Egypt Armed Forces | Page 8 | World Defense

Egypt Armed Forces


Feb 18, 2018
129 2 0
Al-Wahsh 4x4 armored vehicle is being proposed to the Egyptian Army by Jordan's KADDB. if purchased, license production will be planned


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Nov 17, 2017
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Security Alert in Egypt for Eid Celebrations, Africa Cup
Tuesday, 4 June, 2019


Egyptian soldiers training in the Suez area. AFP file photo

Cairo - Asharq Al-Awsat

Egypt’s security apparatuses have been deployed to bolster security during Eid al-Fitr celebrations and the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) that will be held between June 21 and July 19.

On Monday, security and police forces were deployed on major roads and tourist attractions amid an announcement by the Egyptian Interior Ministry that it has started upping security measures nationwide to protect citizens.

The ministry said the deployed elements are trained in immediate response to deal firmly and decisively with whoever aims to disturb security and peace.

Starting Tuesday, Egypt celebrates Eid al-Fitr, a religious holiday marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Also, the Interior Ministry explained that a new plan was set to deal with traffic congestion as it deployed qualified recruits to work in the traffic departments of Cairo, Giza and Alexandria.

In north Sinai, the Egyptian Army and police continued their anti-terror operations, mainly against ISIS members.

Undersecretary of the Health Ministry in northern Sinai Dr. Tareq Kamel said that the ministry requested all hospitals across the province to take a series of emergency measures and ensure that extra medication is available.

Late last month, Confederation of African Football President Ahmad Ahmad said a special committee has been set up to deal with security concerns at the Africa Cup of Nations.

In May, at least 17 people were injured when an explosion hit a bus carrying mostly South African tourists in Cairo, on the perimeter of the Grand Egyptian Museum.

The Nations Cup will feature 24 teams from around the continent to play at venues in Cairo, Alexandria, Ismailia and Suez.



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Nov 17, 2017
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Egypt Police Kill 4 Militants in Sinai
8 June, 2019

File photo: Egyptian security forces stand by their Armored Personnel Carriers ahead of a military operation in the northern Sinai peninsula. AFP

Asharq Al-Awsat

Egypt said Saturday that security forces have killed four militants in the restive northern part of Sinai Peninsula.

The Interior Ministry said the four were killed in a shootout with police south of the Mediterranean city of el-Arish. Police seized automatic rifles, bombs and explosive belts.

The ministry said the four were implicated in an attack earlier this week on a police checkpoint in northern Sinai that authorities say left eight policemen dead.

On Thursday, authorities said security forces killed 14 suspected militants linked to the attack, which was claimed by ISIS.



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Nov 17, 2017
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Egypt Police Kill 4 Militants in Sinai
8 June, 2019

File photo: Egyptian security forces stand by their Armored Personnel Carriers ahead of a military operation in the northern Sinai peninsula. AFP

Asharq Al-Awsat

Egypt said Saturday that security forces have killed four militants in the restive northern part of Sinai Peninsula.

The Interior Ministry said the four were killed in a shootout with police south of the Mediterranean city of el-Arish. Police seized automatic rifles, bombs and explosive belts.

The ministry said the four were implicated in an attack earlier this week on a police checkpoint in northern Sinai that authorities say left eight policemen dead.

On Thursday, authorities said security forces killed 14 suspected militants linked to the attack, which was claimed by ISIS.



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Nov 17, 2017
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Three-Year Imprisonment for ‘Returnees From Libya’ in Egypt
11 June, 2019


Cairo- Asharq Al-Awsat

An Egyptian court sentenced Monday two convicts to three-year imprisonment in the “Returnees from Libya” case.

They were convicted of involvement in acts of violence and terrorism outside Egyptian territory and planning to target facilities inside the country.

Cairo Criminal Court sentenced Mohammed Farouk and Ashraf al-Sayyed to three years in prison and awarded them criminal costs.

In February 2015, the Attorney General referred them both to criminal prosecution after being arrested at Salloum port on their return from Libya.

The prosecution accused them of receiving military training by al-Qaeda in Libya, joining a group established contrary to the provisions of law, impeding the constitution’s provisions, preventing state institutions and public authorities from carrying out their work, attacking people’s freedom, and harming national unity and social peace.

“They used terrorism as a means to achieve their purposes, and they participated and others in assaulting people, using force and violence against each other and carrying firearms,” it said.

The two convicts were sentenced by a different criminal court, ranging from execution to life imprisonment.

They appealed these sentences to the Court of Cassation, which accepted the appeal and ordered their retrial before a different criminal court.

In another case, the country’s Court of Cassation has commuted a death sentence against a defendant convicted in the case of storming Kerdasa police station in Giza on July 2013 following an appeal filed by the defendant.

It also rejected appeals by three defendants sentenced to life in prison and seven others sentenced to 15 years in the same case.

The prosecution had charged the defendants with premeditated murder, attempted murder, possession of firearms and ammunition and attacks on police officers.

Monday’s Court of Cassation verdict comes more than a year after the defendants were handed jail terms by a Giza criminal court in a retrial in May 2018.



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Nov 17, 2017
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Egypt arrests 8, including ex-lawmaker, for plotting riots
June 25, 2019


The raid targeted at least 19 businesses and economica entities with links to the Brotherhood. (File/AFP)

  • Egyptian officials said the detained have links to the brotherhood
  • They also said the detained were plotting to incite violence and riots on June 30
CAIRO: Egypt says police have arrested at least eight people, including a former lawmaker and key secular activists in the country’s 2011 uprising, for their alleged ties to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group.

The Interior Ministry said on Tuesday the arrest of Zyad El-Elaimy, the former lawmaker, was part of a raid that targeted at least 19 businesses and economic entities linked to the Brotherhood.

The ministry says economist Omar El-Shenety and journalists Hossam Monis and Hisam Fouad were also arrested.

It says the detained were collaborating with wanted Brotherhood members in Turkey to plot violence and riots on the anniversary of the June 30 mass protests that led to the military ouster of President Muhammad Mursi from power. Mursi collapsed and died in a Cairo courtroom last week.



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Nov 17, 2017
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10 dead in militant attack on security forces in Egypt’s Sinai
June 26, 2019


Above, Egyptian security forces guard a checkpoint on a road leading to Arish in this July 26, 2018 photo. Egypt has been battling Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula for years. (AFP)

  • Daesh claims responsibility for simultaneous raids on military positions in Arish
  • Egyptian security forces have been battling Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula for years
CAIRO: Seven Egyptian police officers and four militants were killed in a clash in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, the interior ministry said on Wednesday.

The clash took place late on Tuesday when militants attacked forces stationed southwest of the city of Arish, the ministry said in a statement.

Daesh claimed the attack, saying it had carried out simultaneous raids on military positions in Arish, according to a statement carried on the group’s Amaq news agency.

Security sources said the militants had used more than 10 four-wheel vehicles in coordinated attacks at four sites.

Egyptian security forces have been battling Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula for years and launched a counter-insurgency campaign in the area in February 2018.

Earlier this month militants attacked a checkpoint in North Sinai, an assault that left eight security personnel dead according to the interior ministry.



Sep 25, 2019
1 0 0

Anti-Semitism, Military and the Revolutionary
OCT 8, 2019, 5:24 PM

A post on Twitter account of Akhbar El Yom, an Egyptian weekly newspaper owned by the state, it read: Sisi on October victory anniversary: “we are confronting rogue waves that are breaking on the rocks of unity and solidarity of the Egyptian people.”

In a paradoxical way, the Egyptians are celebrating these days what they deem the “Victory of October”— Yom Kippur war,1973. A totally crushing victory that liberated the whole lot of Sinai peninsula in a few weeks—at least that’s what the Egyptians are being told by their rulers for the last 50 years.

That common belief is the result of an effective propaganda machine that indoctrinated the nation (with 100 million estimated population) in an intensive anti-Semitic ideological program that has as an objective to secure a patriarchal role for the army in society and ensure the sacredness of the military institution as the protector of the land from a potential Zionist threat. They are taught that in schools and universities, mosques and churches; they went on to built an entire city and named it the “6th of October.” Thoroughfares, shops, gas stations, popular markets and modern malls, and countless war movies and soap operas— all bear names related to the October war.


An advertisement for the October war in the state-run Rose al-Yūsuf. an Arabic weekly political magazine.

Social media accounts, from both sides of the aisle— supporters of the despot and his opponents alike— are displaying (often merged with anti-Semitic comments) a flood of patriotic images of the war events and videos showing exposed rubber dinghies filled with heroic commandos crossing the canal, and soldiers shouting zealously, “Allahu Akbar!” as they climbed the impregnable high sandy fortifications of Bar Lev line. Wives and daughters, sons and brothers of the legendary participants in the war posting black and white photographs and portraits of their heroes in uniform, promising the avenge of the posterity, and glorifying their unmatched courage and great sacrifices in the battle that became the Arab world’s most important achievement in the last century.

Those who are now striving towards a new revolution, longing for freedom and democracy, are deeply infected with antisemitism, and a heavy cloud of double-dealing and duplicity hangs over them. Do they really believe in and adhere to the essence of those principles? Or are they no more than cosmetic puffy words lacking vigor and meaning? Can one count on them to change the fate of Egypt into a brighter and peaceful one? It is undoubtedly inspiring to every free man to see enlightened and democratic Egyptians running their own country, but they’ll never succeed if they have among their top priorities severing diplomatic relations with Israel and maybe even going to war with it.

That’s just not the right path to build a new Egypt with a new system of thought in accordance with universal values.
Israel can actually be very beneficial for Egyptian people, but it’s not in the interest of a fascist military regime to have an influential democratic state right on its doorstep. The Antisemitism approach has proved itself to be crucial to keep Israel mode of governance and its rich democratic experience out of reach of most of the population.

They have communally engulfed the memory of the war with an aura of myths and supernatural fairytales where winged angels spearheaded by Gabriel fought alongside the faithful army (the antithesis of the impious generation of the 1967 war) as they had done with the prophet and his companions in his alleged battles against the Jews in medieval Arabia.

The military regime has fabricated documents and events and forged its own distorted narration of what happened through the mighty propaganda of the regime buttressed by an overwhelming pan-Arab impulse to believe the unbelievable and swallow fallacies of all manners.


A poster of the 2019 propaganda movie Al-Mamar (The passage)
This is not a war that took place in the past; this is not Stalingrad or even Nagasaki; this not a war that is taught in history lessons to make people aware of the ugliness of wars, not at all. Instead, it is still—as the persistent common anti-Jewish sentiment invigorated by the state-owned media’s falsehoods clearly shows—vivid and alive as if it happened only yesterday; as if there is no peace deal, and that a much-wanted war could break out at any given moment. They still call Israel the A’dou, or the Enemy as in time of war, and they still long for a comeback attack that would throw more than 8 million Jews into the sea. It was no coincidence that the parliament speaker Ali Abdel Aal praised Hitler on the eve of the anniversary of October war, meanwhile the state television channels were airing a 2019 propaganda drama movie about the war called Almamar (The Passage).

On the face of it, Sadat is officially considered a hero, but only in the context of war, and if one starts scratching the surface and dig deeper, Sadat would be depicted as an unstated traitor when invoking his bold and impressive effort to bring about peace. The peace agreement, omitted and unspoken of in the Egyptian press, is only mentioned, expediently, when the free foreign press or the account of the Israeli PM publishe the embarrassing picture of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi at a meeting with his Israeli counterparts.

Ironically, those ongoing popular and official celebrations and the glorification of the Egyptian military, are taking place simultaneously with a growing public discontent and anger towards the corrupted Egyptian military institution and the influence its tough generals wield over politics and economy in the country.

Following a rare outbreak of small but significant protests that took place last month in many Egyptian cities— resulting in the round up of more than 3000 protesters that encompassed juveniles, common citizens, renowned politicians, academics and journalists, and put the major security apparatuses of the state in a constant alert, with Police officers cramming the streets searching passersby’s cellular phones, informants lurking in the corners and eavesdropping at cafes, and electronic militias trolling the web hacking emails through phishing scams and tracking users’ online activity— Egyptians, in the remembrance of the 6th of October war, found themselves, as robotic ideologues, in a tricky situation where they are compelled to laud there very oppressors as war heroes, where they are currently jailing up to 60 thousand political prisoners according to human rights organizations in overcrowded jails, enduring inhuman conditions, and exposed to the most cruel and sadistic techniques of torture that one can ever imagine.

That heinous and unprovoked hate towards Israel is in fact what gives the corrupted military the legitimacy to rule the country with an iron fist and abort all attempts to submit the rogue institution to the rule of law. In truth, the legacy of the 1973 war turned out to be a heavy debt that Egyptian civilians are coerced to pay subserviently to the men in uniform from their own welfare, dignity and civil liberties.

Taha Lemkhir is a Moroccan writer and photographer. Degree in Arabic literature and Islamic studies. Critic of Islamism. languages: Arabic, English and Spanish. He Lived part of his life as an Islamist— until enlightenment flashed through his heart.
Oct 3, 2019
112 10 0
ESR-32A indigenous radar in service with air defense corps. Mainly used for airport surveillance, but apparently has uses in air defense corps. There is also dedicated 450 km 3D radar under development for EDEX 2020 Inshallah. If Egypt can play its card correctly and invest in high tech systems like radars, missiles, avionics, etc and hopefully follow Turkey's path.


