Saudi Arabia commits War Crime | World Defense

Saudi Arabia commits War Crime


Dec 26, 2014
319 0 0
Saudi Arabia commits War Crime by Forced Use of Prisoners in Syria Insurgency | Global Research

The official, classified document shows that the authorities of Saudi Arabia have ordered the release of a group of the most dangerous criminals who have been sentenced to death in exchange for going to fight in Syria. Prior to their deployment to Syria the convicts are to be trained in unconventional warfare, terrorism, or in what is euphemistically described as Jihad.

The group of convicts includes 105 Yemeni, 21 Palestinian, 212 Saudi, 96 Sudanese, 254 Syrian, 82 Jordanian, 68 Somali, 32 Afghan, 194 Egyptian, 203 Pakistani, 23 Iraqi and 44 Kuwaiti citizens. It is unlikely that this group is the only such group that is going to be deployed from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia´s release of convicts with death sentences and their forced use as insurgents is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions, which among other regulate the wartime rights of civilian and military prisoners. Their deployment to Syria is likely to constitute forced use of prisoners and could potentially lead to a prosecution of the Saudi government at the International Criminal Court in The Haag.

According to the US Special Forces Training Circular TC 18-01 the US military will for the foreseeable future be predominantly involved in irregular warfare. (1) Post 25th NATO Summit NATO doctrine, which describes the illegal war on Libya as a teachable moment and model for future interventions has underpinned this tendency. (2) It is thus not surprising that Saudi Arabia is not the sole country within the anti-Syria alliance that deploys convicts.

In September 2012 PRESS TV and AL Alam journalist Maya Naser was killed by snipers in Damascus when he reported from the scene of two bomb blasts in Damascus. According to reliable sources the snipers have been positioned two hours before the blasts. It is highly probable that the targeting of Maya Naser and the timing was no coincidence.

During the week prior to his assassination, Maya Naser was investigating Turkey´s forced use of prisoners. Naser began his investigation after it transpired that several of the killed or captured insurgents in Syria were convicts who, according to their sentences should be incarcerated in Turkish prisons. (3) Naser had copies of several passports to substantiate the claim.

Some of the killed or captured Turkish convicts had ties to Al Qaeda associated organizations. One of the more prominent, among these convict insurgents, was the brother of the leader of the 2003 HSBC bombers. The bombing of the HSBC bank in Istanbul in 2003 killed 67 and wounded more than 700 people. The Saudi document indicates that the forced use of prisoners in Saudi Arabia and Turkey is part of a GCC-NATO strategy rather than isolated incidents.

The evidence provided by Maya Naser and the Saudi Arabian document warrant an investigation and prosecution of Turkey, Saudi Arabia as well as against NATO at the International Criminal Court, ICC.

Whether any of the war crimes will be investigated or prosecuted, however, is more than just uncertain. For one it is unlikely that any of the western nations will demand an investigation or prosecution. For the other, both Russia and China are most likely considering the already very tense bilateral and multilateral relations between respectively Russia, China and the USA, UK and France. Iran, which is currently chairing the Non Aligned Movement is under sustained pressure from the USA, Canada, the EU and its Gulf-Arab neighbors. The Tehran government is likely to think twice before it risks worsening diplomatic relations to the west.

In other words, Turkey´s, Saudi Arabia´s and NATO´s blatant violations of the Geneva Conventions, their forced use of prisoners and state sponsored terrorism is likely not to be noticed by the ICC, which ten years after the Rome Statute has exclusively prosecuted, imprisoned and sentenced heads of state and government officials who dared to oppose US, EU and NATO hegemony.

If the document ever makes it into western mainstream media, which also is highly doubtful, it may cause a half-baked scandal and it may be used for scapegoating and positioning the one or the other with the implicit purpose of justifying or covering up ones own crimes. It will hardly result in an investigation, prosecution, or a cessation of state sponsored terrorism and forced use of prisoners.


Nov 27, 2014
3,197 56 0
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Pro Assad big mouthing as always. Dude seriously! Who buys this shit? Im using my phone typing this. Let me get back to this rabsh once i get home.


Feb 2, 2015
10 0 0
This is so diabolical that someone should write it into a movie.
I fear for Syria and what the future holds for it's people, shouldn't Saudi Arabia be looking for a solution to this problem instead of adding fuel to the fire?
As for the ICC they're nothing but a toothless dog, a country like Saudi Arabia has oil, which means wealth and power. I do not see them being brought to account for these actions.


Dec 26, 2014
319 0 0
While everyone's are fixed on ISIS, Assad has free rein to do as he pleases? Dropping bombs on civilians and no one does anything to stop him? If the rumor is true then I believe that the Saudis should be commended for what they are doing. They are doing what no one else is doing — fighting Assad. Unconventionally. Why?

Saudi Arabia isn't at war with Syria and for that reason they can't send their army openly. In fact, the rumor is nothing more than a half-truth. Saudi Arabia merely provided training to rebels opposing Assad.
Saudi Arabia is preparing to spend millions of dollars to arm and train thousands of Syrian fighters[please note that Syrian fighters is a term used loosely to describe anyone of any nationality fighting in Syria] in a new national rebel force to help defeat Bashar al-Assad and act as a counterweight to increasingly powerful jihadi organisations.
This was back in 2013. And the training was to be an ongoing exercise . . .


Dec 26, 2014
41 0 0
New Zealand
New Zealand
I wander what answers we will get, or will it be a blame game and people just saying he did this or this person is the cause and try to hush it up and try to move on as if it was a mistake. I think it is good, that some are opposing this person and seeing him for who he really is and try and get rid of him as he is about himself not the country. There could be riots occuring, soon as people lose faith in the government and try to cause violence and that will cause more deaths and not solve any problems which they thought it would.