Turkey Afrin Offensive - Operation Olive Branch | Page 2 | World Defense

Turkey Afrin Offensive - Operation Olive Branch


Dec 5, 2017
283 9 0
Buffer zone means no fly zone. Is turkey capable of shutting down the airspace against Russian use?

Buffer / Safe Zone on soil. PKK has no airforce. Here are the selected targets . Others will follow, East of Euphrates too.




Double faced racist west


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Staff member
Nov 25, 2014
2,410 25 0
Buffer / Safe Zone on soil. PKK has no airforce. Here are the selected targets . Others will follow, East of Euphrates too.


Double faced racist west


and an other attached ( Swedish Travel Company advertisement)

A buffer zone inside Syria means no fly zone at all, no commercial, no private, no military airplanes, fighter jets...etc are going to be permitted to fly over the zone. What would be the Russians response to this is my question.


Dec 5, 2017
283 9 0
A buffer zone inside Syria means no fly zone at all, no commercial, no private, no military airplanes, fighter jets...etc are going to be permitted to fly over the zone. What would be the Russians response to this is my question.

You are wrong buddy. There is a safe /buffer zone in Cyprus too, but open for flights.



Nov 27, 2014
3,197 56 0
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
We have to wait. Turkey didn't put all cards on th etable. USA is reacting idiotic and will pay.

What could Turkey possibly do to prevent the US from supporting the Kurds? If the Kurds are willing to establish a nation then why not? They are not Turkey there are in Syria and Iraq. Does Turkey fear a future rebellion by the Kurds living in Turkey? If the US is determined to support the Kurds then neither Turkey nor anyone else can prevent that from happning. Turkey should be cautious not to put itself at risk.


Dec 5, 2017
283 9 0
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:55 P.M.) – The Syrian government has rejected the Kurdish PYD’s proposal to restore state institutions in the Afrin Canton, a source in Damascus told Al-Masdar News this afternoon.
According to the source, the PYD offered to raise the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic over their buildings and to restore state institutions in exchange for their continued support in the Afrin Canton.

However, the government rejected the proposal after the PYD refused to allow Syrian security forces inside the Afrin Canton.
The government fears that accepting this proposal will leave their institutions at the mercy of the Kurdish security forces, who have harassed their employees in other regions of the country, including in the northeastern cities of Hasakah and Qamishli.



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Nov 17, 2017
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Turkish-Backed Forces Cross Syrian Border as Afrin Op 'De Facto' Starts - Media

19 Jan 2018

US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert has previously urged Turkey not to engage in any invasion of Syria's Afrin.

According to Turkis DHA news agency, 20 buses with fighters from the Ankara-backed Free Syrian Army have crossed from Turkish Kilis into Syrian territory and are moving toward Azaz. However, no official confirmation has followed so far.

An operation in Syria's Afrin has started "de-facto" with cross-border shelling, however, no troops have been deployed in the city, Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli said in an interview with the Haberturk broadcaster.

The minister noted that the operation was "right to self-defense in line with international law," adding that the country was conducting all necessary preparations for the upcoming operation aimed at destroying all "terrorist corridors."

Turkey is consulting with Russia to bring closer approaches to the operation of the Turkish army in Syria's Afrin, the top official said, however, the Russian Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the situation.

"We are preparing for an operation in Afrin, we are taking the necessary steps for this. We are coordinating with Russia and other interested countries of the region, their views should be brought closer to our position since this operation will ultimately be carried out," Canikli said.

High-Precision Weapons to be Used in Afrin Op

The statement comes amid a report by the Turkish Haberturk newspaper, saying that the Turkish forces were planning to use high-precision weaponry during the military action.

According to the media outlet, the Turkish Joint Staff has reviewed the plan of the operation, leaning toward the strategy of conducting combat in urban settings. Turkish forces are reportedly planning to use aviation and missiles with laser aiming devices as, according to the command, the militants will carry out combat from organized defensive positions in quarters of the town.
The newspaper further noted that the final decision on the use of the Turkish Air Force would be based on the results of a meeting between Turkish Armed Forces general Hulusi Akar and his Russian counterpart Valery Gerasimov. If Russia gives its consent, Turkish aircraft will be able to use the entire airspace above the town. Otherwise, the Turkish military will have to use laser-guided missiles and UAVs.

'Terrorist Army'

Turkey has been threatening to launch an operation in Afrin since last week after the US announced its decision to start training a border protection force composed of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, which has been described by Ankara as a "terrorist army."

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said earlier this week that Ankara was holding consultations with Moscow and Washington over a possible operation in Syria's Afrin against Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which Ankara considers a to be associated with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

The minister further noted that Turkey considered US claims on the undesirability of a military operation in Syria's Afrin "empty and senseless."

"We heard the assessment of the US State Department regarding the operation in Afrin. This is an empty and senseless claim, because the threat of IS [Daesh] is over," Canikli told the broadcaster.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said earlier in the day that Ankara would target the PKK, which is banned as a terrorist organization in Turkey, not the Kurds in general.


On Thursday, US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert urged Turkey not to engage in any invasion of Syria's Afrin.

The remark echoed a statement made by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who also assured that the US had no intention to build a Syria-Turkey border force, saying the issue, which has incensed Ankara, had been "misportrayed."

However, according to the Pentagon, despite the fact that it is not a "new army," Turkey's security concerns are "legitimate."

Damascus, in its turn, has vowed to destroy Turkish aircraft if they attack.

"We warn the Turkish leadership that if they initiate combat operations in the Afrin area, that will be considered an act of aggression by the Turkish army," Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Meqdad told reporters.



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Nov 17, 2017
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WATCH the Beginning of Turkey's Military Operation in Northern Syria
© REUTERS/ Osman Orsal


Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim declared that Turkey’s Armed Forced have launched an air operation to liquidate the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) and Daesh elements in Afrin.

The footage allegedly shows Turkish warplanes bombing the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and PYD targets in the Syrian city of Afrin. The start of the operation, dubbed “Olive Branch,” was confirmed by the Turkish Armed Forces. According to the Anadolu news agency, aircraft hit a PYD observation post in Syria’s northern district of Afrin. Turkish F-16 jets have carried out strikes on six targets in Afrin, while the armed forces have launched artillery shelling from the Kilis province, bordering Syria, the Turkish Hurriyet newspaper reported.

Turkey has been threatening to launch an offensive in Afrin since last week in response to the US decision to start training a new border security force comprising the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and led by the YPG, which Ankara regards as a terrorist group.



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Nov 17, 2017
24,465 1,293 0
Turkish Jets Hit Menagh Airbase Used by US to Supply Arms to Kurds - Reports
20 Jan 2018

More than 70 Turkish military aircraft that have been engaged in Ankara's Olive Branch operation in northern Syria against the Kurdish troop, according to Turkey' General Staff.

The Turkish Air Force attacked the Menagh Military Airbase in northwestern Syria, which the US used for supplying weapons to Kurdish armed forces, the Hurriyet newspaper reported citing military sources.

The newspaper noted that the airfield was among the 113 targets scheduled for the attack during Operation Olive Branch in Syrian Africa.

Commenting on the Olive Branch operation, launched earlier in the day, Turkey' General Staff announced that more than 70 Turkish military aircraft that have been engaged in the offensive.

"The airstrikes were conducted against terrorist targets in seven districts of Afrin, where 108 targets were hit. Seventy two aircraft of the Turkish Air Force engaged in the operation have successfully returned to their bases," the statement said.

As the Rojahat Roj, the Press Secretary of the Kurdish Self-Defense Forces YPG in Afrin, told Sputnik, the Turkish military advance resulted in bombing of about 100 positions in the Afrin area, with no casualties among the YPG forces, but at least sevean civilians wounded. As he specified, the Turkish military and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) wanted to enter Afrin from the territory of the Bilbile district, but YPG forces managed to prevent the move. According to the spokesperson, clashes are ongoing.

The press service of the authorities of the Afrin canton told Sputnik that at least 10 people were injured in airstrikes.

"According to the recent figures, 10 people were injured, including three people who suffered severe wounds. The list of injured people includes two children," the press service said, adding that local authorities had called on the residents of Afrin to donate blood for the victims of the Turkish airstrikes.

Despite the Ankara's assurances that they have notified Damascus about the operation progress, the latter has refuted these statements, vigorously condemning the moveand calling it the infringement on the country's sovereignty.
