Russian Armed Forces | Page 21 | World Defense

Russian Armed Forces


Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The work of the 2S5 self-propelled gun "Hyacinth-S" combat crew in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Defense Ministry. The Russian self-propelled gun 2S5 was adopted in 1975 and received the nickname "Genocide" for its high efficiency and reliability. Unlike other self-propelled guns, Hyacinth was not supplied to the USSR in any country in the world. To facilitate the work of the loader, the ACS is equipped with a chain sender of the projectile and charge. The ammunition of the installation is 30 shells, the rate of fire is 5-6 rounds per minute, the firing range of active-reactive projectiles is 33 km, the 2X5M modification has a firing range of 37 km and has digital guidance systems. The crew of the ACS is 5 people, the range of the installation is 500 km.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The king of Russian mortars, like many Russian artillery, is romantically named 2C4 "Tulip". The pretty name of the flower hides a monstrous power that inspires fear and respect, by the way, the shot of its 130 kilogram mine leaves a funnel in the ground with a diameter of 10 and a depth of almost 6 meters. Now there are no analogues of the Russian "Tulip": it significantly surpasses conventional artillery and is a record holder. 2C4 "Tulip" is intended primarily for the destruction of bunkers and fortified positions, of which a huge number has been created by the Ukrainian army in the Donbas. The mortar began to enter the army in 1972 and now Russia has 390 pieces in storage, 40 of them are actively used. Due to the large weight of the mines, the mortar barrel is lowered to charge and the combat crew of the machine, consisting of 11 people, manually with the help of a lifting mechanism, put the mine from the trolley on the tray and send it into the barrel. The rate of fire of the mortar is 1 shot per minute, the range is 9.5 km with conventional mines and 19 active-reactive. For protection, the mortar is equipped with a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The "Tulip" shot is fired by the gunner using a special remote control. The transported ammunition of the "Tulip" is 20 high-explosive artillery mines, or 10 active-reactive. The successful baptism of fire "Tulip" took place in Afghanistan and Chechnya. The 2C4 self-propelled gun weighing 27 tons is equipped with a diesel engine with a capacity of more than 500 hp and can use kerosene as fuel, the speed of movement on the highway is up to 60 km / h.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The S-300 family of air defense systems is quite widely represented and you can get confused in it. In short, these are several types, the S-300P is directly intended for the air defense forces, the S-300V is for the ground forces and the S-300F is for the fleet, there is also a tracked version of the S-300V4 for the ground forces, designed more to deal with aircraft EW. S-300PM2 is the modernization of the S-300 complex and bringing its characteristics to the level of the S-400 air defense system, according to some it even surpasses the S-400. As a result of modernization, the firing range of the Favorit has increased to 200 km, and now the complex is also able to more effectively hit ballistic targets. According to the military, "Favorites" have a high level of automation and speed of work, no more than 30 seconds pass from the detection of an object to its destruction. The S-300PM2 is capable of working on all targets, except for small-sized UAVs; to combat them, the complex is covered by the Pantsir air defense system. The S-300 air defense system consists of a command post with a radar station, launchers and transport-loading vehicles. "Favorite" can work together with the S-400 and the latest S-500 "Prometheus" forming a single system. The deployment time of the complex is 5 minutes.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The video shows the Russian unified R-149MA1 command and control vehicle designed to provide control and communication at the tactical level in the parking lot or on the move. The communication machine is built on the base - BTR-80 in the back of K1Sh1 and transmits information, including video, via several communication channels at once. The R-149MA1 communication vehicle is capable of conducting all-round surveillance of the battlefield and can create communication networks even in isolation from the main forces. It is also possible to use electronic maps of the area and plot the operational-tactical situation on them with the possibility of its transmission via communication channels. The communication range of the BERRY-149MA1 in the VHF band, up to 25 km in motion and up to 55 km in the parking lot with a mast. In the HF range in the parking lot with a mast up to 350 km, in motion up to 50 km. The crew of the car is 6 people.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The Russian Ministry of Defense for the first time showed the work of the newest operational-tactical EW complex Palantin-K in Ukraine. The Palantin complex is 2-3 times superior to the capabilities of the Russian electronic warfare systems of the previous generation. The Russian Palantin-K electronic warfare complex independently detects and disables enemy UAVs, intercepts the signal, and includes interference. The system operates at a distance of more than twenty kilometers, and not with a directed beam, but with a point. This means that the electronic warfare "Palantin" is capable of suppressing communication and Internet sources in enemy positions without violating civilian infrastructure. The exact characteristics of the Palantin-K electronic warfare complex are classified.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The Russian Ministry of Defense showed the work of TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" in Ukraine.
The TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system is rightfully considered one of the deadliest weapons of the Russian army. The weapon is truly terrible as 24 rockets with a caliber of 220 mm. literally burn everything around. The thermobaric mixture of projectiles creates a cloud of explosive mixture and then undermines it. After detonation, the pressure rises sharply and then drops, the pressure drop leads to a guaranteed death of the enemy over an area of up to 40,000 square meters. TOS-1A "Sun" is a 2001 modification of the TOS-1 "Pinocchio" system developed back in 1980. The firing range of the installation is small, only 6 km, so the tactics of use, quick access to positions, strike and retreat from the front line. The shooting accuracy of "Solntsepek" is up to 10 meters. Readiness to open fire on a target from the moment the vehicle stops - 90 seconds. The crew of the car consists of three people. The installation was created on the basis of the T-72A tank and is equipped with a V-84MS diesel engine with an 840 horsepower. With. The speed on the highway is 60 km / h, the range is 550 km. In March 2020, Russia introduced a new missile for the TOS-1A with a range of 10 km.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The air defense crew of the Russian Osa air defense system 9K33M3 spoke about his combat work in Ukraine. The interview is quite interesting, as their combat service in Ukraine is described simply and in detail. The 9A33BM3 combat vehicle, very old, developed in the eighties, despite this, the air defense system consistently hits the UAVs of the Ukrainian army at a distance of up to 10 km and an altitude of 5000 meters. The Osa air defense system in Iraq was a priority target for US special forces, as it confidently hit Tomahawk cruise missiles. The development of the Osa air defense system began in 1960. The complex was designed to hit targets flying at an altitude of 50-100 to 5000 meters at a speed of up to 500 meters per second at a distance of 800 to 10,000 meters. The Osa air defense system has been modernized many times. The developers were tasked with developing an autonomous complex with placement on one floating self-propelled chassis not only of all military equipment, including a launcher with missiles and radar stations, but also of control, navigation, topographic referencing, communications, and power supplies. The new requirements also included the detection of air targets in motion with further destruction of their fire during short stops. The weight of the Osa anti-aircraft guided missile is 65 kilograms, which allows two servicemen to manually charge the launcher. The main purpose of the Osa air defense system is to cover troops from low-flying targets.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The work of military topographers in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Without these people, the operation of the Iskander missile systems is not possible, since they need precise coordinates for delivering strikes. The calculation of military topographers moves on a KAMAZ 4350 vehicle with a geodetic complex PNGK-1 installed on it. The car is equipped with an inertial navigation system, as well as a rangefinder-goniometer device that performs the functions of geodetic binding of objects. The complex is equipped with video cameras, thanks to which you can determine the coordinates and use them later for target designation. PNGK-1 is able to determine coordinates on the move with an accuracy of up to 15 meters, create electronic maps and immediately transfer them to the command. In the field, topographers use the Topcon Positioning System's GB-500 40-channel remote GPS satellite receiver.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The Russian Navy will abandon an additional series of six Project 22160 patrol ships. The series of Project 22160 corvettes will not be continued and will end with the delivery of the last ship of the series to the Black Sea Fleet. The official version, inconsistencies in their tactical and technical qualities of combat operating conditions. In particular, the military is not satisfied with the seaworthiness and armoring of ships, as well as the vulnerability of their power plants and weak anti-aircraft weapons. Most likely, the key role in the decision to abandon was played by the fact that the ships have almost no air defense, it is represented by manual MANPADS, why the ships went into series this way is not clear. Recently, the Black Sea Fleet of Russia was forced to install Tor-M2KM land-based air defense systems on ships of project 22160 to strengthen the ship's air defense. Additional air defense systems were installed at the stern of the ships of the Russian fleet "Vasily Bykov", and then "Pavel Derzhavin".



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The work of the Mi-8MTPR-1 electronic warfare helicopter equipped with the Rychag-AV active jamming station in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Rychag-AV jamming station completely “blinds” the enemy within a radius of several hundred kilometers. The Rychag system is equipped with a database that stores information about the military equipment of many armies of the world. The station selects the most effective interference for each target and can provide electronic suppression of several targets at once. In conditions of interference, the enemy's air defense systems, as well as his aircraft, are deprived of the ability to detect targets and direct missiles at them. The radiation power of the station is very high, so the cockpit is protected from it by a special grid. The cost of the Russian Mi-8MTPR-1 helicopter is about 600 million rubles. The exact data of the Lever-AV system are classified.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The Russian Ministry of Defense showed the combat work of the calculation of the 220-mm MLRS "Hurricane" in Ukraine, the calculation of the installation receives target designation from the UAV "Orlan-10". The video shows the 9K57 Uragan version mounted on the ZIL-135LM chassis and put into service in 1975. In terms of the main characteristics of the Uragan MLRS, it significantly surpassed the B-21 Grad MLRS, the area of destruction increased 10 times and amounted to 42 hectares. The main task of the Uragan MLRS is to defeat the enemy at distances from 10 to 35 km; when firing at short distances, a brake ring is put on the head of the missiles. For the first time, the installation underwent a baptism of fire in Afghanistan, thanks to it the troops were successfully withdrawn, the MLRS carried out strikes on the Mujahideen concentration areas for a day, transport-loading vehicles brought ammunition without stopping. The vehicle develops a maximum speed of 70 km/h and has a very high cross-country ability, overcoming fords 1.2 m deep. The number of shells in a salvo of one combat vehicle: 16, salvo time - 20 seconds. The calculation of the combat vehicle - 4 people.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
A Russian high-speed landing craft of the Caspian Flotilla was spotted off the coast of Sevastopol, possibly Russia has again begun preparations for a landing operation in Odessa. Project 21820 Dugong air cavity landing craft went into production in 2006. The boat has a jet propulsion and is able to move in shallow water, while developing a speed of 65 km / h. The hull of the boat is made of an alloy of aluminum and magnesium and is armed with two 14.5-mm heavy machine guns and 8 Igla or Verba MANPADS. The ship can be used in stormy conditions with a wave height of not more than 3.5 meters. The boat is able to take on board, depending on the task, 2 tanks or 4 infantry fighting vehicles or 90 troops. The range of the boat is 500 miles, the crew of the boat is 6 people. Now Russia has 5 boats of project 21820, the construction of ships of this project continues.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
As part of military exercises, the Algerian Air Force showed the work of Su-30MKA fighters. The pilots used Russian Kh-31P anti-radar missiles at targets simulating enemy radars. Algeria is a country that actively purchases Russian weapons, second only to India in this. Since 2007, the Algerian Air Force has received 58 Russian Su-30 fighters. The Kh-31P is an anti-radar version of the Soviet/Russian medium-range Kh-31 air-to-surface guided missile. Initially, the missile was created for the Su-27 and MiG-29 fighters of Russia. The main operators are Russia, China and India.

The crew of the Russian project 20380 Soobrazitelny corvette, as part of the exercise of the Baltic Fleet, launched a missile attack on a sea target imitating a mock enemy warship. Rocket firing was carried out using the main strike weapon of the corvette of the Uran anti-ship missile system, the rocket was without a warhead. The Uran small-sized anti-ship missile system was developed in 1995 and is equipped with Kh-35 missiles. The missile at a low flight altitude of about 10 meters flies to the target, and in the zone of action of anti-aircraft self-defense systems of ships, it drops to a height of 3-5 meters. The maximum missile firing range is 260 km, the minimum is 5 km. the missile warhead weighs 145 kg.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The Russian Defense Ministry showed footage of the combat duty of the crew of the Nebo-SV radar and the combat work of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The calculation of the 1L13 "Sky-SV" radar station searches and detects targets and determines their nationality by sending a "Friend or Foe" request. Based on the results of the target's response, the radar crew makes a decision to destroy the target and transmits the data to the crew of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The detection range of fighter-type targets at high altitudes reaches 380 km, at low altitudes up to 65 km. The Russian radar "Nebo-SV" was put into service in 1986.
The station "Nebo-SV" has become the main means of reconnaissance of an air enemy in air defense, forming a duty radar field in the operational link of military air defense. The high combat and operational characteristics of this station have been repeatedly confirmed in various exercises and during combat duty by air defense formations. The system is also in service with Iran.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
Tula Design Bureau. A.G. Shipunova showed a detailed model of the new version of the Pantsir-SM-TBM air defense system. The new air defense system is made in the version of a transport-combat vehicle and received the prefix "TBM". In this version, the air defense system lost its cannon armament, but increased the arsenal of missiles to 24 pieces, in the old versions of the Pantsir- air defense system there were 12 missiles. The increase in the number of missiles is apparently due to the increased role of drones in modern wars and the emergence of swarms of combat drones in the near future. The air defense system is capable of not only storing and transporting missile weapons, but also carrying out combat work for missiles. The developers had to abandon the station for detecting air targets: in combat formations, the Patsir-SM-TBM will receive target designation from other vehicles in the battery or from command posts of a layered air defense system. The air defense system received small-sized anti-aircraft guided missiles against small drones and UAVs, there are four in total. In the maximum load option, the Pantsir-SM TBM air defense system will be able to fire a volley of 96 missiles. The air defense system received a new sighting station with a phased antenna array. Thanks to this, the system sees targets at a distance of up to 75 kilometers. Thus, the effective firing range of the complex is increased to 40 kilometers - twice as much as compared to Pantsir-S1.
