Seems like officials are implicating pilot and no one is going to counter check their claims.
Instead of looking at own history of un-explainable plane crashes, PIA is shameless blaming a pilot, who risk his life flying airplanes of a most corrupt organization on surface of earth. Bloody PIA operated by so called contractors of Islam.
Unfortunately corruption in Pakistan has risen to Zardari level, since Imran Khan took over.
PIA curraption is open to all, That is there default way alway put everything on poor departed soul pilot every time and get away of there poor maintenance processes of aircraft, when these harami mafia eat up all funds what will left to spend on poor plan maintenance.
My point it Now and never.
Just sack all directly and indirectly involved in this poor maintenance system.
Then hang major culprit for once. for God sack these were brothers, sisters. mothers fathers, children of some families, There life mean no importance to us as nation. Wakeup and take stand agiant these criminals corrupts HANG THEM. otherwise these animals keep eating our brothers and sisters and drinking there blood.
#planecrash #PIAPlaneCrash #pakistan