Lockheed Martin (LM) CSC Type 26 River Class Destroyer Design Update-19 August 2024 | World Defense

Lockheed Martin (LM) CSC Type 26 River Class Destroyer Design Update-19 August 2024


Jun 23, 2020
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Here is an update as is either known or speculated, as of 19 August 2024 for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) Type 26 River Class Destroyer (New Designation) weapons & systems design. The number of MK 41 VLS Cells has dropped to 24 Cells forward vice 32 (for now). As seen by this latest graphic, the mast is not only taller but has lost the X Band Illumination AESA Radar. The X Band Illumination Radar is no longer required for the CSC Destroyer as the SPY 7 (V) 3 has the capability of targeting all threats on its own. Notice from the new River class Destroyer Info-graphic below that the Sea Ceptor, quad-packed for Close In Air Defence System (CIADS) through DCS/Aegis has been replaced by the Raytheon Block 2 RIM-116C Sea-RAM. In earlier CSC models/configurations of the River Class Type 26, the Sea-RAM systems were located Port/Stb’d on the waist area decks, however it is not known if this system will be fitted on the midships area within the ExLS VLS where the Sea Ceptor CIADS was located or return to the Waist area decks. The Ultra Electronics Variable Depth Sonar (VDS) known as Towed Low Frequency Active Sonar (TLFAS) has been incorporated within the 2nd Generation Sea Lancer from Ultra Electronics. Notice also that the Port/Stb'd waist areas midships have been "cut-out" to either save weight or perhaps for “future-proofing”. The Leonardo MARLIN 30mm gun mount has been changed to the latest Leonardo 30mm X Lionfish Gun as per para 12. The crew size has increased from 204 to 210 personnel. The ship takeaway tonnage has increased-8,080 tonnes although that may not be the full-load weight (possibly to 9,400 tonnes):

1. 1 x Lockheed Martin (LM) Solid State 3D Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) "S" Band Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR)-SPY 7 (V) 3 Phased Array Solid State Air Search Radar with integration into the CMS 330/Aegis Combat System (ACS)-Confirmed by Lockheed Martin (LM).
2. 2 x "X" & "S" Band Navigation Radars from BAE Systems with integration software into the CMS 330/ACS.
3. Lockheed Martin (LM)-Mk 53 Mod 1 Nulka Electronic Warfare Suite System & Anti-Ship Missile (ASM) launchers through FMS/Aegis.
4. MacDonald Dettwiler Associates (MDA)-Future High Energy Laser (HEL) Warfare Defence System.
5. 24 x MK 41 strike length (ExLS) VLS-ESSM2, SM II/IIIC-(SM3/SM6 & Hypersonic Ballistic Cruise Missiles-fitted for, but not with for CSC Batch I build). Batch II build may have up to 64 ExLS Mk 41 cells midships, as with the BAE proposed missile fit for the Australian Hunter class Type 26 Frigate and 4x4 (trainable) NSMs. Note: The Multi-Mission Bay (MMB) & Mission Bay Handling System (MBHS) would then be replaced to accommodate the increased missile load midships and the 24 Mk 41 VLS cell FWD may also be retro-fitted back to 32 cells with Batch II CSC ships; Raytheon Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missiles (TLAM) through FMS Aegis.
6. Combat Information Management Systems-Links 11/16/22/GCCS-M/Mode 5S Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) through FMS/Aegis.
7. Light Weight (LW) MK 54 Torpedo system and magazines with twin launcher tubes (Port/Stb’d) through FMS/Aegis.
8. Sea Spider anti-torpedo system (Magellan/TKMS) through FMS/Aegis/CTI.
9. 2 x 21 Raytheon Block 2 RIM-116C Sea-RAM (Rolling Airframe Missiles) DCS/Aegis.
10. 2 x 4 Quad packs Kongsberg NSM Surface-To-Surface Missiles-Port/Stb’d above Multi-Mission Bay (MMB) through DCS/Aegis. These NSM missiles may be “trainable” and increased to 4 x 4 Quad packs for CSC Type 26 Batch II build.
11. Main Gun: 1 x 5-inch Leonardo (Oto Melara) 127mm Light Weight (LW) Land Attack and Anti-Air Vulcano gun with NA-30S Mk-2 Fire Control Radar System (FCS)-forward of the mast). This gun will confer the CSC ships with the ability to fire extended-range, precision-guided Vulcano munitions – both in guided long-range and the ballistic extended-range versions – also with conventional Anti-Air Warfare ammunition through DCS/ (Integration Path-Under Development).
12. Secondary Guns: 2 x X-Gun 30mm x 173 mm weapon system Stabilized Rapid Fire Naval Gun System (from Leonardo-Port/Stb’d of Flight Deck) Lionfish 30 turret with Remote Control (RC) through DCS/(Integration Path Under Development). At the heart of the new gun, is the electrically-powered drum cam which, with rotation provided by a brushless motor (installed inside the same drum cam). The overall X-Gun mass weighs 189 kg (Approx. 417 Lbs.), of which 78 kg of the receiver, 60 kg for the barrel and 35 kg for the feeder. The gun control unit (GCU) adds 16 kg allowing to save the latest data should power fail. With an ‘always safe’ feature, the X-Gun has an adjustable rate of fire up to 200 rpm (single, programmed and continuous burst), and presents two key features: the sniper mode and the next round selection. To enhance precision, with the first mode the round is pre-chambered with the breach nearly closed, minimizing vibrations and firing delay for improved accuracy. Additionally, the weapon incorporates a “first-round selection” capability, allowing immediate firing with the selected ammunition without shooting rounds of the previous type during magazine changes. The X-Gun has a C-UAS capability against mini/micro drones offered by the MF-ABM and its dedicated programmer under development. The X-Gun Lionfish 30 FCS will be able to fully exploit a large database of information on UAS thanks to algorithms based on artificial intelligence (AI) which will be resident on a Decision Support System (DSS). In terms of lethality, development will maximize its effectiveness against airborne targets like UAS, the new ammunition frontal performed mass fragmentation consists of high-quality steel spheres, complemented by natural lateral fragmentation of the cylindrical steel casing. Upon initiation of the High-Explosive (HE) charge, the spheres form a cone with a reduced angle, while the body generates fragments that also travel forward in a cone shape. This creates a wider-angle pattern, increasing Pk over a broader area. The new ammunition can also be used in point detonation (PD) mode, being activated on impact on target. The new ammunition together with the time-delay fuse setting system are expected to be tested before years-end (2024), completing the development program, while qualification will be conducted in 2025. COAX-"Coaxial Electro-Optical Sensor Suite" and ILOS-Independent Line-Of-Site able to fire HE-High Explosive/AP-Armor-Piercing/TP-Target Practice/ABM-Air Burst Munitions. With an X-Gun MER of 3,000+ meters, the turret has a training range of -155° + 155° while elevation is -20°, +70°, with training speed and acceleration of respectively 140°/sec and 220°/sec and elevation speed and acceleration of respectively 90°/sec and 220°/sec. Provided by Leonardo, other solutions are available based on customer requirements, the independent EOD being capable of 360° surveillance, multi-target and tracking tasks, is equipped with a day camera with a detection, recognition and identification range of 9.5, 4.8 and 3 km vs NATO standard target, alongside an IR camera with the same capabilities range of respectively 12, 6 and 3.5 km with cooled sensor (uncooled is also available) and a laser range finder with a 10 km range. ROF-Rate-Of-Fire-SS-Single Shot/200 Rounds Per Minute (RPM). Effective against any surface threats/Helicopters and Drones. Outstanding accuracy and precision; automatic Deul-Feed system; Stealthy Design; Video Tracking Capability; High reliability and ease of maintenance with no deck penetration.
13. Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) through FMS-Direct Commercial Sales (DCS)/Aegis-Sensor Netting-Integrated Cyber Defence System (future-proofing for possible Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) capability.
14. Integrated Bridge & Navigation from OSI Maritime Systems through DCS-CTI.
15. Internal/External Secure Communications Suite-HF/UHF/SHF/VHF/SATCOM from L3 Harris.
16. Electro Optical & Infrared Systems; Radio/Radar Electronic Support Measures (ESMs) to include: Frequency Identification; Laser Warning & Electric Countermeasures System (ECM-RAVEN); Radar/Radio Frequency Electronic Jammers; Electronic Decoy Systems through FMS/Aegis.
17. Lockheed Martin Combat Management System (CMS)-330/Aegis Combat System (ACS) with Aegis Common Source Library (A-CSL) in support of CEC and Canadian Tactical Interface (CTI) with future BMD-Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Capabilities.
18. ESM Support-AN/SLQ-32 (Slick-32) Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP Block 2) through FMS/Aegis.
19. Ultra Electronics Hull Mounted Sonar (HMS)-Ultra S2150 through DCS/CTI.
20. Ultra Electronics Active/Passive Towed Array Sonar (TAS); Towed Torpedo Countermeasures (TTCM)-Sea-Sentor S21700 through DCS/CTI.
21. Sonobouy Processing System (SPS) from General Dynamics with expendable Acoustic Countermeasures through DCS/CTI.
22. Combined Diesel Electric Gas Turbine Propulsion System (CODLOG) to include 1 X Rolls Royce RR/MT 30 Gas Turbine; 2 X Electronic Motors from General Electric; 4 X RR MTU Diesel Generators; Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS) from L3 Harris.
23. CSC Reconfigurable Multi-Mission Bay (MMB) along with a Rolls Royce’ Mission Bay Handling System (MBHS)-reconfigurable mission and boat bays including a 9m rescue boat, two 9-12m multi-role boats, and modular mission support (standard 20ft sea containers/other vehicles).
24. “Future-Proofing”-Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) Systems-U.K. Dragon Fire DEW (Port/Stb’d waist areas); USN AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System/Tactical High Power Operational Responder (THOR) DEW systems. These DEW systems however, do require more power than usual weapons systems and may necessitate higher power rated CSC Frigate Diesel Generators (DGs). Autonomous Extra Large Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles (XLUUVs) for Special Ops missions (To be housed & launched in the Multi-Mission Bay (MMB). Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Capability with SM3/SM6 and Hypersonic Long Range Ballistic Cruise Missiles through FMS/Aegis.
25. 1 x S-92 CH 148 Cyclone Sikorsky ASW Helicopter with the ability to carry 2 X Cyclones (if required) in the hanger/MMB with Links 16/22 capability; Skeldar V200 UAV-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle helicopter drone system with IR Camera & Data Link capability (possibly x 2) from Saab-known as CU-176 "Gargoyle" helicopter drone either in the hanger or in 20 ft containers in the Multi-Mission Bay (MMB).
26. Speed-approximately 27-30 kts. Statement Of Requirement (SOR); required capability for US Carrier Battle Group (CBG) Ops.
27. Crew Compliment-210 max (with separate female officer/sailor quarters).


Equipment NameProcurement PathIntegration Path
Aegis Combat SystemFMSAegis
3D AESA SPY 7 (V 3) RadarFMSAegis
Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC)FMS/DCS combinedAegis
Radar Electronic Support Measure (ESM)
SEWIP Block 2
Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)FMSAegis
Mk-41 Vertical Launch SystemFMSAegis
Missiles ESSSM Block 2; SM2; TomahawkFMSAegis
Precision Navigation and Timing (PNT)FMSAegis
Lockheed Martin (LM)-Nulka Electronic Warfare Missile Decoy System-Electronic Support Measures (ESM-RAVEN) Electronic Jammer/Decoy SystemFMSAegis
Raytheon Close-In Air Defence System (CIADS)- Block 2 RIM-116C Sea-RAM (Rolling Airframe Missiles)DCSAegis
Surface-To-Surface Missile Naval Strike Missile (NSM)DCSAegis
Link 11/16/22FMSAegis
Canadian Tactical Interface (CTI)DCSCTI
MDA Laser Warning and CountermeasuresDCSCTI
SRD-506 Communication ESM SystemDCSCTI
Hull Mounted Sonar-Ultra S2150DCSCTI
Surface Ship Torpedo Defence System-Ultra S2170DCSCTI
Towed Low Frequency Active Sonar-Ultra LFAPS-CDCSCTI
Sonobouy Processing System (SPS)-General Dynamics CanadaDCSCTI
Torpedo Setting Panel Mk-331 for MK-54 TorpedoFMSCTI
Integrated Communications System-L3 HarrisDCSN/A
OSI Maritime-Integrated Bridge SystemDCSN/A
Main Gun System-Leonardo 5”-127mm Vulcano Gun
With NA-30S Mk-2 Fire Control System (FCS)
DCSUnder Development
Secondary Gun System-Leonardo-X 30mm Lionfish-30mm (x 2)DCSUnder Development


FMS= Foreign Military Sales; DCS=Direct Commercial Sales; CTI=Canadian Tactical Interface
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