The prophecy of ideological wars comes true | World Defense

The prophecy of ideological wars comes true


Dec 5, 2014
1,989 10 0
Saturday, 21 February 2015

Samar Fatany

Saudi Arabia has condemned the heinous terrorist acts that killed and injured innocent people in Copenhagen and North Carolina.

In an official statement, the Kingdom urged the need for respecting religious beliefs and halting incitement against Muslims.

Targeting innocent Muslims and labeling all as terrorists has reached dangerous levels in the West. Many Muslims today believe that the West is at war with Islam.

Others are convinced that 9/11 was orchestrated to demonize the religion and make an enemy of all Muslims around the world.

The neo-cons and a large segment of the American media that is under Zionist control continue a malicious campaign to incite hatred against Muslims and they deliberately destroy any attempt to create harmony and respect between the American people and law-abiding Muslims.

The American public is made to believe that Arabs and Muslims are out to destroy Western civilization. While the truth is that it is Israel which is intent on destroying the Palestinian culture and is working politically, militarily, economically and culturally to remove Palestine from the map.

The strong Zionist control of the media and Congress in the United States does not allow this ugly truth about Israel to come out.

Since its occupation of Palestine in 1948, the terrorist state of Israel has refused to define its borders and it continues to rob Palestinians of their land, evicts them from their homes, kills innocent children, puts women behind bars, and bullies and starves the helpless inhabitants applying the tactics of genocide to illegally create Greater Israel.

Demonizing Islam and Muslims remains largely unchallenged and peaceful coexistence is becoming impossible to achieve

Samar Fatany
In the meantime, anyone attempting to support a Palestinian State who dares to speak out against Israeli aggressions is viciously targeted and accused of being anti-Semitic.

Any American citizen questioning the Holocaust is harassed, honorable Jews who are critical of Israel are shunned and accused of treason, and innocent American Muslims are condemned for being Muslims.

The majority of those in the Muslim world have no doubt that terrorist operations carried out in the West are cleverly plotted and encouraged by Zionists and malicious pro-Israeli elements in the US.

However, no one can prove it yet. Many believe that ignorant, disgruntled Muslims are manipulated and used as foot soldiers, guided and supported by Mosaad tactics and funds.

Meanwhile, it is not only Arabs and Muslims who are weak and unable to stand up against Israel “the world’s most formidable foe”.

The international community at large remains incapable of maintaining world peace and providing just solutions to end conflicts and wars that are ignited to serve Israeli interests.

“Muslims are the enemies of the Judeo-Christian civilization” is the discourse that is encouraged in the US and elsewhere in the West by the Israeli lobby.

For too long the gullible American public has been convinced that Muslims are the enemies of the Jewish state and, therefore, they are the enemies of the Christian world.

What is more frustrating is the helplessness of Arab and Muslim countries and their inability to counter this narrative against Muslims in the West and particularly in America.

Meanwhile, the narrative of the so-called Islamic State is also a threat to all Muslims. The ideology of this group of impostors is a blatant distortion of all Islamic principles whether misinformed non-Muslim people believe it or not.

The horror that is spread by this terrorist organization in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere is beyond any human comprehension.

The gruesome videos of mutilated bodies of Muslims, Christians, Sunnis and Shias does not reflect any sane human ideology.

It is more like a projection of Hollywood horror movies starring robotic soldiers who are led by remote control or humans who are under the influence of drugs and ordered to carry out missions that can only serve the selfish agendas of Israel or corrupt and merciless powers wanting to control the world.

The terrorist impostors disguised as Muslims do not have the authority or the legitimacy to represent the one billion Muslims of the world.

They are a group of criminals who have very few followers. The majority of Muslims openly condemn their heinous inhumane acts.

According to the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), there will come a time when certain individuals and sects will rise in his Ummah who will cause dissension, mischief and tribulation.

They will spread among Arabs and many will die because of this fitnah or conflict. The holy Prophet (pbuh) has prophesied that the Arab and Muslim world will be threatened with fitnah because of the rise of false leaders, a group of so-called Muslims who will recite the Holy Quran in melodious voices but will not understand its meaning.

Under the pretext of inviting masses to the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, they will actually take them far away from Islam.

Unfortunately, Arabs and Muslims have been complacent and have not been able to counter the ideological war that our Prophet (PBUH) has warned us about.

Time for support
It is time we support media savvy professionals and train our young journalists to counter the anti-Muslim narrative and the distorted terrorist version of Islam propagated by the “terrorist State” and its supporters.

Muslim media professionals should have been more alert and should have strongly rejected the popularized name of the so-called “Islamic State” and should have labeled them with a name that truly describes their criminality, such as: “ the State of Al-Khawarij, “the outsiders who have deviated from the faith, “the State of “Al-Safaheen”, the butchers, or “the State of Al-Muhtaleen”, the impostors.

Demonizing Islam and Muslims remains largely unchallenged and peaceful coexistence is becoming impossible to achieve.

The worldwide climate of terror continues and there are futile efforts to end the destruction and ruin. Is this the end of time?

This article was first published in the Saudi Gazette on Feb 21, 2015.


Feb 6, 2015
40 0 0
Well this is a great post and the article also is good. I have had beliefs for a long while now that Israel is dangerous and they have committed war crimes against the Palestine people when they drop bombs on residential areas without regard for innocent civilians. Israel is just a bully that has the protection of the US and so they continue to use the US like a puppet to their advantage in the Middle East.


Dec 26, 2014
2 0 0
Well ideological wars have always been around since unrecorded history, but since WW2, fomentation and instigation of ideological wars have become more prolific and is now the mainstay of warfare for more powerful countries. Most of these news stories that are generated are created to sensationalize and evoke people's emotions, for example, look at the recent Brian Williams fraudulent news report and how easy it is for mainstream news to mislead people into believing this and that. What brings me to shame is that more people beyond the borders of the U.S.A., know that the U.S. Government had funded all these past few decades of terrorist groups and cells like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It's best in my opinion, that people look at the U.S. Government as a world police for hire, because that's what the corporation known as the U.S. has been operating as for the last 60 years plus.

Thanks for the post!


Feb 11, 2015
37 0 1
Any American citizen questioning the Holocaust is harassed, honorable Jews who are critical of Israel are shunned and accused of treason, and innocent American Muslims are condemned for being Muslims.

Read more:

OK This entire thing is some of the worst BS I've ever read, but this bit about the Holocaust is THE worst! How in the world can any thinking person deny the Holocaust??? We have so many WWII vets, still alive today, who witnessed the horror of it, including members of my own family! This is one "big lie" that a lot of us are immune to, thank God!


Mar 9, 2015
226 2 0
Any American citizen questioning the Holocaust is harassed, honorable Jews who are critical of Israel are shunned and accused of treason, and innocent American Muslims are condemned for being Muslims.

Read more:

OK This entire thing is some of the worst BS I've ever read, but this bit about the Holocaust is THE worst! How in the world can any thinking person deny the Holocaust??? We have so many WWII vets, still alive today, who witnessed the horror of it, including members of my own family! This is one "big lie" that a lot of us are immune to, thank God!

The Hypocrisy is; You can't talk about Holocaust or you will be anti-semite and get arrested (in some European countries),
But you can insult Islam to your hearts' content, in the name of the free speech.


Dec 30, 2014
62 2 0
Any American citizen questioning the Holocaust is harassed, honorable Jews who are critical of Israel are shunned and accused of treason, and innocent American Muslims are condemned for being Muslims.

The majority of those in the Muslim world have no doubt that terrorist operations carried out in the West are cleverly plotted and encouraged by Zionists and malicious pro-Israeli elements in the US.

There are some fair points made here, especially about the growing Islamophobia in the world, but these paragraphs reveal the writer's mindset. The Holocaust is one of the most well-documented atrocities committed by humanity in recent memory. It is an example of how a previously successful and well-integrated community of people can be socially marginalized, systematically oppressed, dehumanized and finally, eradicated.

All done with the tacit permission and at least partial knowledge of the majority of the domestic population and international leaders. Western countries have laws restricting Holocaust deniers, largely because of their moral embarrassment at their historical involvement and subsequent determination to prevent the glorification of the Third Reich and Neo-Nazi movements.

Conflating the state of Israel, the ideology of Zionism and people of Jewish faith around the world into one monolithic entity is a staple for conspiracy theorists, but not a remotely accurate depiction of reality. You can't call out the growing Islamophobia in the world, without letting go of your own prejudices.


Feb 11, 2015
37 0 1
The Hypocrisy is; You can't talk about Holocaust or you will be anti-semite and get arrested (in some European countries),
But you can insult Islam to your hearts' content, in the name of the free speech.
Really? Really? Maybe if you want to go into hiding for the rest of your life! Personally I don't think having a problem with radical Islam, or garden variety Islam, or any other ideology should automatically be deemed as fill in the blank phobia! The holocaust happened! Yes it did! It still hurts! At the very best holocaust deniers are stupid, at worst, dangerous!


Mar 9, 2015
226 2 0
Really? Really? Maybe if you want to go into hiding for the rest of your life! Personally I don't think having a problem with radical Islam, or garden variety Islam, or any other ideology should automatically be deemed as fill in the blank phobia! The holocaust happened! Yes it did! It still hurts! At the very best holocaust deniers are stupid, at worst, dangerous!

Point is selective criticism and you know it better than me.

American's as i observed, are very careful about racism, especially to black people. Like if you say "Nigger" in tv, US will shake... but they don't tend to be careful about religion. I see they can be very critic against Christianity, mock Jesus Christ.... but we Muslims are sensitive about our religion.

Of course insulting Islam can not justify violence or killings...but it is hurting the sentiments of millions of people. Why can't you be careful about that issue like you happen to be on antisemitism-racism,sexism, etc....

Of course when we say this. You guys automatically say, freedom of speech, liberty, democracy, blah blah blah. Western hypocrisy at it's best.


Feb 11, 2015
37 0 1
Point is selective criticism and you know it better than me.

American's as i observed, are very careful about racism, especially to black people. Like if you say "Nigger" in tv, US will shake... but they don't tend to be careful about religion. I see they can be very critic against Christianity, mock Jesus Christ.... but we Muslims are sensitive about our religion.

Of course insulting Islam can not justify violence or killings...but it is hurting the sentiments of millions of people. Why can't you be careful about that issue like you happen to be on antisemitism-racism,sexism, etc....

Of course when we say this. You guys automatically say, freedom of speech, liberty, democracy, blah blah blah. Western hypocrisy at it's best.
I DO believe in free speech (I seem to differ with a lot of my countrymen on this these days ), but I also don't see any reason to gratuitously offend people.I agree with some of what you say. It actually does offend me when people mock Jesus, but I change the channel or leave the room. Not only do I respect everyone's right to be rude, I also know that my God is much bigger than any misguided jokes made about Him.