Russian Naval Group to Be Permanently Deployed in Eastern Mediterranean | World Defense

Russian Naval Group to Be Permanently Deployed in Eastern Mediterranean


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Nov 17, 2017
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Russian Naval Group to Be Permanently Deployed in Eastern Mediterranean

Russian General Staff Chief Army General Valery Gerasimov has unveiled plans for the Russian naval group in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea after the end of the military operation in Syria.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Russian naval group will be permanently deployed in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea after the end of the military operation in Syria, Russian General Staff Chief Army General Valery Gerasimov told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in an interview issued on Wednesday.

"We will not withdraw… Our group of vessels is permanently operating in the Mediterranean now… And it will remain there on a regular basis," Gerasimov said.

Gerasimov also said that around 60-70 Russian drones are carrying out reconnaissance flights in Syria every day.

"Some 60-70 drones are carrying out flights in Syria every day. They are carrying out reconnaissance, there are drones that are fulfilling electronic suppression tasks and other missions," he said.
Earlier in the year, Black Sea Fleet spokesman Capt. 1st Rank Vyacheslav Trukhachev reported that the Russian Navy's Mediterranean task force had grown to 15 warships and vessels.

In October, Russian submarines made two strikes from Mediterannean sea with Kalibr cruise missiles on terrorists in Syria, according to the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov. He also added added that the Russian air group and naval forces continued to support a Syrian government offensive aimed to defeat the terrorist group Daesh in the Euphrates River valley.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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Russia setting up permanent naval presence at Syrian bases
December 27, 2017


Russian defense ministry photo of frigate 'Admiral Essen' which was part of the Mediterranean task force this year

The Russian Navy will be establishing a permanent presence at its Syrian bases after a deal signed with Syria was ratified by the lower house of the Russian Federal Assembly.

According to Russian news outlet RIA, the bill – submitted earlier this month – was ratified on Tuesday.

In addition to the naval bases, the agreement on Russia’s use of military facilities in Syria includes the Khmeimim Air Base, south-east of the city of Latakia.

With a renewed access to the port of Tartus, which Russia plans to upgrade from a refueling facility to a permanent naval base, the Russian Navy will be able to have a permanent presence in the Mediterranean Sea.

According to a Sputnik report, Russian General Staff Chief Army General Valery Gerasimov said the Russian naval group would be permanently deployed in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea after the end of the military operation in Syria.

The agreement will provide Russian Navy ships access to Tartus, and other Syrian ports, for an additional 49 years.

After new piers are built and waterways dredged, the base is expected to be capable of simultaneously accommodating 11 vessels, including large surface combatants and the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.