People do stupid stuff, that's a fact of life, and even the best of us do something stupid from time to time. Not necessarily a potentially fatal stupid act, but we all do them nonetheless. I think it's socially responsible to admit this humbly and warn against stupidity.
You also have to take into account that most of the people interested in selfies and what they represent (social media status, etc...) are the younger generations. I'm 25 today and most of my friends are very much into social media, but I see my teenage or preteen relatives and how much they're obsessed with that and it freaks me out a little bit. I guess, in my time, life was so small and narrow (few intellectual/spiritual/philosophical/political pursuits, nearly zero obligations/responsibilities, indifference to pursuing knowledge and personal growth, desire to be "cool" and fit in) that I got very much into whatever my interests were, but you don't want to feel left behind.
It's also fact that younger people don't know any better; they've hardly had a chance to experience so much in life that teaches us many things, like being prudent and having common sense. Perhaps a campaign like this is a good idea to protect the young and those whose survival instincts never developed.
Speaking of which, let me go a bit deeper on the latter...
I would love to see a proper study detailing whether these generations are so self-absorbed in their bubbles created by their smart phones and social media, or what other phenomena explains this but...
Has a significant portion of the population lost their survival instinct? All the time I drive around and have people cross the street at crawling-speed without looking (not uncommon for them to be on their phones), or they even look at you as if they don't realize their current speed and path and yours mean they're going to be tossed away like a ragdoll for several yards with broken bodies.
Don't even get me started on other drivers...
I kid you not, I've been toying with the idea for a year or two now, of writing a black comedy movie script about the whole thing...