Uncle Doc J
Again my favorite news-source pointed-out a huge discrepancy: French free-speech advocates organized a rally to protest Muslim Terrorism, not even ONE American leader joined to support them (not even the one who was in France discussing counter-terrorism!);
however ALL of America's major federal-leaders hurried into Saudi Arabia to support the family-&-friends of a Saudi leader who died!
The difference--pointed out on the program--was that the French didn't control something-like one-fifth of the world's oil!
Shows the truth about "freedom of speech," doesn't it---you're free to speak anything anytime, but you're only free to have your speech heard & -supported if you are worth 'money'!
however ALL of America's major federal-leaders hurried into Saudi Arabia to support the family-&-friends of a Saudi leader who died!
The difference--pointed out on the program--was that the French didn't control something-like one-fifth of the world's oil!
Shows the truth about "freedom of speech," doesn't it---you're free to speak anything anytime, but you're only free to have your speech heard & -supported if you are worth 'money'!