US Army develops arm exoskeleton to make all soldiers sharpshooters | Science! |
If you overlook the wildly inaccurate headline (where is the exo-skeleton for journalists, to remove click-baiting?) this is a fairly cool idea.
The idea is that the exoskeleton can remove the role of arm tremor from reducing shooting accuracy. So it is not going to make a bad shot a good shot, but it might reduce the effects that fatigue etc have on degrading the accuracy of an otherwise good shot.
I would however question the utility of this is a real world situation. Generally someone with the time and opportunity to use bulky equipment is going to used a properly mounted long gun instead.
If you overlook the wildly inaccurate headline (where is the exo-skeleton for journalists, to remove click-baiting?) this is a fairly cool idea.
The idea is that the exoskeleton can remove the role of arm tremor from reducing shooting accuracy. So it is not going to make a bad shot a good shot, but it might reduce the effects that fatigue etc have on degrading the accuracy of an otherwise good shot.
I would however question the utility of this is a real world situation. Generally someone with the time and opportunity to use bulky equipment is going to used a properly mounted long gun instead.