US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State | World Defense

US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State


Dec 26, 2014
319 0 0
US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State - Telegraph

The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

Some of America’s closest allies say President Barack Obama and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest security crisis for decades.

They now say they are willing to “go it alone” in supplying heavy weapons to the Kurds, even if means defying the Iraqi authorities and their American backers, who demand all weapons be channelled through Baghdad.

High level officials from Gulf and other states have told this newspaper that all attempts to persuade Mr Obama of the need to arm the Kurds directly as part of more vigorous plans to take on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) have failed. The Senate voted down one attempt by supporters of the Kurdish cause last month.

The officials say they are looking at new ways to take the fight to Isil without seeking US approval.

“If the Americans and the West are not prepared to do anything serious about defeating Isil, then we will have to find new ways of dealing with the threat,” said a senior Arab government official. “With Isil making ground all the time we simply cannot afford to wait for Washington to wake up to the enormity of the threat we face.”

The Peshmerga have been successfully fighting Isil, driving them back from the gates of Erbil and, with the support of Kurds from neighbouring Syria, re-establishing control over parts of Iraq’s north-west.

But they are doing so with a makeshift armoury. Millions of pounds-worth of weapons have been bought by a number of European countries to arm the Kurds, but American commanders, who are overseeing all military operations against Isil, are blocking the arms transfers.

One of the core complaints of the Kurds is that the Iraqi army has abandoned so many weapons in the face of Isil attack, the Peshmerga are fighting modern American weaponry with out-of-date Soviet equipment.

The US has also infuriated its allies, particularly Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Gulf states, by what they perceive to be a lack of clear purpose and vacillation in how they conduct the bombing campaign. Other members of the coalition say they have identified clear Isil targets but then been blocked by US veto from firing at them.

“There is simply no strategic approach,” one senior Gulf official said. “There is a lack of coordination in selecting targets, and there is no overall plan for defeating Isil.”


May 26, 2015
111 1 0
This is not my turf but let me just toss in my 2 cents worth. My take on the issue is the fear of US (authorities) to arm the Kurds because when they defeat ISIS, the Kurds may take its place. From what I know, those fighting Kurds are rebels also and therefore there are 2 rebel groups fighting in the arena. So why get involved? Just my opinion.


Dec 26, 2014
319 0 0
The U.S doesn't want to see Iraq split up into smaller nations. Or at least they'll act like they don't want that. Giving the Kurds heavy weapons would mean that once they are done fighting ISIS, they could end up being exactly like ISIS or even if they aren't, they'll be strong enough to fight the Iraqi government and possibly seize large swathes of Iraq [land] for Kurdistan. To prevent that, the weapons the Kurds use are supplied by the government in Baghdad.