The F-16 and Afghanistan threads are getting intertwined. Moved posts over here.
I would like to see Russia, China and US fight each other by throwing money at Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Let me give you the bigger picture, the way I see it. US hegemony of the world is base on the dollar as the reserve currency (more accurately the petrodollar) and control of sea routes of trade--Straits of Malacca, Suez Canal, Panama Canal, etc. US decided that Bab al-Mandab should be another choke point and established a base in Djibouti. China countered.
But China's real answer to this is the digital yuan and BRI, respectively. Trade by land is today cheaper than trade by sea, like it used to be before the industrial revolution. Today China is eating USA's lunch and there is nothing they can do about it, except destroy everything through terrorism.
To think that somehow US will suddenly change tack and start supporting BRI is just wishful thinking. They will never do this despite the superficial noises they make. That said, Pakistan needs to engage the new Quad comprehensively, but understand what this is about.