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Yemen Houthis storm Russian consulate in Aden
The rebels then deployed snipers at the consulate to hunt opponents. (File photo: Reuters)
By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Saturday, 4 April 2015
Yemeni Houthi militias stormed and took control of the headquarters of the Russian consulate in Aden, Al Arabiya News Channel reported on Saturday.
The rebels then deployed snipers at the consulate to hunt opponents.
Earlier, Saudi-led airstrikes were launched by against the Houthis’ military sites in the capital Sanaa, on the outskirts of Aden, and the province of Saada and Hejja on the Saudi-Yemeni border.
On Friday morning, the air campaign – labeled “Operation Decisive Storm” supplied Southern People's Resistance fighters loyal to Yemen's President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi with more weapons as they defend central Aden.
According to the “Aden al-Ghad” newspaper, which published photos of the operation, the weapons were supplied by aircrafts flying over various locations in Aden.
The weapons were supplied by aircrafts flying over various locations in Aden. (Photo courtesy: Aden al-Ghad)
The sources said that the operation was successful and the resistance fighters received all weapons, including sophisticated communication equipment and light weapons.
“Aden al-Ghad” published images of at least one wooden crate attached to a parachute, which it said had landed in Aden. Fighters in Aden were seen putting the crates in small pickup trucks.
The weapons were supplied by aircrafts flying over various locations in Aden. (Photo courtesy: Aden al-Ghad)
Last Update: Saturday, 4 April 2015 KSA 12:50 - GMT 09:50
something i dont understand.. why dont saudi war ship carry 1 or 2 Apache helicopters and use them in aden ?! or in cities near the coast ?!
well its badly needed.There are roaming news that Apache is taking part nowadays in Aden. I don't know how genuine the news is. I hope its true.
well its badly needed.
for our Jordanians brothers here where is this beauty ? we need it now!
lol no buddy thats not a transporter at all. check out the video. its a mini AC-130U gunship. or a long range Apache helicopterDo we need more transporters? I don't think so. Saudi Arabia has the C-130, Qatar and UAE has the C-17 GlobalMaster. Enough to mobilize troops and evacuate when needed.