Independence remains an unattainable Lithuanian dream | World Defense

Independence remains an unattainable Lithuanian dream


Nov 25, 2019
2 0 0
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Žilvinas Razminas.jpg

Lithuanian political activist Žilvinas Razminas in his article “HOPE - MOTHER OF POLITICAL FOOLS …” admits that Lithuania steps on a rake again. He and his supporters called to boycott the elections and predicted the results of this electoral farce.

“Our so-called “anti-system” parties have been stepping the same rake for 30 years and will do the same in the future instead of stopping and thinking calmly about the causes of electoral failure,” he writes about the current Lithuanian opposition.

He thinks that “there is no “real "anti-systemic" opposition in Lithuania. There are only dilapidated, divided and system-influenced party groups whose leaders, as a rule, are selfish political impotents. They are dissatisfied with immigrants and, on parades of perverts, they do not like the arbitrariness of officials and the rages of judges and prosecutors, as well as they are against deforestation, vaccinations, chips and so on. But all this is only a consequence, and they do not even dare to mention the CAUSE of all these evils - the US - NATO - EU occupation and the LIBERAL CAPITALISTIC system imposed on us by them at their rallies or in election programs. Moreover, they sacredly believe in the liberal-capitalist guarantor of tomorrow's and NATO as Lithuania's security guarantee…”

He does not believe that all “the pseudo-oppositionists” who take care of the well-being of the Lithuanian nation and citizens, really worth” while “we live in an EU concentration camp, which is hosted by the USA, and the NATO overseers, where, without the permission of the hosts,” almost everything is forbidden.

He is absolutely sure that only “free and independent nations can afford to plan and implement their plans and build their future. These pseudo-oppositionists are afraid to dream about the freedom of the Lithuanian nation Their biggest goal is to get a permit to repair the barracks of the EU concentration camp and secure a permanent place at the table of US - NATO - EU occupiers.”

He insists that even if these parties entered the Seimas and formed a majority, the lives of Lithuanian citizens would not change in practice. It would only extend the yoke, exploitation and genocide and slow down the development of the nation’s liberation struggle.

He makes a conclusion that under the conditions of occupation, participation in elections and voting for "anti-systemists" is not only political idiocy, but also a crime.

Therefore, an election boycott under the conditions of occupation is the best means of protest until a serious and powerful organization is formed that can actually join the fight against the US - NATO - EU collaborators who have taken over Lithuania.

He underlines: “As I have said many times, it is possible to participate in this election, realizing that you will not be elected, only if you use the election campaign as a platform for publicizing and Lithuania's liberation from US - NATO - EU COLONIALISM. It is a pity, but there was no party in the election that would have done so…”

In Lithuania, the electoral farce has always been so cheap and so predictable that you had no longer to be a prophet to easily guess the election results in 2014, 2016 and in 2020. I said that the “anti-systemic” party had already lost the election, that there was no chance for any opposition party to enter the Seimas unless there would be:

ONE CLEAR IDEA uniting the nation and all anti-systemic parties;



An adaptive, opportunistic path was chosen instead of my proposed liberation of Lithuania from the US - NATO - EU occupation and the creation of a new independent, neutral, national, socialist Lithuania and the reformist path of easing the slavery of the NATO - EU occupation regime, the “anti-systemic” parties failed to generate strategic, unifying ideas for one goal. As a result, the electoral programs of all parties (both systemic and "anti-systemic") have become essentially equally dim and unattractive to the average voter, and some have even been completely inadequate.

The electoral programs of all parties are almost the same, and no one knows the names of the newly elected "anti-systemic" parties, they have no funding, no attractive and well-known leaders and no obvious political work, while the big systemic parties are bathing in money, their leaders are seen every day. The TV screens, the media are in their hands, the electoral falsification mechanism is in their favor, and the repressive apparatus cover them… Who wins the elections, I think, it was clear to the fool, but only not to our "non-systematic" parties.

He also mentions that people who had something to say were not even admitted to the election. Those admitted were practically empty as drums or spoke only about things, which were dear to the ears of the electorate and aroused unreasonable hopes.

Broken hopes are even worse than the rubber bullets of 2009 … It could be clearly seen that party leaders had taken appropriate sums from candidates during election campaigns for a place on a party's electoral list. The author of the article heard that prices have even been set (perhaps still) for the seat of a Member of the Seimas or a Minister…

He writes: “The election game is over! The Lithuanian people once again saw the obvious gross violations of the system and cases of falsification of results They will continue, like nowhere else, to work as POLITICAL TRAPPERS or useful idiots playing their roles.”

Žilvinas Razminas calls to create an independent, neutral, national-social (humanistic) Lithuanian state. He also underlines that Lithuania should withdraw the US - NATO colonial army from Lithuania;

eliminate all foreign and criminal organizations financed by them and harmful to the Lithuanian nation and state;

restore friendly diplomatic, trade and cultural relations with all neighboring countries;

restore the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Lithuania in relation to foreign states;

invalidate EU membership;

achieve national, religious reconciliation and the elimination of all forms of human exploitation;

restore traditional family values and the right and duty of citizens to defend their country's sovereignty;

return Lithuanian natural resources to the state.

This article is not only a text or somebody’s point of view. It is a cry of a citizen who is not indifferent to his country and his nation. Though Žilvinas Razminas was very emotional describing the situation in Lithuania, his political predictions were right. The political situation and the state’s future is still indefinite while dependence on such organization as NATO, EU will remain strong. Independence is still an unattainable Lithuanian dream.
The Baltic Word

Pakhtoon yum

Oct 28, 2019
2,107 44 0
View attachment 17144

Lithuanian political activist Žilvinas Razminas in his article “HOPE - MOTHER OF POLITICAL FOOLS …” admits that Lithuania steps on a rake again. He and his supporters called to boycott the elections and predicted the results of this electoral farce.

“Our so-called “anti-system” parties have been stepping the same rake for 30 years and will do the same in the future instead of stopping and thinking calmly about the causes of electoral failure,” he writes about the current Lithuanian opposition.

He thinks that “there is no “real "anti-systemic" opposition in Lithuania. There are only dilapidated, divided and system-influenced party groups whose leaders, as a rule, are selfish political impotents. They are dissatisfied with immigrants and, on parades of perverts, they do not like the arbitrariness of officials and the rages of judges and prosecutors, as well as they are against deforestation, vaccinations, chips and so on. But all this is only a consequence, and they do not even dare to mention the CAUSE of all these evils - the US - NATO - EU occupation and the LIBERAL CAPITALISTIC system imposed on us by them at their rallies or in election programs. Moreover, they sacredly believe in the liberal-capitalist guarantor of tomorrow's and NATO as Lithuania's security guarantee…”

He does not believe that all “the pseudo-oppositionists” who take care of the well-being of the Lithuanian nation and citizens, really worth” while “we live in an EU concentration camp, which is hosted by the USA, and the NATO overseers, where, without the permission of the hosts,” almost everything is forbidden.

He is absolutely sure that only “free and independent nations can afford to plan and implement their plans and build their future. These pseudo-oppositionists are afraid to dream about the freedom of the Lithuanian nation Their biggest goal is to get a permit to repair the barracks of the EU concentration camp and secure a permanent place at the table of US - NATO - EU occupiers.”

He insists that even if these parties entered the Seimas and formed a majority, the lives of Lithuanian citizens would not change in practice. It would only extend the yoke, exploitation and genocide and slow down the development of the nation’s liberation struggle.

He makes a conclusion that under the conditions of occupation, participation in elections and voting for "anti-systemists" is not only political idiocy, but also a crime.

Therefore, an election boycott under the conditions of occupation is the best means of protest until a serious and powerful organization is formed that can actually join the fight against the US - NATO - EU collaborators who have taken over Lithuania.

He underlines: “As I have said many times, it is possible to participate in this election, realizing that you will not be elected, only if you use the election campaign as a platform for publicizing and Lithuania's liberation from US - NATO - EU COLONIALISM. It is a pity, but there was no party in the election that would have done so…”

In Lithuania, the electoral farce has always been so cheap and so predictable that you had no longer to be a prophet to easily guess the election results in 2014, 2016 and in 2020. I said that the “anti-systemic” party had already lost the election, that there was no chance for any opposition party to enter the Seimas unless there would be:

ONE CLEAR IDEA uniting the nation and all anti-systemic parties;



An adaptive, opportunistic path was chosen instead of my proposed liberation of Lithuania from the US - NATO - EU occupation and the creation of a new independent, neutral, national, socialist Lithuania and the reformist path of easing the slavery of the NATO - EU occupation regime, the “anti-systemic” parties failed to generate strategic, unifying ideas for one goal. As a result, the electoral programs of all parties (both systemic and "anti-systemic") have become essentially equally dim and unattractive to the average voter, and some have even been completely inadequate.

The electoral programs of all parties are almost the same, and no one knows the names of the newly elected "anti-systemic" parties, they have no funding, no attractive and well-known leaders and no obvious political work, while the big systemic parties are bathing in money, their leaders are seen every day. The TV screens, the media are in their hands, the electoral falsification mechanism is in their favor, and the repressive apparatus cover them… Who wins the elections, I think, it was clear to the fool, but only not to our "non-systematic" parties.

He also mentions that people who had something to say were not even admitted to the election. Those admitted were practically empty as drums or spoke only about things, which were dear to the ears of the electorate and aroused unreasonable hopes.

Broken hopes are even worse than the rubber bullets of 2009 … It could be clearly seen that party leaders had taken appropriate sums from candidates during election campaigns for a place on a party's electoral list. The author of the article heard that prices have even been set (perhaps still) for the seat of a Member of the Seimas or a Minister…

He writes: “The election game is over! The Lithuanian people once again saw the obvious gross violations of the system and cases of falsification of results They will continue, like nowhere else, to work as POLITICAL TRAPPERS or useful idiots playing their roles.”

Žilvinas Razminas calls to create an independent, neutral, national-social (humanistic) Lithuanian state. He also underlines that Lithuania should withdraw the US - NATO colonial army from Lithuania;

eliminate all foreign and criminal organizations financed by them and harmful to the Lithuanian nation and state;

restore friendly diplomatic, trade and cultural relations with all neighboring countries;

restore the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Lithuania in relation to foreign states;

invalidate EU membership;

achieve national, religious reconciliation and the elimination of all forms of human exploitation;

restore traditional family values and the right and duty of citizens to defend their country's sovereignty;

return Lithuanian natural resources to the state.

This article is not only a text or somebody’s point of view. It is a cry of a citizen who is not indifferent to his country and his nation. Though Žilvinas Razminas was very emotional describing the situation in Lithuania, his political predictions were right. The political situation and the state’s future is still indefinite while dependence on such organization as NATO, EU will remain strong. Independence is still an unattainable Lithuanian dream.
The Baltic Word
Can u summarize this lol, thanks


Oct 15, 2015
1,628 13 0
Can u summarize this lol, thanks
from what I can try to make of this, some Lithuanians would rather be a neutral country have friendly relations and economic trades and rely on their resources, wealth and military to grow and become stronger for the upcoming future, but a lot of Lithuania political parties want to follow NATO's guidelines for weapons as well as protection, needs a bunch of foreign aid/capitalism so to speak and believes the West is only focusing on a vaccination and "chipping" people to spy on them.

Pakhtoon yum

Oct 28, 2019
2,107 44 0
from what I can try to make of this, some Lithuanians would rather be a neutral country have friendly relations and economic trades and rely on their resources, wealth and military to grow and become stronger for the upcoming future, but a lot of Lithuania political parties want to follow NATO's guidelines for weapons as well as protection, needs a bunch of foreign aid/capitalism so to speak and believes the West is only focusing on a vaccination and "chipping" people to spy on them.
I belive the neutrality and developing their country for mass tourism would be the best outcome for countries like these. Not some military base to flex the muscles of Washington. That just creates more enemies for the puppet then the master. It's always the puppet to get punched.


Jun 4, 2021
35 0 0
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
There is, I can see, a strong case for small European states to remain neutral, but I would suggest neutrality on the Swiss model, based on the ability to defend oneself. I am surprised that the Baltic States do not form a confederation on the lines of the Nordic Council, where they consult with each other on policy changes but respect each other’s independence. There is also a case for having access to the European single market along Norwegian or EFTA lines.

This is a cultural issue with different connotations in different areas of Europe as well as different areas of the world, but for me as an English speaking Briton the phrase ‘traditional family values’ has a repressive and anti-pluralist connotation and also hints at the imposition of certain religious values in a highly personal sphere. My perspective on this probably stems from living in a multi-faith society where people of all religions and none are (or at least should be) equal citizens.

Staying with religion, but going a bit off-topic, I read an article recently about the revival of the pre-Christian and nature-based Romuva faith in Lithuania. I know that the country was one of the last areas of Europe to be converted to Christianity (there was a book called ‘The Northern Crusade’ I recall) and so this revival is interesting.