I speak only facts and empirical evidence.
1. F-22 banned from export
2. F-35 is slower, less range and less manoeuvrable than Su-35
3. RAND study concluded that F-35 "can't turn, can't climb, can't run"
These are all FACTS. Your factual contributions to this thread are...? Nowhere. Instead, simple racism.
1) Su57 is no where close to F22. Just it's straight engine ducts, and exposed engine nozzles are a dead give away.
2) F35's maneuverability has been debunked many times, Here is a link, that hints at some of its capabilities:
New videos leaked from the US Air Force's F-35 demo or stunt flying team show the jet making head-spinning turns that older jets could never hit.
3) Rand study being quoted by you is more than 10yrs old. Forget the F35, even the F16 Blk60 has gotten upgrades in the last decade +.
Nonetheless, the F35 Blk3F flying today has undergone many upgrades in the last one decade.