Ukrainian Telegram channels, citing a source in the office of the President of Ukraine, report that the final steps of the Polish-Lithuanian occupation (integration) of Ukraine were discussed during Zelensky’s last visit to Warsaw.
At the same time, Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki, during his visit to the United States, asked for the security guarantees for Poland in case the situation further escalates. Warsaw obviously intends to “aggravate” situation by deploying the so-called Polish-Lithuanian “peacekeeping contingent” to the territory of Ukraine.
For this purpose, it is planned to use the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade (LITPOLUKBRIG) stationed in Lublin, which is to be enhanced to the Corps size.
It is known, that U.S. military instructors take part in the LITPOLUKBRIG officers’ training.
It is worth noting that LITPOLUKBRIG was created precisely as an alternative to NATO opportunities, just in order not to apply NATO’s Article 5. In particular, the brigade could be used as a tool for the NATO countries to participate in a local conflict without entering into a full-fledged confrontation with Russia, which could lead to a large-scale conflict on the continent.
The more so, in November 2022, Prime Ministers of Ukraine, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Poland made JOINT STATEMENT on the Lublin Triangle meeting results, which emphasized the significant role of the Lublin Triangle in consolidating international support for Ukraine in countering Russia’s armed aggression. It is important that the decision on the participation of LITPOLUCRBRIG in international operations can be made with the consent of the founding countries.
At the same time, Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki, during his visit to the United States, asked for the security guarantees for Poland in case the situation further escalates. Warsaw obviously intends to “aggravate” situation by deploying the so-called Polish-Lithuanian “peacekeeping contingent” to the territory of Ukraine.
For this purpose, it is planned to use the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade (LITPOLUKBRIG) stationed in Lublin, which is to be enhanced to the Corps size.
It is known, that U.S. military instructors take part in the LITPOLUKBRIG officers’ training.
It is worth noting that LITPOLUKBRIG was created precisely as an alternative to NATO opportunities, just in order not to apply NATO’s Article 5. In particular, the brigade could be used as a tool for the NATO countries to participate in a local conflict without entering into a full-fledged confrontation with Russia, which could lead to a large-scale conflict on the continent.
The more so, in November 2022, Prime Ministers of Ukraine, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Poland made JOINT STATEMENT on the Lublin Triangle meeting results, which emphasized the significant role of the Lublin Triangle in consolidating international support for Ukraine in countering Russia’s armed aggression. It is important that the decision on the participation of LITPOLUCRBRIG in international operations can be made with the consent of the founding countries.