Chinese projects in foreign countries | Page 2 | World Defense

Chinese projects in foreign countries


Nov 26, 2017
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Maputo Bridge in Mozambique will help become the nation's key international passageway linking to South Africa. The Bridge is Bi-Lane with 4 lanes (2 for both directions). China's CRBC also trained 5,000 locals steel bending, wielding, machinery operation. It will increasingly boost trade between Mozambique and South Africa, and bring economic development to the under-developed Katembe district


Nov 26, 2017
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1 of 2 bridges that will be jointly between Chinese and Gambian workers to help modernize Gambia's transportation and movement of goods across the country. This is the Fatoto-Basse Bridge


Nov 26, 2017
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$48 Million USD Cement Plant will be constructed in Machakos, Kenya. it will produce 3,000 tonnes of cement every day.


Nov 26, 2017
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Algeria and China are due to launch a construction mega project on Sunday for the exploitation of phosphate, an industrial expert told Xinhua on Wednesday.
Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia will launch the mega project, which is established in the easternmost region Algeria, on the border with Tunisia.
The project will be realized in partnership between two Algerian groups and two Chinese groups, the expert said.
China's share in the mega project is estimated at 49 percent, while the Algerian party will hold the majority share of 51 percent, in accordance with the investment law of the North African country.
The shareholders are due to establish their consortium group on Sunday, while the production phase is planned for 2022.
On Sept. 13, Algerian Minister of Industry and Mines Youcef Yousfi said that this phosphate complex will enter into service in 2022.
Also, the project whose production should reach six million tons per year will include the duplication of the railway connecting the production site to the port of Annaba, and would generate 2,500 permanent jobs.
The project aims at exploiting huge quantities of high quality phosphate, which will then be used to produce fertilizers, ammonia, silicon and other materials used in economic activities.
Through the project, Algeria aims to be able to export annually fertilizer worth two billion dollars, and gradually manage to increase its phosphate and natural gas reserves through the establishment of structured transformational and wealth-generating industry, which would help Algeria become one of the largest exporters of fertilizer in the world.
In Oct 2016, Algiers and Beijing signed a pact for the reinforcement and diversification of their bilateral partnership in the fields including the processing industry, exploitation of energy resources, metal trades, railways, iron and steel and basic infrastructure.
The first meeting of the joint commission in charge of the implementation of the agreement held in Algiers drew up a list of five projects -- the mega port of El Hamdania western Algiers, the phosphate mining project in eastern Algeria, the establishment of automotive subcontracting plants, manufacturing electronic payment devices, and developing granite and marble mining.


Nov 26, 2017
338 5 0
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Corporation (CREEC) has started a partial survey for the Muse-Mandalay-Kyaukphyu railway line, part of the China –Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) and the larger Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Myanmar signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the project, expected to be one of the largest road and railway projects in the country, last October.

The project calls for the building of a high-speed railway line from Kunming, China, to Muse on the Myanmar-China border and from there to Mandalay and terminating in Kyaukphyu in Rakhine. The survey project Muse to Mandalay the 430km line is expected to support trains travelling at up to 160kmh and will feature seven cargo stations and five passenger stations.

China is said to view the project to connect the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone and deepwater port in Myanmar as something that will benefit both countries under the larger CMEC umbrella,.
“CREEC, at their cost, has started a ground survey for the project and wants to proceed with the construction, but Myanmar hasn’t given any commitment beyond signing the MOU,” U Htaung Shan Khan, general manager of planning and administration of Myanmar Railways told The Myanmar Times.
“They want to construct the railway and run trains, but we have to consider Myanmar’s own interests and policies and the surveying for the project in Mandalay has been allowed,” he said.

However, former Thibaw MP U Ye Tun, whose township is located along the projected route of the railway, says the survey should be conducted for the entire route instead of just from Muse to Mandalay.
“It would be wrong if just a portion of the project of the project’s route is surveyed. The survey should be all the way to Kyaukphyu. If not, the Kyaukphyu deepwater port may not be as viable as expected,” U Ye Tun said.
“The Kyaukphyu deepwater port includes investments from Myanmar and if the government doesn’t receive sufficient revenue from the port and it is not workable, I worry that the port will be like one in Sri Lanka that China took over,” said U Ye Tun.

To receive revenue from Kyaukphyu deepwater port, to ensure ships stop at the port and to draw investments to the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone, a trade route has to be established. If the railway doesn’t reach Kyaukphyu, the deepwater port and special economic zone will be in trouble, he said.
If Kyaukphyu does not connect China, which is the world’s main manufacturer, and the India Ocean, Myanmar needs to consider that the company that builds the deepwater port and the country will be affected, said U Ye Tun.
While the CMEC project calls for an economic corridor encompassing the Muse-Mandalay-Kyaukphyu and Yangon, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications says the railway project will only be from Muse to Mandalay for now.
“Even if it connects to Rakhine, I think goods that are transported by road will gravitate to Mandalay. Goods produced and exported from Yunnan will come down the economic corridor to Myanmar, so our market is Yunnan and their market is our entire country,” said U Htaung Shan Khan.
According to officials from Myanmar Railways, it is still unclear how the railway route will be extended to Kyaukphyu.
Under the ongoing surveys, reports have to be submitted within one year about the railway route, the effects to the public and environment along the route, and other appraisals, said U Htaung Shan Khan.
The Ministry of Transportation and Communications said a negotiation committee, which includes representatives from the ministry, was formed to start a feasibility study for the high-speed railway project.
If railroad passes through farmland, compensation will be provided. However, with modern technology, tunnels may be built and that is why, not much farmland will have to be appropriated, U Htaung Shan Khan said.
CREEC is conducting the survey and also studying whether the railway will be operated jointly or if it should be run on a build-operate- transfer system for 30, 50, or 70 years. Once the survey is done and the government feels the project is feasible, then construction can begin, U Htaung Shan Khan said.
“Although the survey has begun, there is no guarantee that the railroad will be built. It will only become a reality if the government and the people agree to it,” he said.
It is not sure to build it although making survey. We don’t do any promise for building this railroad. We’ll do they don’t suffer grievance also. In our country, although there is survey, many projects won’t do. We’ll do it after government and public have a brainstorm and agree. There is no plan to build railroad once after doing survey,” he said.
“What is sure is there will be good impacts as well as bad impacts,” he said.
Another problem is that Myanmar’s railway network and railway communication system are not up to-date. The country’s railway lines utilise tracks that are one metre wide even as China’s trains run on tracks that are wider. This means Myanmars tracks, trains and carriages would all have to be upgraded at great expense.
Myanmar Railway’s meter gauge communication system will have to be gradually upgraded to ASEAN standards and its tracks widened, U Htaung Shan Khan said.
“It is for sure that the country cannot afford that kind of expenditure,” he said.
As the Chinese government has established banks for the One Belt One Road initiative, Chinese companies can borrow money from these banks for railway construction projects but for Myanmar there might be financial problems, said BRI project analyst U Ye Tun.
“We have to think if we will be able to lend money to companies if they win tenders. For example, if a Japanese company has won a tender for the project, where will the money come from? So, will we go for the build-operate-transfer system? Myanmar doesn’t have money and is in debt and so, BOT would be advisable,” he said.
As the project will be beneficial for the Chinese, our government should try to get its fair share as well. A 30pc share should be demanded for land of the project, he said.
“We only get 10pc in Myitsone and 15pc in the Kyaukpyu DeepwaterPort as well. It shows that our government doesn’t have financial vision like them. We should negotiate that we will lease the land and give permission for passage. But they will have to pay for the rest,” he said
“As it is a strategic route for both military and financial purposes, the project shouldn’t be carried out,” said political and economics analyst U Zaw Win Phay.
“The project will go from Muse to Mandalay and will continue to Kyaukpyu. TheChinese government want it toreach Kyaukpyu and if so, the railway will be slicing Myanmar in half. It is good for Mandalay-Muse trade but from military perspective, the cons outweigh the pros,” he said.
“China’s intention is not only for economic purposes. It is not good for country from military perspective but China has a huge influence on our government,” he said.
“The more western countries put more pressure on Myanmar, the greater the influence of China becomes. This is the real situation. Speaking of the government, they have to consider from all sides. China has always been the only country to protect Myanmar applying their veto power every time Myanmar has to face the votes at the UN. So it wouldn’t be wise to go against them without taking these facts into consideration. However, despite the facts, taking the long-term benefits of the country into account, it is hard to say to consider the project as good.” said U Zaw Win Pe.
“It is right that it should be done but never with our our eyes closed. There are things that should be given careful thoughts. There are some that should be postphoned, and some that can’t be done for the time being. So, what kinds projects they might be, the extent to which the actual development of the nation and its people these projects can deliver will have to be taken into consideration.” said U Tun Tun Naing, Minister for Planning and Finance.
There are over 60 countries in Chinese government’s BRI Project, and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi signed the membership agreement during her visit to China in 2017.
If Myanmar is involved in the project, it has to worry about the influence of foreign governments. If Myanmar is not involved, a second route via Vietnam, Laos, Thai and Singapore is possible, leaving, Myanmar out of the picture.
Rakhine Ethnic Affairs Minister U Zaw Aye Maung said,”On that train, Myanmar must be allowed to ride. BRI is a good opportunity for us. If we can’t handle it, our identity, sovereignty and resources will be taken and shared by them. Not only hardware but also software must be considered. We must protect with laws.”


Nov 26, 2017
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Chinese Consul General in Kolkata Ma Zhanwu says his country is planning a bullet train service between Kunming and Kolkata, which will pass through other neighbouring countries like Myanmar and Bangladesh
While work on India's ambitious bullet train project from Ahmedabad to Mumbai is in progress, Kolkata might also be connected with our neighbouring country China through a bullet train. As per Chinese Consul General in Kolkata Ma Zhanwu, his country is planning a bullet train service between Kunming and Kolkata, which will pass through other neighbouring countries like Myanmar and Bangladesh. "With joint efforts of India and China, a high-speed rail link could be established between the two cities," Zhanwu said at a conference here.
"It will only take a few hours to reach Kolkata from Kunming if the rail link becomes a reality," he asserted. The envoy also said that Myanmar and Bangladesh would benefit from the project. "We may have a cluster of industries along the route. That increases the possibility of economic development of countries involved in the 2,800 km-long project," he maintained. The project had also found mention at the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) meet in Kunming in 2015, he said. The rail route was aimed at boosting trade flow in the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) corridor, Zhanwu said, adding that his country has been striving for the revival of Silk Route to increase connectivity from Kunming to Kolkata.
The 508-km high speed train corridor between Mumbai and Ahmedabad is expected to be operational by 2022. The bullet trains are expected to run at a speed of 350 km per hour covering the stretch in about two hours. In comparison, trains plying on the route take over 7 hours to travel the distance whereas flights take an hour. The Mumbai-Ahmedabad route is expected to be used by 18,000 passengers daily, with fares between the two cities likely to be around Rs 3,000 in economy class.


Nov 26, 2017
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Bangladesh is planning to spend $400USD Million to conduct a Joint Venture between a Chinese and Bangladeshi company to build a renewable energy project to provide 500 megawatts which will be completed by 2023.


Nov 26, 2017
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New Delhi: Chinese
solar panel
Trina Solar
today announced the total capacity of
solar modules
installed by the company in India has crossed 4,000 Megawatt (Mw) -- the largest for any firm so far.

“We have come far, from shipping under 15 MW of solar modules for the whole of 2010, our first year in India, to shipping a record 700 MW in just one quarter of 2017,” said Gaurav Mathur, Trina Solar's India director.

He added that the 4,000 Mw milestone is a testament to the quality of the firm's sales team in India which has become a major solar market on the world map and recognizes the value of clean, stable and cost-effective
solar energy

Mathur said the photovoltaic manufacturer works with developers across the country while the bigger installations are often in the southern region, in states such as Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh due to several reasosn including availability of affordable land.

“We are big in solar farms, as utility-scale solar provides stability and low-cost energy for local grids. But we are also doing very unique installations, such as airports and building-integrated photovoltaics,” Mathur said.

He also aded that Indian
are keen on solar, with many from the textile, pharmaceutical, chemical, logistics and IT industries installing 50-500 Kilowatt rooftop and ground-mount installations because many have a lot of roof space or land available for solar installations.

Helena Li, Trina Solar president for Asia Pacific and head of global module sales, said the Asia Pacific, including India, is a key market for the company globally as it continues to make inroads by introducing new high-efficiency modules and offering smart energy solutions.


Nov 26, 2017
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the first of five Industrial Parks to be setup in India in a joint venture Sino-Indo deal, is in Gujarat



Nov 26, 2017
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Chinese EV Battery manufacturer, CATL is setting up a plant in Erfurt, Germany with a
€240 million investment by 2022

Two weeks after CATL received notice of the premature start of construction of its battery cell plant near Erfurt, capital of the German state of Thuringia, the official ground-breaking ceremony took place on Friday.
CATL’s first production facility outside China should have production lines running at the “Erfurt Kreuz” industrial site by the beginning of 2022.
The Chinese battery making giant will invest 1.8 billion euros in the site in the medium term and create up to 2,000 jobs. In June this year, CATL decided to increase the investment in its planned factory in Erfurt by a factor of 7.5: Instead of the originally planned 240 million euros. “In many respects, the project is an investment of superlatives,” comments Thuringia’s Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, who has been promoting the location since the beginning of 2017.
The German Federal State of Thuringia has been tenacious in its fight for the contract, which lasted about one and a half years, and has now paid off. The deciding factor in favour of the Erfurt site over other options was the existing infrastructure and the accessibility of all German car manufacturers within four hours. “For Thuringia, the establishment of CATL is one of the most important industrial investments of recent decades,” he said at the ground-breaking ceremony. Matthias Zentgraf, Co-president Europe CATL said: “We believe that the combination of Germany’s industrial tradition and CATL’s tradition of innovative battery technology will greatly accelerate the electrification of the automotive industry in Europe.”


Nov 27, 2014
3,197 56 0
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
@Zhengzhou I read an article about China planting more than 10 million trees somewhere in desert area in China could be please talk to us about that project.


Nov 26, 2017
338 5 0
@Zhengzhou I read an article about China planting more than 10 million trees somewhere in desert area in China could be please talk to us about that project.
The Chinese Government approved in
Three North Shelter Forest Program
, the biggest attempt of
ever tried. The term
Three North
refers to the 3 Regions in North China and it highlights the commitment of these areas to the problem. Meanwhile,
Shelter Forest
refers to the
“safety belt”
around the desert that can stop the
and its sand clouds. It may be the World’s biggest environmental plan in place.
The plan provides for a
wall of trees
, with a width of 50 meters and a length of about 4500 kilometers, with an aim of increasing the forest’s coverage from 5% to 15%.
there is already results in which forests are growing in these areas and the desert is finally slowing, however the project has seen it's first results, the project will not stop until 2050


Nov 26, 2017
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China's investments in Oman's Duqm, port project. Duqm will be an alternative shipping hub for the Gulf. Part of is the port, which will have the capacity for 200 ships a year and will be home to the Middle East's largest fishery hub and home to 400 large scale fishing boats, processing plants cold storage facilities . a GCC railway linking Duqm to the Gulf region is also planned. there will also be tourist attractions, a mining industry setup s well. This will help curb Oman's reliance on the Oil-Gas revenue. between Oman and China, $11 Billion USD has already been invested.


Nov 26, 2017
338 5 0
China's company CMEC is building a water treatment facility in Sri Lanka which will bring 600,000+ residents clean drinking water. currently this China's & Sri Lanka's largest project (even though Sri Lanka's "Dubai" has already started). The facility is 40km north of the country's capital. also the facility will have daily processing of 54,000 tons and daily supply of 85,000 tons of water..