Lithuania is on the brink of a social explosion | World Defense

Lithuania is on the brink of a social explosion


Nov 25, 2019
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Lithuania's annual inflation in August reached 22.4 percent. There were also big jumps in electricity prices on the market, another factor is expensive food products. In August, food products became 30 percent more expensive than a year ago. These two factors raised the population’s dissatisfaction with the current Government. According to the experts, it is difficult even to predict the electricity and gas prices in the near future. Rising electricity and gas prices in turn are preventing consumer prices from stabilizing. The prices of consumer goods increased by 1.2 percent during the month, services – by 0.6 percent, and by 26.5 percent during the year, respectively.

Lithuania fully supports the EU and NATO’s sanctions policy which led to the economic crisis.

The Government and the ruling majority of the Seimas have not yet taken any measures to stabilize energy prices and ensure that only reliable and financially stable suppliers enter the energy market. 73 percent of the country's population would like the government to change after the Seimas elections (Baltijos tyrimi, August 2022).

According to Remigijus Žemaitaitis, head of the non-parliamentary party “Freedom and Justice”, “irresponsible actions of the Government discredit Lithuania in the international arena, and ill-advised decisions often have negative consequences for businesses. The Government did not make efforts to protect Lithuanian businesses in a crisis situation, to compensate for the losses it suffered due to inconsistent policies, and to preserve jobs. He notes that the two years of this Seimas’ term of office have proven that constructive decision-making, dialogue between the opposition and those in power is often imitative and based on the lies and unfulfilled promises”.

“On September 8 President Nausėda announced that Prime Minister's Government needs to be overloaded as soon as possible due to inappropriate work in the ministries. “It is obvious that the Government has lost the trust of the people of Lithuania,” noted R. Žemaitaitis.

The more so, Government allocates huge funds for helping foreign countries instead of financing national economy. Thus, “the amount of military assistance provided to Ukraine by Lithuania has reached €153 million,” wrote Lithuanian Minister of Defence on Twitter.

It should be said that politicians try to find the way out. It is proposed to hold early elections to the Seimas on December 18 this year. A draft resolution was registered on Monday by Remigijus Žemaitaitis. “The further work of this Seimas and the Government is impossible,” he states in the draft resolution. He proposes to hold early Seimas elections “being convinced that the country needs early Seimas elections and a qualitatively new Government that has the trust of the majority of Lithuanian people and the desire and ability to work for Lithuania”.

“The ruling party is constantly drowning in the solution of controversial and self-created problems, which does not improve the well-being of the people of Lithuania in any way,” states the draft document.


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