I am usually a polite person, yeah? But could you kindly -- just kindly -- not generalize the 110M people living in this country as 2% good, 98% bad as if you've met every single one of us. Yeah? Like, my experience with white expats living here have been that 100% of them are douches and think they're better than this Third World country with its Third World citizens and think their lowkey racism is okay because they live here now and we need to conform to them even when they were the ones who chose to live here. Seriously. No exceptions. Even those that seemed kind at first would let their casual quips of racism slip like, "Well, the Philippines is a poor country so obviously you wouldn't know this [thing that I and other Filipinos actually do know; we read books and have access to internet hello]," or more obvious things like, "Well what do you expect, I'm living in this dump country that can't even have something as simple as good internet," when their Skype connection had to be restarted..
This is a very VERY common response from Filipinos who can not stand it when truth is brought about their culture, They absolutely hate it when people tell the truth, and always use the Generalization crap on us. The bottom line is If you dont like it CHANGE IT. dont let your neighbors rip foreigners off, stop scamming them, stop looking at them as an ATM. Start putting as much into changing your peoples ways of scamming conning and stealing from foreigners as you do in defending their actions with this generalization crap.
Don't get mad at us because the truth hurts and you don't like it.
Just the other day my wife heard the lady down the street complaining because I dont spend money in her store, she told her nephews and grandchildren (who are my age) Not to associate with em because I am not a retired pensioner and I wont spend money in their store, and you know what, they did it, all because they think I wont give them money.
You seem to have much more generalization than I do in your post, yet you complain an awful lot about it.
But I would obviously not automatically think that every new expat I'll meet is a douche considering I've never talked to them yet. I don't know them. I can't judge them based on my experiences on the actual people I have met. So kindly limit your generalizations to yourself please. You can be critical of this country and its people without diminishing us to this caricature.
SO NUR lets be completely honest here and rest your little temper tantrum of defense let me tell you exactly what has happened to me and you tell us what we should thin and feel about it. ( I already know his answer HAHA)
Every single person we hired to work on helping us build our home and business wanted paid up front and refused to work if we didn't , and then would skip out before their job was done, the ones that didn't skip out had commission contracts with product supply stores and would build a section and say they made a mistake so they would have to tear that out and buy more products to re-do what they were already paid to do once.
Employees we hired and paid 1.8 times the going minimum wage for our area stole products form us, cash from us and when were caught on camera the police would not prosecute because I was a foreigner and it would not be right to prosecute a filipino for stealing from a foreigner. My friend who was there for another reason at the time overheard them talking and translated what they were saying as we walked out together. I mean how much more proof do you need than a CCTV camera.
The residents of the community ADULTS and even Tanod children stole products from our store, a lot, I mean a lot they would buy 20 pesos worth of stuff and steal 300 pesos.
My wife and I had 3 businesses and our house burned to the ground, because the captain of our barangay was involved, our businesses were in competition with 3 of his friends business. The people who were involved and responsible for the crime were never ever punished and made to accept responsibility.
After the place was burned to the ground all the Filipinos in town decided they would trespass and steal as much copper, metal and burned plastic as they could in order to sell it and put money in their pocket. (Mind you we lived right across for the Tanod Station where the captain and his band of misfits sat drank and watched it all)
There is a lot more I just dont feel like typing it

Out of 130 people we have conducted business with in any aspect of business in this country 1 person has came thru did what he promised and conducted himself ethically and non judgmentally against me and my wallet. Add my experiences with my friends in Manila, Cebu, Butuan and outerlying provinces around them and the numbers get worse and worse leaving you with 2% good and 98% bad.