Imran Khawaja, from London stood trial today as restrictions on reporting were lifted on charges of terrorism. He faked his own death on social media so he could get back into the UK undetected, however he was caught trying to get back via a ferry at Dover, which doesn't say much for security from the country they had sailed from. This is another issue with open borders no checks until you get to the UK.
Hsi cousin drove to Bulgaria to pick him up which means it is possible the whole family knew and kept quiet. It is these people who do not act, but hide them that enables these acts to be carried out. The cousin has admitted charges having information about terrorism and assisting an offender, but how many other members had this information? Should they also be prosecuted? They are not helping for sure, but then the floodgates will open, guilt by association.
Hsi cousin drove to Bulgaria to pick him up which means it is possible the whole family knew and kept quiet. It is these people who do not act, but hide them that enables these acts to be carried out. The cousin has admitted charges having information about terrorism and assisting an offender, but how many other members had this information? Should they also be prosecuted? They are not helping for sure, but then the floodgates will open, guilt by association.
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