Lithuania conducts multinational military exercise Iron Wolf 2023-1 | World Defense

Lithuania conducts multinational military exercise Iron Wolf 2023-1


Dec 21, 2022
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The two-week exercise involves some 3,500 troops and 600 pieces of military equipment from Lithuania and other NATO countries, including Belgium, Canada, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Luxembourg, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK, and the US, the Lithuanian Armed Forces said.

During the exercise, the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup, deployed in Lithuania, and the units of the Lithuanian Iron Wolf Infantry Brigade train in carrying out joint offensive and defensive operations. Lithuanian Armed Forces will train moving soldiers, vehicles and equipment by road, rail, and air from Lithuania to Poland.

Lithuanian Armed Forces also test their ability to set up a fully operational field hospital in 24 hours to provide medical assistance to combatants during peacekeeping operation. Military medics practice battle aid station and ambulance equipment deployment, train to provide emergency medical treatment at a point of wounding in a combat or training environment, as well as primary care and health protection and evacuation from a point of injury or illness.

Army is adapting to develop solutions to improve casualty care as far forward on the battlefield as possible.

The field hospital has to provide essential care within an area of operations by treating and returning to duty patients who can be treated within the theater evacuation policy.

The field hospital is a modular medical treatment facility designed to provide medical capability to support the multinational operational missions.

Some events of the Iron Wolf 2023 exercise also to take place in civilian areas, so residents might see the troops and military equipment movement.

This exercise is held annually by the Lithuanian Iron Wolf Infantry Brigade and is aimed at assessing the combat readiness and synchronising standard operating procedures with allies.


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