My personal list/opinion is as follows in decreasing order of Priority;
1) Vipers (since you asked this on the relevant thread so just using your shoulder

2) More Zulus, as you hinted earlier, 12 won't cut it, all cobras are to be replaced
3) MRAPS ? There are rumors coming about PA doing something about them but do not know from where, so maybe from US? But I doubt as we would be needing em in large numbers & seeing their cost.
4) Transport fleet upgradation? C130s..? Where are we with those talks? It started & then no update after that.
5) This is more of my wish list, this last point, Tankers for Viper fleet? I mean why they have sanctioned us from acquiring one?Maybe PAF not deem it necessary as well for as our Op needs are being managed?? But with the expansion of Viper fleet, I think we ought to have a pair of em. Still am not sure if we really need em.
Following are not related to h/w but just some points that would come up probably;
- Sharing proofs of India's involvement in Lahore & Dasu Dam incident, asking em to put a leash on em.
- FATF issue of Pak getting out of grey list & putting India on one (not saying it will happen but points being raised)
- CSF, a long shot, max if we get something out of it will be Defence articles but not a Dime will be transferred to SBP account.