Iran & Turkey object US move to designate Muslim Brotherhood “terrorist”. Saudi Arabia to Trump, go for it | World Defense

Iran & Turkey object US move to designate Muslim Brotherhood “terrorist”. Saudi Arabia to Trump, go for it


Nov 27, 2014
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Iran & Turkey object US move to designate Muslim Brotherhood “terrorist”. Saudi Arabia to Trump, go for it

Turkey and Iran.png

Turkey’s multi-faceted foreign policy dispute with the US could be set to deepen even further following a White House announcement that President Donald Trump is working to declare the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organisation (FTO).

The designation would “undoubtedly yield extremely wrong results regarding stability, human rights, basic rights and freedoms in [Middle East] countries,” Omer Celik, a spokesman for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamist-rooted AKP ruling party, said in response to the development on April 30.

“At the same time, [Trump’s move] is the biggest support that can be given to the propaganda of Daesh,” he added, referring to Islamic State.

The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s oldest Islamist movement, has retained backing from Erdogan since the Egyptian presidential administration it formed in 2012 following the Arab Spring was overthrown by the military. Brotherhood figures have found refuge in Turkey, but the governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Syria and the UAE consider the organisation a terrorist entity.

Request from Egypt
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi asked Trump to make the FTO designation in a private meeting during an April 9 visit to Washington, a senior US official said, confirming a report in the New York Times.

Despite being Nato allies, Turkey and the US are currently at loggerheads over opposing interests in Syria and Ankara’s plans to buy Russian missile defences. They are also on opposite sides when it comes to Trump’s sanctions assault on Iran, the US approach to solving the Palestinian question and the US-endorsed bid to topple the Maduro administration in Venezuela.

The Muslim Brotherhood has close ties with Turkey’s AKP. It says it is an entirely peaceful organisation.

The organisation stated on April 29 that it would continue to work in line with “our moderate and peaceful thinking” regardless of any moves by the Trump administration.

Erdogan also presently has following strong criticism by Ankara of Beijing’s treatment of the Turkic and Muslim Uyghur minority while in Sudan, President Omar al-Bashir, whom the Turkish president saw as an ally, was last week ousted in a coup d’etat.

Turkey also risks having bet on the wrong side in the ongoing military struggle for control of Libya and Erdogan has thrown angry rhetoric the way of France lately after Paris decided to recognise the 1915 Turkish massacre of Armenians as genocide.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday criticized the United States for seeking to blacklist the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group.

“The United States is supporting the biggest terrorist in our region, and that is Israel,” Zarif told reporters on the sidelines of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue in Doha.

“Trying to designate others as terrorists, the United States (is) not in a position, theoretically and practically, to start naming others as terrorist organizations,” he said when asked about US President Donald Trump’s bid to designate the Brotherhood as a terrorist group.

“We reject any attempt by the United States in this regard.”


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Nov 17, 2017
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Iran criticizes US plan to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization
01 May 2019

Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran rejects US attempts to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. (AFP/File)

  • Iranian FM said the US does not have the authority to classify organizations as terrorist
  • He said US supports the biggest terrorist in the region
DOHA: Iran criticized a US plan to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in Doha on Wednesday.

“The US is not in position to (..) start naming others as terror organizations and we reject by any attempt by the US in this regard,” he told reporters on a sideline of a conference. “The US is supporting the biggest terrorist in the region, that is Israel.”

President Donald Trump is working to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization, the White House said on Tuesday, which would lead to sanctions against the movement.


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Nov 17, 2017
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Life sentences for Muslim Brotherhood father and son
by Reuters -
02 May 2019

An Egyptian court handed life sentences to Hassan Malik, a leader of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, his son Hamza and five others after convicting them of terrorism offences.

Charges included leading a terrorist organisation, supporting it financially and taking actions aimed at hurting the economy, based in part on a search of Malik’s home where Muslim Brotherhood documents were found allegedly outlining plots against the state, a judicial source told Reuters.
The source said the documents outlined plans to damage Egypt’s economy by manipulating the value of the Egyptian pound against the dollar.

They said the documents described plans to attack armed forces, police and tourists and incited the use of violence to overthrow government.
The Brotherhood, Egypt’s main Islamist movement for almost a century, denies allegations of terrorism, saying it seeks political change by peaceful means.

Businessman Malik was in court for the trial, dressed in white prison garb, while his son Hamza and the other Brotherhood defendants were tried in absentia. Malik earlier denied the charges in court.

Tuesday’s ruling can be appealed within two months.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s government declared the Brotherhood a terrorist organisation in 2014, a year after the military, then commanded by Sisi, toppled Mohamed Mursi, Egypt’s first freely elected president and a senior Brotherhood figure, following mass protests.

Rights activists say Sisi has overseen a relentless clampdown on dissent in Egypt since 2014. The crackdown first targeted Islamists, including Brotherhood members, and spread to political dissidents, human rights lawyers, journalists and others, according to Human Rights Watch.

At least 60,000 people have been jailed on political grounds, according to an HRW estimate.

This week’s verdict came as US President Donald Trump’s administration, a security ally of Sisi, moved to designate the Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organisation, which would bring sanctions against the veteran Islamist movement.

Sisi denied holding political prisoners and backers say security measures are necessary to stabilise Egypt after its 2011 popular uprising.

In a separate case, 34 people were sentenced to life in prison on charges including planning Islamist militant attacks in Giza and Alexandria.

Life sentences for Muslim Brotherhood father and son - defenceWeb