are we talking about the same thing?I big to differ. Iran is a npt party and found non compliant with that therefore negotiating with Iran to comply by allowing periodic inspection of its nuclear facilities.
i meant the p5+1 negotiations (which started as the eu3, which led to the e3+3), instead of daring to repeat the syria/iraq attacking scenario.
there were phases before the p5+1 deal was signed, in which iran was indeed doing more than needed to acquire just merely nuclear energy (i think it was from 2002-2005). nevertheless, the details in the p5+1 have by many inspections actually been verified as ''still fully compliant'' till very recently.

IAEA Says Iran Still In Compliance With 2015 Nuclear Deal
Iran has kept its nuclear program within the main limits imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal with major powers despite the U.S. pullout from the agreement, the United Nations nuclear watchdog says.

Europeans cast doubt on Israel's claims about Iran nuclear breaches
EU governments stand by 2015 deal with Tehran after presentation by Netanyahu