The example you gave barely touched gujrat after using 1000km missile range. Better to use ballistic missiles or babur than that.but that next door enemy have a land mass three time of our country and most of the parts of India in her south and South east are relatively secure from us as we could only reach to those areas only with Ballistic Missiles or our by submarines
that 1000 Km range missile OR even our longest range missile of 2,750 km does not shift the focus of Indian forces from our eastern border to their south.
These missile does not force Indian Navy or Air Force to defend the south India, but attract counter measures against these system at our Eastern border
employment of H-6
- Would Force India to install at least 4 regiments of S-400 class SAM for the defence of Economic and Defence centres at her coastal belt, what is the current cost of S-400 system ...???
- Will force IAF to deploy 100s of fighter jets to defend coastal belt of 2000+ KM till south and south east, I may be wrong but currently only two sqd. of Su-30MKI are deployed in South India and few "Tejas jets" so you can understand how comfortable they feel about the defence of their Southern Coast
- It will force India Navy to constantly Operate at least two Air Craft carrier groups in two different Zones which mean IN will be required to have more than two carrier groups
- It will force India to either forgo their dream of enforcing Naval blockade of Pakistan or to increase her Navy at least 3 times
Can India do this in short or in medium term .... ???
My answer is NO .....
Will it cost them fortune .... ???
My answer is YES
- It will force India to increase here Air Force for the defence of South If they want to maintain same level of Presence and Pressure against us at our Eastern Border.
How many AWAC India Operate in Coastal Belt specially in South .... ??
How many Aerial Tankers Does India operate .... ???
So the question is :
Does any our current system cause such effects over India .... ???
My answer is again NO .....
So these are the summarise positive arguments in favour of H-6 ......
Push comes to shove, even with their economy in a slowdown, India can spend 10 times what we can without having the same impact on their economy that the one tenth of which will have on ours. Bringing in H-6 may not have justify the monetary expense required for it's missions. I don't agree you can let H-6 go out on an offensive mission without A2A + EW + SEAD assets suporting it.