Sorry, but IMO that is a really ....... reply. So far I believe that there isn't a single city, town or village that Russian troops haven't taken that wasn't at least destroyed beforehand by 80% and more. No one uses an Air-force to destroy settlements since 1990 (Aside maybe Russia) but military targets that are out of reach for ground units.- especially such as Artillery, Missile-units, command posts and heavy equipment plus infrastructure hot-spots such as bridges or transportation hubs.You probably don’t read what I’m writing, in the Donetsk region there is a record number of settlements in Ukraine, it makes no sense to use aviation, these settlements must be tried not to destroy, they will then pass to Russia. The Air Force flies every day, only for whom to work planes if the aviation of Ukraine is almost destroyed and it is undesirable to destroy settlements
Even collateral damage doesn't explain an 80% plus destruction of settlements - conducted in vast majority via Russian artillery. It's obvious that Russia has no viable Air-force assets. See Israeli precision strikes in urban Lebanon - that vast majority of urban damages is due to infighting within Lebanon's factions and not due to the IDF respectively their Air-force strikes.