Didn't they try this at the border between North and South Korea already in a more primitive form? They're going to have fresh-out-of-high-school kids running these things with chips and soda in one hand, and a joystick in the other thinking they're playing a video game when people could get shot or worse, slip through knowing how lax it's going to get without a real human being up there guarding the tower. It's just insane to try and do that remotely for one, but then lets say that they actually do their job right and control 5 of these towers at once. What happens if someone jams the signal between the spec operator and the towers? Who is going to be responsible when one of the towers malfunctions or is exploited, and someone is able to get past them that shouldn't?
This is a bad move, unless they're trying to make it to where they want someone to get through them that shouldn't. And as SLTE said up there, it's going to shoot at cats and goats and anything that crosses its path between a human operator not seeing what's moving and the computer responding on its own to what it thinks might be a threat. This is no bueno guys. Not at all.