If only Guns could choose their worthy holders .......... | World Defense

If only Guns could choose their worthy holders ..........


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
Guns themselves are nothing but a device a deadly device, emotionless devices that cannot be called brave or coward, useful or useless, no matter for which purpose you raise the gun, the bullet will kill or hurt someone without discrimination, without taking into account whether the target was, an adult or a child, a woman or a man, a brave man or a coward, an innocent or a thug deserving a bullet to head, such merciless and emotionless devices these guns are, they don't by themselves recognize the cause, they won't object if they get raised for a highly dubious unjust cause. Such is the dilemma and tragedy with guns ..... they don't ask questions, they don't object, they don't reject ....... they just mean business, business to shoot and kill the target and move on to next target, all ready to repeat ..... without questions. I cannot blame the guns, I cannot hold such insensitive, non breathing thing to be accountable for all the pump action it creates ...... I cannot hold these smoking things responsible for all their smoke.

So the dear readers it all boils down to who is behind the gun ...... no matter how automatic these guns become, there will always be someone present to pull the trigger or press the button, a living breathing human, capable of thinking, sensing, and a God gifted brain to make decisions, a human who has felt pain and knows what is about to happen, a human who can analyse the consequences of pulling the trigger. A lot should go into the mind of the man behind the gun while he / she is readying to pull the trigger, by a lot I mean really a lot ..... his pulling the trigger won't just hurt, kill another human ..... that action would lead to hurting a lot of people in the society, emotionally, financially and psychologically ...... it may very well lead to an insensitive pulling of lot many triggers and start a never ending chain of pulling triggers. The consequences are so grave that it could lead to wiping out a significant section of society in any particular place, leave scars that would never heal, make humans blood thirst beasts. It is not just killing one human ..... it is actually killing the humanity ......... So shouldn't that person be a person worthy of holding the gun? Shouldn't he be mentally strong enough to go through again and again over his decision or should it be any person with a gun?

Pulling the trigger may not involve much training but to be worthy of holding the gun ........ it should involve a lot of training. I will take the liberty to quote example of my own close relation who is permitted to carry fire arm or a gun ........ whenever that relation is at home, the gun goes into a locker, at place where it would take considerable time for my relation to get the gun himself, no family member has access to the key, no one is allowed to touch the gun, raise it for fun or even come close to it. My ignorant mind found this to be a stupid routine and couldn't resist asking .... why so much sensitivity you put into it? Don't you trust us? And the reply was no I don't trust emotional ignorant fools not worthy of holding gun ....... okay understandable, but why you keep it at a place where in case of emergency you too would spend 5 to 10 minutes to retrieve it ........ the answer was that's enough time to make up my mind whether I really need to pull the trigger now. Then I realised yep it takes a lot of training and a strong mind to hold a gun ...... it shouldn't be in hands of an emotional fool like or I shouldn't even be close to anywhere near the gun .... I am not trained to hold the gun.

Anyways I hope I have made my point so I would like to come straight to the issue and my question that I wish to ask .....

Should Pakistan police be allowed to carry loaded guns? Are they worthy of guns? The recent cases of Naqeeb Mehsud, Intezar from Karachi, Mudassir from Kasur and all those police encounters where police has killed hundreds of people without any questions asked ........ don't these incidents point to a grave issue and reality ........ that Pakistan police isn't worthy of guns ......... their performance against terrorists (somewhat evenly matched opponent) speaks volumes about their courage and mental strength. We have seen them running for their lives when faced with someone who is willing to shoot them in return.

I say police in its current as well as reformed state is not worthy of holding guns for another century or two to come. A policeman killed a sitting governor, no matter what the reasons but it proved that Pakistani police is an emotional fool like me who shouldn't be let near the guns. They are not only emotional fools, in their current state they are cowardly corrupt thugs as well.

@The Sandman @Indus Falcon @Hellhound @Khafee @H!thchiker

@Tps77 @Joe Shearer (I think India is not that different) @jbgt90 @Nilgiri

@WebMaster @BATMAN


Staff member
Nov 25, 2014
2,410 25 0
Should Pakistan police be allowed to carry loaded guns?

Are Pakistan police officers not allowed to carry guns? How could a law enforcement entity be toothless? I know in the UK also they are not armed but they can get a quick backup not sure about the case in Pakistan. I don't see any reason to why they should not. What if a police officer wandering around and of a sudden comes across a situation that requires the trigger to be pulled?


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
Are Pakistan police officers not allowed to carry guns? How could a law enforcement entity be toothless? I know in the UK also they are not armed but they can get a quick backup not sure about the case in Pakistan. I don't see any reason to why they should not. What if a police officer wandering around and of a sudden comes across a situation that requires the trigger to be pulled?

They do carry guns, but the question is are they worthy of those guns? We have seen police involved in extra judicial killing too often and running from the spot at first sight of terrorists. The misuse of guns by Pakistan police outweighs the purpose why they should be given guns. In simple plain terms Pakistan police is not being trained enough mentally and morally to hold and use the guns. Right from their selection to joining the active duty ........ its merit less, its political for personal gains and purposes. As an institution they collapsed long ago, if they were effective and had performed their duties sincerely ........ 90% of the terrorist attacks in Pakistan could have been avoided. They are not public servants, they are servants of their own greed and influential people.

There is this hot case of SP Rao Anwar (still couldn't be located and arrested) in Karachi ........ who has been part of hundreds of police encounters and now somehow it has come to light that he has been staging most of these encounters and killing innocent people.


Staff member
Nov 25, 2014
2,410 25 0
They do carry guns, but the question is are they worthy of those guns? We have seen police involved in extra judicial killing too often and running from the spot at first sight of terrorists. The misuse of guns by Pakistan police outweighs the purpose why they should be given guns. In simple plain terms Pakistan police is not being trained enough mentally and morally to hold and use the guns. Right from their selection to joining the active duty ........ its merit less, its political for personal gains and purposes. As an institution they collapsed long ago, if they were effective and had performed their duties sincerely ........ 90% of the terrorist attacks in Pakistan could have been avoided. They are not public servants, they are servants of their own greed and influential people.

There is this hot case of SP Rao Anwar (still couldn't be located and arrested) in Karachi ........ who has been part of hundreds of police encounters and now somehow it has come to light that he has been staging most of these encounters and killing innocent people.

I would not paint em all with the single brush. There must be some sane officers among all. Maybe there is a need to implement some rules and have the raised concerns minimized like for example obtaining a permission to fire from those above when there is a necessity to engage Or restricting the use of guns to some high ranked officers, or maybe stripping officers of their guns in certain areas. Pakistan can also assign the Homeland Security forces to be involved in the field and have them play the gun firing role instead of the police.


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
I would not paint em all with the single brush. There must be some sane officers among all. Maybe there is a need to implement some rules and have the raised concerns minimized like for example obtaining a permission to fire from those above when there is a necessity to engage Or restricting the use of guns to some high ranked officers, or maybe stripping officers of their guns in certain areas. Pakistan can also assign the Homeland Security forces to be involved in the field and have them play the gun firing role instead of the police.

Yes there needs to be raised and trained a separate force who could hold the guns and come into situations where guns are to be fired, but webby its a dream in Pakistan, this will never happen with current setup and leadership.

On the other hand the order coming from higher ups, well this mentally retarded police fired and killed women protesters in Model town Lahore, recently they shot straight at people protesting Kasur agains child rapes ........ now did they fire on their own or was that order given from higher ups? Or even if it was given from higher ups why the hell they didn't question its legitimacy?

This whore police wields so much power and backing now that they can at anytime declare me alien and shoot me dead, I can do nothing against them, nor it would ever come to light.

The Sandman

Jan 23, 2018
405 34 0
Saudi Arabia
@The Sandman @Indus Falcon @Hellhound @Khafee @H!thchiker
Good question see i may sound a bit extremist to anyone who's a gun lover here but i am totally against the owning of guns by any civilian too (btw i also want to own a KAR98K) these things are made to defend IMO and only our army should've them not civilians.

BUT we know what i am saying is fantasy we've a gun culture in our country "The rate of private gun ownership is 11.6 firearms per 100 people.[10]" so obviously it isn't possible to disarm them just ask any gun lover/owner about what he says on completely banning guns? His reaction will be like that of an religious extremist. So what's the solution? make it really really hard to own a gun with really tough checks & balances like in Germany/UK/Australia etc.

Now coming to your question whether our police deserves to hold weapons or not in current circumstances with a heavy heart i have to say that yes they need weapons.

There are 2 reasons.
1) We're still at war with terrorists/criminal gangs. (We still haven't reached the level of EU as far as crime rate is concerned.
2) Because civilians also holds a large amount of weapons..

What we need is reforms:

1st step would be to train them first to how to even handle a weapon
2nd step tell them to fire when there's really no hope left means as a LAST resort
3rd step equip them with NON-lethal equipment Tasers/Pepper spray etc

I can understand your anger but atm in a country like Pakistan if you de weaponize your police than you're openly inviting the criminals to target a defenseless police (which is also a line of defence).

As far as characters like "Rao anwar" and plagues like "extra judicial killings" and incidents like "Model town" are concerned the only solution is to depoliticize the police and recruit on merit.

These are baby steps towards creating the community police like the one's we see in EU.


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
BUT we know what i am saying is fantasy we've a gun culture in our country

It's not fantasy .......... its real and logical.

Gun culture in Pakistan is by regions and classes, its not like 11 out of 100 common people own guns. Its rich families, feudal lords, and Pathan because of their culture ............ aaaam (mango) Pakistani doesn't own a gun, neither he can get one nor he gets permit that easily.

There are 2 reasons.
1) We're still at war with terrorists/criminal gangs. (We still haven't reached the level of EU as far as crime rate is concerned.
2) Because civilians also holds a large amount of weapons..

What role police has played in fighting the terrorists? If they were that capable we wouldn't see hundreds of young police recruits killed in terrorist attacks. They are useless force when it comes to fighting terrorists with zero output, they couldn't even fight the dacoit, Rangers had to be called in Karachi and elsewhere .......... forget all that they couldn't even control the Faizabad situation bai sb.

As I said civilians not hold guns as it is made out to be, and the ones who hold guns don't get treated the same way by police, like they treat an innocent Pakistani.

I can understand your anger but atm in a country like Pakistan if you de weaponize your police than you're openly inviting the criminals to target a defenseless police (which is also a line of defence).

Shuker karo I am not the incharge of affairs, else forget de weaponising them, I would be sending 99% of them to labor camps.

The Sandman

Jan 23, 2018
405 34 0
Saudi Arabia
It's not fantasy .......... its real and logical.
Gun culture in Pakistan is by regions and classes, its not like 11 out of 100 common people own guns. Its rich families, feudal lords, and Pathan because of their culture ............ aaaam (mango) Pakistani doesn't own a gun, neither he can get one nor he gets permit that easily.
So you're in favor of ban? or just tough checks and balances?
What role police has played in fighting the terrorists?
I agree there are not too many examples but let's not forget "Chaudhry Aslam" and probably many like him than we've KPK police as an example too.
forget all that they couldn't even control the Faizabad situation bai sb.
That's a different thing tho they got close to Rizvi's container but than suddenly 1000 people came out of no where and they were equipped with gas masks too there are many questions still to be answered about what happened on 25th Nov. (also let's not forget those checks too)

Tho yea 1 mistake they made was they didn't completely closed the surrounding areas.

Shuker karo I am not the incharge of affairs, else forget de weaponising them, I would be sending 99% of them to labor camps.
Well majority of them deserve that punishment.


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
So you're in favor of ban? or just tough checks and balances?

Total ban or total freedom for everyone with equal rights. I have seen with my own sinful eyes how brave this Pakistani police is when an ordinary thug with a gun is harassing people.

I agree there are not too many examples but let's not forget "Chaudhry Aslam" and probably many like him than we've KPK police as an example too.

Chaudhry Aslam .......... did anyone ever investigated all the killings he did?

KPK police is far away from being a role model .......... not everything in news is trustworthy. I have class fellow (boarding school) who is SP or SSP in some area in KPK and he was one of the most sazishi one amongst us.

That's a different thing tho they got close to Rizvi's container but than suddenly 1000 people came out of no where and they were equipped with gas masks too there are many questions still to be answered about what happened on 25th Nov. (also let's not forget those checks too)

Tho yea 1 mistake they made was they didn't completely closed the surrounding areas.

Whatever they displayed their incompetence ......... they weren't ready and they had no idea.

The Sandman

Jan 23, 2018
405 34 0
Saudi Arabia
Chaudhry Aslam .......... did anyone ever investigated all the killings he did?
They need to be investigated too but still he did a lot of cleaning.
KPK police is far away from being a role model .......... not everything in news is trustworthy. I have class fellow (boarding school) who is SP or SSP in some area in KPK and he was one of the most sazishi one amongst us.
Nah not a role model but it's better than other provinces.
Whatever they displayed their incompetence ......... they weren't ready and they had no idea.
Can't disagree.


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
They need to be investigated too but still he did a lot of cleaning.

You know that a suicide bombing cannot happen without inside help and hell lot of information on surroundings and movement of the target. Aslam got killed in a suicide bombing attack.

Nah not a role model but it's better than other provinces.

We will see how much it improves ........ and if it ever becomes a role model how it survives the next new government

The Sandman

Jan 23, 2018
405 34 0
Saudi Arabia
You know that a suicide bombing cannot happen without inside help and hell lot of information on surroundings and movement of the target. Aslam got killed in a suicide bombing attack.
Hn wo to uska hi saathi tha koi didn't they arrested one of his close guy too?
and if it ever becomes a role model how it survives the next new government
Ah that's a good but i think PTI will win again from KPK .


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
Hn wo to uska hi saathi tha koi didn't they arrested one of his close guy too?

Do you know who put the bomb in Zia's plane, or which Pakistani bases were given for peanuts to operate against others? And many other unsolved mysteries in mysterious Pakistan.

Ah that's a good but i think PTI will win again from KPK .

PTI didn't form a majority government in 2013 and this time around I don't see them forming any government at all.

The Sandman

Jan 23, 2018
405 34 0
Saudi Arabia
Do you know who put the bomb in Zia's plane, or which Pakistani bases were given for peanuts to operate against others? And many other unsolved mysteries in mysterious Pakistan.
Yep but i don't think "they" had a hand in this i mean why would they? wasn't he killing baddies only? or did he ruffled "someone's" feathers?
PTI didn't form a majority government in 2013 and this time around I don't see them forming any government at all.
A lot positive stuff going on there so maybe they do have a chance wese this 2018's GE's are gonna be really unpredictable imo.


Nov 21, 2017
1,349 73 0
Yep but i don't think "they" had a hand in this i mean why would they? wasn't he killing baddies only? or did he ruffled "someone's" feathers?

Nobody bothered at that time to vouch his claims, he may genuinely have been killing terrorists or he may have ended up killing innocent people .......... the thing with being relevant and famous is you end up losing your morals in most of the cases. In any case that man is dead now so no point in judging him for his actions now.

A lot positive stuff going on there so maybe they do have a chance wese this 2018's GE's are gonna be really unpredictable imo.

I happen to be from Abbottabad ........ Thandiani. That city voted for a useless PTI candidate who could never have won against Mehtab Abbasi ...... but this time it seems PMLN will win that area easily, PTI opted to be a nationalist party like the previous ones.