If you have that much money , honey will come itlselfAll you need is money and your honey (babe)
So true.If you have that much money , honey will come itlself
The idea of a water home always intrigued me. A proper water home, not a boat. Boats can be cramped, this looks quite spacious, and well thought of.
If you think, posting here is safe, go ahead, would love to see them.Actually, one of my hobbies is small boat architecture and design. There are a large number of houseboat designs not as elaborate as this, not as cramped as you might imagine, but very liveable in.
Wonder why it has not been replicated in UAE ?Floating house seems fascinatingThe idea of a water home always intrigued me. A proper water home, not a boat. Boats can be cramped, this looks quite spacious, and well thought of.
If you think, posting here is safe, go ahead, would love to see them.