Joint Press Conference by Secretary Carter and French Minister of Defense Le Drian in Paris, France
Press Operations
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter; French Minister of Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian
January 20, 2016
MINISTER OF DEFENSE JEAN-YVES LE DRIAN (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): The joint efforts and those of all of the coalition is beginning to bear fruit, and that is -- (inaudible) -- little -- (inaudible). (inaudible) -- weeks, we have seen something resembling an epic slide -- in Daesh's position.
However, that should be to us a reason to step up our efforts. We have to fight the organization –on all fronts and make sure that we can uproot it on the ground and in the minds of men.
I say on the ground because Daesh is retreating. We have begun to cut off its resources and on the ground it is the time to step up our shared effort by implementing a consistent military strategy.
That was the prime objective of the meeting that the defense secretary and myself co-chaired today in the presence of our British, German, Italian, Dutch and Australian colleagues. Raqqah and Mosul must be won back. But beyond that, we must sever Daesh's territorial continuity. We must support our partners in the region in Iraq, or the Syrian Democratic Forces so that they can regain the territory occupied by IS and hold that territory durably.
This effort can only be successful within the bounds of the political process. And that process entails reintegrating the entire Iraqi community under the leadership of Prime Minister Abadi's government for Iraq and the inter Syrian process to lead to governance in Syria acceptable to the entire Syrian nation, so that the military forces of the country can focus their efforts against the IS. This is the extension of Vienna and the Riyadh process.
However, IS must also be uprooted in the minds of men. We must –refuse to fall into the pitfall of listening to this mantra of – a war of religion. We know that the war being conducted in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sahel and sub- Africa and in our homelands, where (inaudible) minds are seduced and regimented by IS's propaganda. And this has cruelly shown by the number of young Frenchmen and young Americans who are joining an organization whose calling is death destruction and the establishment of a totalitarian order.
We are convinced of the need to stiffen our action and we are confident in the efficiency of the Franco-American relationship. We know that it will allow us to achieve our shared victory -- (inaudible).
We have an identical way of describing our objectives in this campaign. We must continue to reduce and paralyze Daesh's capacity. We must continue hindering its freedom of movement, striking –its command centers, its resources into -- (inaudible) and -- (inaudible) -- from the outside world. It is the method which will see Raqqah and Mosul freed from this tyranny.
Ladies and gentlemen, I will be happy to answer your questions later on but I should first to invite Ashton Carter to speak.
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ASH CARTER: Thank you very much, Mr. Minister, and bonjour, everyone.
I want to begin by thanking Minister Le Drian for welcoming me to Paris, this magnificent city, which has shown such remarkable resilience, fortitude and determination.
This morning, it was my solemn honor to place a wreath at the Plaza de la Republique in memory of the victims of the November attack. I know I speak for every man and women in the U.S. Armed Forces when I say that we will always stand by the people of France, our oldest ally.
And our men and women in uniform are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder every day, around the globe, with French service members, helping ensure peace and stability, and defeat extremism in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, on the ground, in the air, at sea, and in the cyber and space domains.
I want to commend Minister Le Drian for his steadfast leadership, particularly in the campaign to deliver ISIL a lasting defeat. There is no other minister of Defense that I have spent as much time with as I have spent with as I have spent with Jean-Yves, discussing pressing issues that our two nations and our men and women in uniform face.
We were on the phone together hours after the November attack, coordinating a crushing response to ISIL in Raqqa, enhancing sharing of intelligence, and discussing the next steps for our coalition.
And long before that day, in fact, Minister Le Drian and I met at the Pentagon to discuss ways to accelerate the campaign against ISIL. His incisive observations and strong resolve played a critical role in refining our military campaign plan against ISIL.
Last week, I described the elements of this military campaign plan to the troops of the 101st Airborne Division of the United States -- no strangers, by the way, to French history -- who will soon deploy to Iraq to execute a part of this campaign.
The next day, I sat down with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joe Dunford, and two of our top commanders, General Lloyd Austin of CENTCOM, General Joe Votel of Special Operations Command, to review and detail the execution of the counter military -- counter -- excuse me, counter-ISIL military campaign plan, and how we can accelerate its execution.
And at the end of the week, we discussed the plan with President Obama and the National Security Council. The next logical step for what was us to go over this, how we can accelerate its execution.
And at the end of the week, we discussed the plan with President Obama and the National Security Council. The next logical step for what was for us to go over this campaign plan was some of our closest allies in this critical fight against ISIL.
And that's what I'm here in Paris for. The three key objectives of the counter ISIL military campaign are first, to destroy the ISIL cancer's parent tumor in Iraq and Syria by collapsing its two power centers in Raqqa and Mosul.
Second, to combat the metastasis of the ISIL tumor worldwide. And third, to protect our people at home.
To accomplish these objectives, we are, as Jean-Yves indicated, enabling local, motivated forces where ever ISIL has spread as the only practical strategic approach, not only to defeating ISIL, but also of sustaining its defeat thereafter.
We doing this by first providing a plan and clear leadership, and second, by the power of the global coalition wielding a mighty sweep of capabilities ranging from airstrikes, special forces, advice and assistance, equipment and training to local motivated forces, cyber tools, intelligence, mobility and logistics -- all this.
This is the plan by which the United States is doing more to accelerate the defeat of ISIL. But as Minister Le Drian has emphasized, this must be a coalition effort.
So, today, we had a productive conversation with our coalition partners, who are -- these members who are already making strong contributions, and who share our determination to accelerate the campaign.
I described the military campaign plan, and there is broad agreement, not only on this overall plan, but also on the necessity, as the minister has said, of accompanying non-military efforts, which are important also.
Next, we turned to the capabilities needed to carry out the military command plan. I asked Admiral Fox, deputy commander of U.S. Central Command, to describe these capabilities. This discussion provided an opportunity for us, all of our -- us ministers, to align our views on the capabilities needed to prosecute, and indeed, accelerate the campaign, both military and non-military.
We agreed that we all must do more.
I believe today's discussion gave every minister the opportunity to discuss with their governments what else they can bring to the table, and how they can better align their efforts with our common goals and strategy.
For my part, I will bring the thoughts and commitments expressed by my counterparts directly to President Obama upon my return to the United States.
And I'd also like to announce that I have invited defense ministers from all 26 counter-ISIL military coalition nations, plus Iraq, to convene in Brussels in three weeks for a first ever discussion among coalition defense ministers to discuss the opportunities they and we have before us, and must seize to hasten ISIL's lasting defeat.
Every nation must come prepared to discuss further contributions to the fight, and I will not hesitate to engage and challenge current and prospective members of the coalition as we go forward.
Today's meeting of those who are already making very strong contributions was further proof of the strength of this coalition and the enduring partnership among these nations. And as I said on the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, when I visited in the Gulf last month, we are all one family in this fight.
We're very proud to be your friend and ally. And on a personal note, I have been proud and grateful to Paul Minister Le Drian, my friend, over the last few years. And I look forward to continuing that friendship long into the future.
Press Operations
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter; French Minister of Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian
January 20, 2016
MINISTER OF DEFENSE JEAN-YVES LE DRIAN (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): The joint efforts and those of all of the coalition is beginning to bear fruit, and that is -- (inaudible) -- little -- (inaudible). (inaudible) -- weeks, we have seen something resembling an epic slide -- in Daesh's position.
However, that should be to us a reason to step up our efforts. We have to fight the organization –on all fronts and make sure that we can uproot it on the ground and in the minds of men.
I say on the ground because Daesh is retreating. We have begun to cut off its resources and on the ground it is the time to step up our shared effort by implementing a consistent military strategy.
That was the prime objective of the meeting that the defense secretary and myself co-chaired today in the presence of our British, German, Italian, Dutch and Australian colleagues. Raqqah and Mosul must be won back. But beyond that, we must sever Daesh's territorial continuity. We must support our partners in the region in Iraq, or the Syrian Democratic Forces so that they can regain the territory occupied by IS and hold that territory durably.
This effort can only be successful within the bounds of the political process. And that process entails reintegrating the entire Iraqi community under the leadership of Prime Minister Abadi's government for Iraq and the inter Syrian process to lead to governance in Syria acceptable to the entire Syrian nation, so that the military forces of the country can focus their efforts against the IS. This is the extension of Vienna and the Riyadh process.
However, IS must also be uprooted in the minds of men. We must –refuse to fall into the pitfall of listening to this mantra of – a war of religion. We know that the war being conducted in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sahel and sub- Africa and in our homelands, where (inaudible) minds are seduced and regimented by IS's propaganda. And this has cruelly shown by the number of young Frenchmen and young Americans who are joining an organization whose calling is death destruction and the establishment of a totalitarian order.
We are convinced of the need to stiffen our action and we are confident in the efficiency of the Franco-American relationship. We know that it will allow us to achieve our shared victory -- (inaudible).
We have an identical way of describing our objectives in this campaign. We must continue to reduce and paralyze Daesh's capacity. We must continue hindering its freedom of movement, striking –its command centers, its resources into -- (inaudible) and -- (inaudible) -- from the outside world. It is the method which will see Raqqah and Mosul freed from this tyranny.
Ladies and gentlemen, I will be happy to answer your questions later on but I should first to invite Ashton Carter to speak.
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ASH CARTER: Thank you very much, Mr. Minister, and bonjour, everyone.
I want to begin by thanking Minister Le Drian for welcoming me to Paris, this magnificent city, which has shown such remarkable resilience, fortitude and determination.
This morning, it was my solemn honor to place a wreath at the Plaza de la Republique in memory of the victims of the November attack. I know I speak for every man and women in the U.S. Armed Forces when I say that we will always stand by the people of France, our oldest ally.
And our men and women in uniform are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder every day, around the globe, with French service members, helping ensure peace and stability, and defeat extremism in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, on the ground, in the air, at sea, and in the cyber and space domains.
I want to commend Minister Le Drian for his steadfast leadership, particularly in the campaign to deliver ISIL a lasting defeat. There is no other minister of Defense that I have spent as much time with as I have spent with as I have spent with Jean-Yves, discussing pressing issues that our two nations and our men and women in uniform face.
We were on the phone together hours after the November attack, coordinating a crushing response to ISIL in Raqqa, enhancing sharing of intelligence, and discussing the next steps for our coalition.
And long before that day, in fact, Minister Le Drian and I met at the Pentagon to discuss ways to accelerate the campaign against ISIL. His incisive observations and strong resolve played a critical role in refining our military campaign plan against ISIL.
Last week, I described the elements of this military campaign plan to the troops of the 101st Airborne Division of the United States -- no strangers, by the way, to French history -- who will soon deploy to Iraq to execute a part of this campaign.
The next day, I sat down with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joe Dunford, and two of our top commanders, General Lloyd Austin of CENTCOM, General Joe Votel of Special Operations Command, to review and detail the execution of the counter military -- counter -- excuse me, counter-ISIL military campaign plan, and how we can accelerate its execution.
And at the end of the week, we discussed the plan with President Obama and the National Security Council. The next logical step for what was us to go over this, how we can accelerate its execution.
And at the end of the week, we discussed the plan with President Obama and the National Security Council. The next logical step for what was for us to go over this campaign plan was some of our closest allies in this critical fight against ISIL.
And that's what I'm here in Paris for. The three key objectives of the counter ISIL military campaign are first, to destroy the ISIL cancer's parent tumor in Iraq and Syria by collapsing its two power centers in Raqqa and Mosul.
Second, to combat the metastasis of the ISIL tumor worldwide. And third, to protect our people at home.
To accomplish these objectives, we are, as Jean-Yves indicated, enabling local, motivated forces where ever ISIL has spread as the only practical strategic approach, not only to defeating ISIL, but also of sustaining its defeat thereafter.
We doing this by first providing a plan and clear leadership, and second, by the power of the global coalition wielding a mighty sweep of capabilities ranging from airstrikes, special forces, advice and assistance, equipment and training to local motivated forces, cyber tools, intelligence, mobility and logistics -- all this.
This is the plan by which the United States is doing more to accelerate the defeat of ISIL. But as Minister Le Drian has emphasized, this must be a coalition effort.
So, today, we had a productive conversation with our coalition partners, who are -- these members who are already making strong contributions, and who share our determination to accelerate the campaign.
I described the military campaign plan, and there is broad agreement, not only on this overall plan, but also on the necessity, as the minister has said, of accompanying non-military efforts, which are important also.
Next, we turned to the capabilities needed to carry out the military command plan. I asked Admiral Fox, deputy commander of U.S. Central Command, to describe these capabilities. This discussion provided an opportunity for us, all of our -- us ministers, to align our views on the capabilities needed to prosecute, and indeed, accelerate the campaign, both military and non-military.
We agreed that we all must do more.
I believe today's discussion gave every minister the opportunity to discuss with their governments what else they can bring to the table, and how they can better align their efforts with our common goals and strategy.
For my part, I will bring the thoughts and commitments expressed by my counterparts directly to President Obama upon my return to the United States.
And I'd also like to announce that I have invited defense ministers from all 26 counter-ISIL military coalition nations, plus Iraq, to convene in Brussels in three weeks for a first ever discussion among coalition defense ministers to discuss the opportunities they and we have before us, and must seize to hasten ISIL's lasting defeat.
Every nation must come prepared to discuss further contributions to the fight, and I will not hesitate to engage and challenge current and prospective members of the coalition as we go forward.
Today's meeting of those who are already making very strong contributions was further proof of the strength of this coalition and the enduring partnership among these nations. And as I said on the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, when I visited in the Gulf last month, we are all one family in this fight.
We're very proud to be your friend and ally. And on a personal note, I have been proud and grateful to Paul Minister Le Drian, my friend, over the last few years. And I look forward to continuing that friendship long into the future.