They contradicted the hell out of themselves. "We defend the freedom of speech, but there has to be a limit, a code of conduct". If there is a limit on what you can say, and someone dictates what you can and cannot say, you do not have a freedom of speech. That is common sense. Freedom of speech is necessary, and is one of the most important rights a person could have.
I also think it is incredibly ignorant to shoot up a building because a cartoonist called your religion violent. You are only making yourself look bad, and are digging your own grave, really. Nobody's religion is safe from criticism, and that is a good thing, because most religions are very silly and need to be made fun of. Ahmed needs to keep in mind that not everyone has to like, follow, or respect his belief. Taking away rights from people just because your feelings got a little hurt? That is ridiculous.
I also think it is incredibly ignorant to shoot up a building because a cartoonist called your religion violent. You are only making yourself look bad, and are digging your own grave, really. Nobody's religion is safe from criticism, and that is a good thing, because most religions are very silly and need to be made fun of. Ahmed needs to keep in mind that not everyone has to like, follow, or respect his belief. Taking away rights from people just because your feelings got a little hurt? That is ridiculous.