First of all i am going to repeat a quote of a smart man from my country. This is like 10th time i did this here. ' For a smart man, every war is lost. You do not need to participate to lose it!'
Now please open your eyes and realize that ISIS is the same thing as US. We could say they are synonyms. Sure, the terrorism is real, the war is real but it is conducted by the US and for world banking cartels. People in that war are the biggest losers because their holly war is in vain. For all the humanity any war will do more harm but for those inhumane bastards that strive for the power, control and money it will do so good. Divide and conquer is what they do for God only knows how long. I have seen it in my country of former Yugoslavia. The weak ones get the better end and the stronger , Serbia in this case , will get bad CNN propaganda so that the rest of the brainwashed world thinks Serbian people are some butchers, and child killers. The truth is for those who really care and are not blind to its harshness. Peace.