South China Sea islands are only for civilian use, says Chinese general | World news | The Guardian
Beijing sought to soothe tensions over its South China Sea claims, saying it will avoid the use of force in the region as the US ponders sending war ships close to territory claimed by the Asian giant.
Speaking at a defence forum in Beijing, General Fan Changlong, who is vice-chair of China’s central military commission, pledged that the country would “never recklessly resort to the use of force, even on issues bearing on sovereignty”.
“We have done our utmost to avoid unexpected conflicts,” he added.
The US says that China’s transformation of South China Sea reefs into artificial islands capable of hosting military facilities presents a threat to freedom of navigation, and defence officials have hinted they may soon use naval forces to test Chinese claims.
But Fan said that the projects were mainly intended for civilian use and “will not affect freedom of navigation in the South China Sea”.
“Instead, they will enable us to provide better public services to aid navigation and production in the South China Sea.”
The argument is one Beijing has made many times before, but satellite images of the islands published by the US think-tank Center for Strategic and International Studies have shown as many as three runways on the islands that could accommodate fighter jets, raising concerns about China’s true intentions.
Speaking in Washington earlier this week, Pentagon chief Ashton Carter said the US would continue to sail wherever international law allowed.
Gary Roughead, former US chief of naval operations, told the forum the scale of the building of ports and airfields in the seas by China raised legitimate concerns.
“I do not see an influx of tourists clamouring to visit these remote outposts,” he said.
Following Fan’s remarks, Malaysian defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein, whose country is a claimant in the South China Sea, said the “statement was reassuring to us all”, but cautioned that the best way to address concerns was the establishment of a code of conduct for claimants in the region.
Beijing sought to soothe tensions over its South China Sea claims, saying it will avoid the use of force in the region as the US ponders sending war ships close to territory claimed by the Asian giant.
Speaking at a defence forum in Beijing, General Fan Changlong, who is vice-chair of China’s central military commission, pledged that the country would “never recklessly resort to the use of force, even on issues bearing on sovereignty”.
“We have done our utmost to avoid unexpected conflicts,” he added.
The US says that China’s transformation of South China Sea reefs into artificial islands capable of hosting military facilities presents a threat to freedom of navigation, and defence officials have hinted they may soon use naval forces to test Chinese claims.
But Fan said that the projects were mainly intended for civilian use and “will not affect freedom of navigation in the South China Sea”.
“Instead, they will enable us to provide better public services to aid navigation and production in the South China Sea.”
The argument is one Beijing has made many times before, but satellite images of the islands published by the US think-tank Center for Strategic and International Studies have shown as many as three runways on the islands that could accommodate fighter jets, raising concerns about China’s true intentions.
Speaking in Washington earlier this week, Pentagon chief Ashton Carter said the US would continue to sail wherever international law allowed.
Gary Roughead, former US chief of naval operations, told the forum the scale of the building of ports and airfields in the seas by China raised legitimate concerns.
“I do not see an influx of tourists clamouring to visit these remote outposts,” he said.
Following Fan’s remarks, Malaysian defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein, whose country is a claimant in the South China Sea, said the “statement was reassuring to us all”, but cautioned that the best way to address concerns was the establishment of a code of conduct for claimants in the region.