other nuclear powers are escalating, and with that, a new arms race and Cold War that can only end in nuclear catastrophe, I believe I can best serve the people of Hawaii and our country as your president and commander-in-chief," she said.

Gabbard, 38, was elected to Hawaii's state legislature in 2002 at age 21. After her deployment, she served on Honolulu's City Council in 2011 and was elected to represent Hawaii's 2nd District in Washington, D.C., the following year. She also served as vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

"As president, I will lead with aloha -- putting people ahead of profits, putting people ahead of politics, putting the well-being of our people and our planet above all else," she wrote Thursday.

Gabbard had been running against Hawaii Sen. Kai Kahele for the state's Democratic nomination for the 2nd District. So far, Gabbard has not met more stringent party requirements to qualify for the next primary debate in Georgia on Nov. 20. She has met the donor threshold -- from at least 165,000 individuals -- but has not gained the minimum poll support of 3 percent nationally or 5 percent in four early voting states. She has participated in all four debates so far.